maandag 19 februari 2018

Bent u innovatief? Laat het zien op de MKB Innovatie Top 100 editie 2018

Bron: KvK

Inschrijven voor 13e editie    
KvK roept bedrijven op mee te doen aan de MKB Innovatie Top 100

De KvK roept alle innovatieve ondernemers uit het midden- en kleinbedrijf op om zich aan te melden voor de 13e  MKB Innovatie Top 100: de mooiste innovatie-etalage van Nederland. Inschrijven kan tot 27 april via

Deelname aan de MKB Innovatie Top 100 legt de meeste genomineerden geen windeieren. Jan Minnee van Retourplaza uit Amsterdam noemt zijn plek in de MKB Innovatie Top 100 van 2017 een geweldige, onafhankelijke bevestiging: “Het is een keurmerk van vertrouwen."  Willem-Jan Lamers van Accerion uit Venlo vindt het een eer om in deze belangrijke lijst te mogen staan. De nominatie voor de MKB Innovatie Top 100 en het behalen van de 9de plaats heeft het bedrijf veel media exposure, nieuwe contact en leads opgeleverd. Vorig jaar veroverde het Maastrichtse Greentom de eerste plaats met ’s werelds groenste kinderwagen.

Kracht van het initiatief
De nominaties worden beoordeeld op omzet, groeipotentie, originaliteit en impact voor branche en samenleving. De innovatie dient reeds op de markt te zijn gebracht. Aan de MKB Innovatie Top 100 is bewust geen (geld)prijs verbonden. De kracht van het initiatief is te laten zien waartoe het midden- en kleinbedrijf in staat is. Afgelopen 12 jaar is deze prijs uitgegroeid tot de grootste en belangrijkste innovatieprijs voor het mkb. De 100 bedrijven en hun innovaties worden op 25 juni, tijdens een presentatie bij de KvK in Amsterdam, in alfabetische volgorde bekend gemaakt. Op 20 september toont de KvK de ranking van de 100 bedrijven tijdens een feestelijke bijeenkomst.  

In mei gaan expertpanels voor de verschillende sectoren de nominaties beoordelen. Na deze voorselectie stelt de landelijke jury de ranglijst vast. De jury baseert zich daarbij op de voordrachten van de experts. Ook bekijkt de jury de websites van de ondernemingen en doet onderzoek. 

donderdag 15 februari 2018

International co operation profiles on PROTECTING MAN & ENVIRONMENT from Enterprise Europe Network from February 27th, 2018

Source: Enterprise Europe Network

Find some of the latest profiles on Enterprise Europe Network for partner search, new business at your doorstep published February 11th 2018.

Within the Enterprise Europe network other specialized fields are available for partner search such as automotive, industry and biochemtech. Make your own query for partner searches based on your interest at this database and find new business at your doorstep.
Enterprise Europe Network, with its 600 partner organizations in over 70 countries, helps companies find business opportunities across the European Union and beyond.

Some advantages are:

  • Easy access to new technologies
  • Less risk in developing new products or technologies
  • Improve speed of development, time to market
  • Shared co development on your expertise combined with other expertise's external
  • Finding relevant new contacts using the network and get introduced to it
  • Get a warm introduction on the right level using personal contacts from the Enterprise Europe Network consultants
For a full description of the proposals below, please click on the title. You will be directed to our website. Here you indicate your interest at the bottom of the full description.

Hannover Messe 2018
Visiting or present at the Hannover Industrie Messe 2018? Get pre arranged meetings with companies and technology of your interest and meet new business partners! Free registration untill February 15th, 2018 using the Enterprise Europe Network services.

ESEF 2018 Utrecht
The supplier of succesful technologies, tomorrow's technology today at Utrecht the Netherlands. The matchmaking event will take place in the exhibition complex Jaarbeurs Utrecht from 20th to 23th March 2018. More information HERE.


Technology : Romanian company from the poultry farming sector is looking for a technology to recycle chicken manure
Technology REQUEST from Romania
A Romanian company active in the poultry farming sector is looking for an innovative technology to transform the chicken manure into secondary products for the company, based on a research/technical cooperation agreement or a commercial agreement with technical assistance.

Business : French company specialised in water/soil decontamination is looking for exclusive importers for their absorbing preparation cleaning up harmful spills, hazardous soils and any petroleum-based fluids
Business OFFER from France
French company specialised in water and soil decontamination is looking for trade intermediaries and especially exclusive importers (distributor or sales agent) for their absorbing preparation.

