Find some of the latest profiles on Enterprise Europe Network for partner search, new business at your doorstep published October 1st, 2017.
Within the Enterprise Europe network other specialized fields are available for partner search such as automotive, industry and biochemtech. Make your own query for partner searches based on your interest at this database and find new business at your doorstep.
Enterprise Europe Network, with its 600 partner organizations in over 70 countries, helps companies find business opportunities across the European Union and beyond.
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Technology : Innovative & dynamic groundwater skimming solution on offer for soil remediation Technology OFFER from Belgium A Belgian SME, active in the soil remediation, developed a patented solution to eliminate, by vacuum skimming, the pollutants floating on the aquifers. The solution has some major competitive advantages versus other skimming technics such as the adaptability to level variations or to free phase texture. The company does guaranty the elimination of 100% of any free phase present into the wells. They're looking for commercial agreements with technical assistance or service agreements in Germany. |
Business : A Slovenian producer of dust collection and filtration devices and systems is looking for distributors Business OFFER from Slovenia A Slovenian company is specialized in the production of certified dust collection and filtration devices and systems for demanding conditions and is looking for distributors |
Technology : Organic waste microwave treatment process to produce syngas Technology OFFER from Spain A Spanish R&D institute has developed a technological process based on obtaining syngas out of organic or lignocellulosic solid waste. The process is based on a two-steps microwave-induced pyrolysis. This method avoids the generation of unwanted by-products (such as pyrolysis oils), and does not create any kind of environmental pollution. Industrial machinery, device manufacturers, solid waste managers or energy producers are being sought to collaborate through a patent license agreement. |
Business : Partners sought for on-site treatment of chemical and industrial hazardous waste streams Business OFFER from Israel An Israeli SME offers an on-line method to treat and recycle organic wastes from chemical, pharmaceutical, refinery and industrial chemical processes. Advantages include minimal energy consumption, compliance with the most stringent regulations in the world and ability to treat the organic waste products on-line, when they are formed (place, time and concentration). The company is looking for commercial agency and distribution services agreements. |
Business : Italian artisanal producer of ecological and allergen-free premium detergents and cosmetics is looking for agents and distributors Business OFFER from Italy An Italian artisanal producer of high quality ecological detergents and cosmetics free from long-term toxic substances is active since 2007 both in ethical consumers market and in the hotellerie-restaurant-café (ho.re.ca.) and professional users segments. The company is currently looking for agents and distributors in foreign markets. |
Business : Dutch developer of a space saving solution for biofiltration suitable for biological odour reduction and control is looking for distributors Business OFFER from Netherlands A Dutch SME developed a space saving system combining a biofilter and a trickling filter. This system provides biological odour treatment for gases such as ammonia (NH3), hydrogen sulphide (H2S), volatile organic compounds (VOC), hydrocarbons, etc. No chemicals are used at all in this environmentally friendly solution for odour control. The company offers distribution services agreement to partners with good connections to industries such as wastewater treatment, slaughter houses, etc. |
Business : Polish producer of interior and exterior construction paints is looking for agents Business OFFER from Poland A Polish company active in the chemical industry since 1973 is offering latex, acrylic, ceramic, silicon and silicate mineral paints for walls (interior and exterior), ceilings and roofs. The products are durable, washable, have antibacterial, antifungal and damp-proofing properties. The firm also offers special paint that neutralises gaseous pollutants. Commercial agency or distribution services agreements are offered to importers, wholesalers or retailers of construction materials. |
Technology : Physical treatement of materials to enhance protection from electromagnetic chaotic pollution Technology OFFER from Italy An Italian company active in the ecological, medical and wellness fields developed a technology able to implement physical information in specific objects and individual accessories for the protection from electrosmog’s disturbances. The company is looking for partners willing to invest in the development of the technology through commercial agreement with technical assistance. Technical cooperation agreement with the aim of codesign a product with enhanced features is also welcome. |
Technology : Reversed osmosis technology driven by renewable energy Technology REQUEST from Netherlands A Dutch governmental organisation is looking for a proven reversed osmosis technology driven by renewable sources for application in the Caribbean territories of the Netherlands. The organisation is looking for technology options for a feasibility study for application of the technology for irrigation and cattle water production. Based on the results of this study, and selection of the technology (supplier) a commercial agreement with technical assistance is strived for. |
Technology : Polymer biodegradation screening tests Technology REQUEST from Israel An Israeli chemical company is seeking an effective screening methodology for biodegradability of polymers in soil to precede a 2-years biodegradation test in close-to-real soil conditions. Identified technologies that meet the basic criteria (see description section) will receive funding to mature the technology if required, or will be considered for utilizing the services offered. Possible partnerships would be through a research, services or commercial agreement with technical assistance. |
Business : Irish mining firm offering innovative recovery techniques for extracting base metal material from mine waste and assisting site remediation in closed mines seeks joint venture partners and/or service agreements across Europe Business OFFER from Ireland The Irish company has designed a sophisticated extraction method for recovering base metals such as zinc, copper, lead, silver, etc. from existing mined waste. It can also assist in the cleanup of the contaminated area to safe levels by removing or isolating metal contaminants. The company is seeking commercial service agreements and /or joint venture partners to derived base metals from existing mine waste material and/or site remediation in old European mine sites. |