Find some of the latest profiles on Enterprise Europe Network for partner search, new business at your doorstep published October 1st, 2017.
Within the Enterprise Europe network other specialized fields are available for partner search such as automotive, industry and biochemtech. Make your own query for partner searches based on your interest at this database and find new business at your doorstep.
Enterprise Europe Network, with its 600 partner organizations in over 70 countries, helps companies find business opportunities across the European Union and beyond.
Some advantages are:
- Easy access to new technologies
- Less risk in developing new products or technologies
- Improve speed of development, time to market
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Technology : Composite doors and hatches for marine applications. Technology OFFER from Netherlands A Dutch SME is specialized in composite products, has developed composite doors and hatches for marine applications. The doors and shutters are already used in high speed naval vessels minesweepers. The company is looking for shipyards and designers that want to integrate the composite doors and hatches into their products and for agents and marine equipment suppliers who want to enlarge their product line. Cooperation based on a commercial agreement with technical support. |
Technology : Innovative steam compressor for waste heat recovery from low grade steam normally ejected from industrial processes Technology OFFER from Unknown A UK company has developed a low flow rate steam compressor that enables the capture of steam energy via mechanical vapour recompression at low steam flow rates. The company is seeking suppliers of large thermodynamic systems to help integrate the technology into new systems according to their client's requirements, via commercial agreement with technical assistance. |
Business : A UK logistics and forwarding company is offering commercial services to partners worldwide. Business OFFER from United Kingdom A UK logistic company with 17 offices, over 40 years of experience in international logistic and forwarding services is offering service agreements to partners worldwide. |
Business : Lithuanian company specialized in locomotive repair and modernization offers subcontracting Business OFFER from Lithuania A Lithuanian company, specialized in locomotive manufacturing, modernization and overhaul, is looking for companies that are interested in modernization and/or overhaul services for their owned locomotives. The company is looking for subcontracting or services agreements. |
Business : Dutch developer of a space saving solution for biofiltration suitable for biological odour reduction and control is looking for distributors Business OFFER from Netherlands A Dutch SME developed a space saving system combining a biofilter and a trickling filter. This system provides biological odour treatment for gases such as ammonia (NH3), hydrogen sulphide (H2S), volatile organic compounds (VOC), hydrocarbons, etc. No chemicals are used at all in this environmentally friendly solution for odour control. The company offers distribution services agreement to partners with good connections to industries such as wastewater treatment, slaughter houses, etc. |
Technology : Routing Problems and Fleets Optimization Application Technology OFFER from Spain A Spanish IT company offers an advanced technology application that allows the optimization of fleets and routes. It calculates optimized routes for each and all of the vehicles in the fleet, satisfying the defined constraints (characteristics and number of vehicles, time, kilometers…) and optimizing the proposed objectives (deliveries, visits, cost minimization…).The company looks for partners from industry or companies with logistics needs to establish license agreement or services agreement. |
Research & Development : H2020 SC4: Traffic Psychology entity to perform driving behavioural studies are sought Research & Development REQUEST from Spain A Spanish research organization acting as coordinator in a project H2020-SC4 is looking for a partner to complete their consortium. The objective of the project is to overcome the limitations of the driving simulators and traffic simulation as valid tools for studies in traffic safety, and bridge the gap between them and naturalistic driving tests. The entity sought must develop psychological studies operating in Spain, Italy, France, Sweden United Kingdom and Poland in their native language. |
Business : Dutch company seeks system integrators for licensing and selling flywheel energy storage technology Business OFFER from Netherlands This Dutch company seeks system integrators in the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, United Kingdom and France to license and sell flywheel energy storage technology for exploitation in the semi-mobile and stationary market. A license agreement is offered. |
Technology : Innovative LED light solutions and modules for customized applications - safety lighting, warning signs, marks, boundaries, advertising displays, functional and decorative light features on yachts, caravans and interior items Technology OFFER from Germany A German company offers innovative LED light solutions and modules for customized applications e.g. safety lighting, warning signs, boundaries, advertising displays and also for functional or decorative light features on yachts, caravans and interior items. The offer includes prototyping, manufacturing, assembly as well as hard / software development and programming of intelligent control functions. The company seeks lighting system developers for commercial agreements with technical assistance. |
Technology : Patented new innovative torque coupling technology with applications in automotive, aerospace, industrial and marine sectors Technology OFFER from United Kingdom UK SME has developed several innovative torque coupling technologies with applications in automotive, aerospace, industrial and marine sectors. The couplings combine the benefits of a gear coupling with the functionality of a universal joint, occupying a unique space in the market as a cross over technology. Evaluation/development and/or manufacturing partners with a route to global market are sought together with private investors. Cooperation on a licence and/or financial agreement basis. |
Technology : Polymer biodegradation screening tests Technology REQUEST from Israel An Israeli chemical company is seeking an effective screening methodology for biodegradability of polymers in soil to precede a 2-years biodegradation test in close-to-real soil conditions. Identified technologies that meet the basic criteria (see description section) will receive funding to mature the technology if required, or will be considered for utilizing the services offered. Possible partnerships would be through a research, services or commercial agreement with technical assistance. |
Technology : Positioning technology for mobile robots and autonomous vehicles to navigate in dynamic indoor and outdoor environments without requiring infrastructure Technology OFFER from Netherlands A Dutch SME is specialized in the development and production of positioning technology modules that enable manufacturers of robots and autonomous vehicles to create new logistic solutions. Most important advantage of the positioning technology is accurate indoor and outdoor positioning without requiring infrastructure. The SME is interested in commercial agreements with technical assistance to develop new navigation solutions for mobile robots and autonomous vehicles |
Business : Irish mining firm offering innovative recovery techniques for extracting base metal material from mine waste and assisting site remediation in closed mines seeks joint venture partners and/or service agreements across Europe Business OFFER from Ireland The Irish company has designed a sophisticated extraction method for recovering base metals such as zinc, copper, lead, silver, etc. from existing mined waste. It can also assist in the cleanup of the contaminated area to safe levels by removing or isolating metal contaminants. The company is seeking commercial service agreements and /or joint venture partners to derived base metals from existing mine waste material and/or site remediation in old European mine sites. |