Business : A Romanian company, specialized in the collection, dismantling, sorting, recovering and recycling of used electrical and electronic equipment seeks partners to conclude a distribution agreement.
Business OFFER from Romania
A Romanian Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) recycling company is seeking private partners from Germany, UK, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Greece and Belgium, with environmental permits and other certificates in the recycling field to conclude a distribution agreement. The company offers for sale components resulting from the dismantling process of electrical and electronic waste (circuit boards, cables, coils, motors, plastics, metals, glass, etc.).

Technology : A portuguese institute is offering an artificial aquifer facility (physical sandbox model)
Technology OFFER from Portugal
A Portuguese research group offers its artificial aquifer facility (physical sandbox model) for partners to cooperate with via research or technical cooperation agreement. This facility allows laboratory large scale infiltration and tracer experiments to determine the soil infiltration capacity and its capacity for contaminants retention and/or degradation. The facility is approx. 3.5 m long, 1 m wide and 2 m high and can divided up to 3 compartments to perform simultaneous experiments.

Technology : Innovative device for weed-control powered with renewable biomass
Technology OFFER from Italy
An Italian SME working in the field of renewable sources and environmental solutions has developed an innovative portable device using heat to kill weeds. The weed-control effect is provided by exposing weeds to the hot gases generated during pyro-gasification and combustion of pellet or agri-pellet, thus avoiding herbicides toxic chemicals treatments. The company is looking for manufacturing agreements and commercial agreements with technical assistance in Spain, Germany, Austria and France.

Technology : New procedure for composting of solid and liquid phase animal manures
Technology OFFER from Hungary
A Hungarian SME has developed a new procedure for the composting of solid and liquid phase animal manures. It can be used by all kind of animal husbandry companies. The aim of the development was to commute the expensive and environment pollutant chemical fertilizers to environmentally friendly compost based soil manures for plant nutrition under different soil conditions. The SME is looking for industrial partners interested in license and commercial agreement with technical assistance.

Technology : New composting procedure for the treatment of sewage sludge
Technology OFFER from Hungary
A Hungarian SME with several years experience in composting procedures has developed a new, more useful and environmentally friendly technology for sewage sludge composting, which can be useful for sewage works or town management of regional governments. The end-product of the process has a high fertilising value, organic matter and harmonious trace element content. The company is interested in licence or commercial agreement supported by technical assistance.

Technology : R&D company seeks non toxic insect glues to be tested and spread on specific materials (cardboard/plastics)
Technology REQUEST from Belgium
In the frame of a new product development, a Brussels-based R&D company specialized in the development of ecological devices trapping domestic pests is looking for non toxic a hot-melt glue with a high-tack adhesive adapted to different insect species. The glues will be tested on different insect species. The SME seeks commercial agreement with technical support to spread the glue on specific materials (cardboard/plastics).

Technology : Specialist geo-information system for data integration and mining
Technology OFFER from Ukraine
A Ukrainian University of Dnepr city offers a software product for monitoring of mineral resources, environmental conditions, forecasting of seismically hazardous events. Advantages - complex processing of various spatial data, operate on Windows, user-friendly interface with built-in hint system. The university is looking for companies for commercial agreement with technical assistance and R&D Institutions for technical cooperation agreement in geological exploration and mineral mining.

Technology : Integrated software for water quality assessment
Technology OFFER from Belgium
A research center of a Walloon University has developed a decision support model for quality management of the aquatic environment. Provided with Graphical User Interface, the model takes into account the anthropogenic loads and their impacts on the physicochemical quality of the modelled river system. The model is in use by water management stakeholders. The team is looking for academic, industrial or public partnerships for research, license or collaboration agreements in the field of water.

Business : A French company designing water breaker devices is looking for distributors.
Business OFFER from France
The French company is specialized in the design of smart water breaker devices that automatically shut off the water in case of abnormal consumption. This solution can be used by professionals and individuals and in various types of installations (public patrimonial holdings, industries, business premises, commercial buildings ...) The company is looking for distributors in Europe, Middle East and West and North Africa to develop its presence abroad.

Business : Polish producer of interior and exterior paints and other construction chemicals is looking for agents
Business OFFER from Poland
A Polish company active in the chemical industry since 1973 is offering latex, acrylic, ceramic, silicon and silicate mineral paints for walls (interior and exterior), ceilings and roofs and other construction chemicals. The products are durable, washable, have antibacterial, antifungal and damp-proofing properties. The firm also offers special paint that neutralises gaseous pollutants. Commercial agency or distribution services agreements are offered.

Business : French furnaces for industry are offered for commercial agency or a distribution services agreement in Spain or Portugal.
Business OFFER from France
A French designer and manufacturer of highly engineered furnaces for high technology and nuclear industries, research institutes, is looking for a distributor or a sales agent in Spain or Portugal.

Business : A French social company, specialized in catering wastes valorization, developing local circular economy loops for the benefit of territories’ energetic autonomy is looking for a cooperation agreement such as a service agreement to implement its solution.
Business OFFER from France
A French catering wastes collection (such as cooking oils, coffee grounds, fermentable) for biodiesel production from used cooking oils, distribution to local authorities’ vehicles fleet and other catering wastes valorisation on energetic or other value chains. Looking for services agreement with local authorities, SMEs, research centers in Europe.

Research & Development : Spanish research institute seeks partners (companies and RTDs) with expertise in polymers/polyvinyl butyral additives characterization, modification and recycling for a project proposal (CE-SPIRE-10-2018)
Research & Development REQUEST from Spain
A Spanish non-profil research institute is looking for partners for an H2020 project proposal (CE-SPIRE-10-2018) related to polymers/polyvinyl butyral additives characterization, modification and recycling. The project aims to develop a sorting system of post-consumes polyvinyl butyral in different grades for improving the quality of the final recycled product. The institute looks for SME/Industry and RTD partners in this sector and education training experts for dissemination activities.

Research & Development : H2020-SC5-2018-2019-2020: Industrial partners with expertise in recycling and recovery of secondary raw materials from end-of-life products
Research & Development REQUEST from Spain
A Spanish university is preparing a project proposal under the topic CE-SC5-07-2018-2019-2020 “Raw materials innovation for the circular economy”, focused on the search for sustainable, green and environmentally safe approaches to more efficient and economically viable recycling rates of secondary raw materials from end-of-life products, in particular in the nuclear industry, envisaging their eventual gradual partial substitution. Companies with expertise in this subject are sought.

Business : Slovenian company developing and producing air filters for shelters, industrial and sports buildings is looking for distributors.
Business OFFER from Slovenia
A Slovenian company is developing and manufacturing air filters. The company produces filters for different industries, shelters, business premises, and sports halls. The company is selling most of its products in the EU markets and is looking for distributors involved in sale of filters to cooperate in form of distribution agreements.

Business : Slovenian producer of pneumatic, electro magnets and magnetic systems seeks partners through distribution, commercial or outsourcing agreements
Business OFFER from Slovenia
A Slovenian company with more than 15 years of experience in magnetic technology and manipulation and separation industry is looking for partners worldwide via distribution, commercial or outsourcing agreement for their pneumatic, electro magnets or magnetic systems.

Technology : Patented technologies for the decontamination of soils polluted by organics contaminants
Technology OFFER from Belgium
A Belgian company specialized in thermal desorption offers its own sustainable systems to decontaminate a wide range of polluted soils by in situ thermal desorption (without excavation) or on site, while recovering energy. Its patented technologies is offered to similar companies (SMEs) active in soil remediation for international commercialization under a commercial agreement with technical assistance or for further cooperation with a technical cooperation agreement.

Technology : Looking for a technical solution for the recycling of of laminated glass/Windshields particularly the PVB
Technology REQUEST from Belgium
A Brussels based professional organization of glass recyclers is looking for a technical solution to allow for the recycling of laminated glass/Windshields, particularly the PVB (polyvinylbutyral) fraction. The organisation is looking for companies or universities with an expertise on materials in order to develop and demonstrate them with a technical agreement. This demonstration could take place in the framework of Horizon 2020 projects.

Technology : Non toxic and environmental friendly mice repellant
Technology OFFER from Italy
An Italian SME has developed a new mice repellant product. It is an essential oil-based multi-sensory mouse repellent. It is non-toxic natural repellent, suitable for houses with pets and children. One example of the product is already on the market and consists of a complete line of standalone cardboard diffusers to fulfill all customers's needs. Licence, commercial with technical assistance agreements are sought for. Target countries mainly in Europe, second extra EU.


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