Source: Enterprise Europe Network
Find some of the latest profiles on Enterprise Europe Network for partner search, new business at your doorstep published March 26th, 2018.
Within the Enterprise Europe network other specialized fields are available for partner search such as automotive, industry and energy. Make your own query for partner searches based on your interest at this database and find new business at your doorstep. Enterprise Europe Network, with its 600 partner organizations in over 60 countries, helps companies find business opportunities across the European Union and beyond.
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Hannover Messe 2018
Visiting or present at the Hannover Industrie Messe 2018? Get pre arranged meetings with companies and technology of your interest and meet new business partners! Use the Enterprise Europe Network services to your business advantage.
KET Matchmaking Mainz 2018
Finding research and development partners in the Horizon 2020 programm on Key Enabling Technologies (KET) in this matchmaking include Nanotechnologies and Advanced Materials, Biotechnologies,Advanced manufacturing and processing,Energy efficiency in Buildings (PPP EeB), Factories of the Future (PPP FoF), Sustainable process industries (PPP SPIRE) and PILOTS.

Business : Partners sought for on-site treatment of chemical and industrial hazardous waste streams
Business OFFER from Israel An Israeli SME offers an on-line method to treat and recycle organic wastes from chemical, pharmaceutical, refinery and industrial chemical processes. Advantages include minimal energy consumption, compliance with the most stringent regulations in the world and ability to treat the organic waste products on-line, when they are formed (place, time and concentration). The company is looking for commercial agency and distribution services agreements. |
Business : Italian artisanal producer of ecological and allergen-free premium detergents and cosmetics is looking for agents and distributors Business OFFER from Italy An Italian artisanal producer of high quality ecological detergents and cosmetics free from long-term toxic substances is active since 2007 both in ethical consumers market and in the hotellerie-restaurant-café ( and professional users segments. The company is currently looking for agents and distributors in foreign markets. |
Business : Dutch manufacturer of ultrafiltration modules and systems for removal legionella and other bacteria from water is looking for agents and distributors Business OFFER from Netherlands The Dutch company is a manufacturer and developer of innovative and unique self-cleaning filter elements and filter systems to produce bacteria free water. The filters provide protection against infection from pathogenic bacteria. The filter mechanically removes suspended solids, bacteria, like the legionella bacterium and viruses, without the use of chemicals. The company is offering a distribution services agreement or commercial agency agreement to partners with water treatment expertise. |
Business : An Italian company providing innovative collection bins that enable separate collection of household waste is looking for distributors to expand its sales network Business OFFER from Italy An Italian start-up operating in the waste management sector producing and selling innovative and technologically advanced collection bins to stimulate, manage and control the recycling activities is looking for distributors to expand its activity abroad. The flexibility of its waste collection system composed of modular bins that can be modified and integrated with new elements, allows an extreme customization of the waste collection system according to the actual customer needs. |
Research & Development : Horizon 2020 consortium is looking for asbestos end user association to develop an international asbestos network tool for Europe Research & Development REQUEST from Italy International consortium coordinated by an Italian university is developing Horizon 2020 proposal to set up an international support and training network tool on asbestos in Europe. The consortium is looking for end users (policy makers, institutions, business organisations) in Spain, France, Portugal, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Macedonia former Rep. of Yugoslavia, Serbia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Germany. |
Technology : Greek technology company of the agro-food sector offers innovative insect trap for Diptera insect order attacking the olives, grapes, figs, citrus and other fruits Technology OFFER from Greece A Greek technical company of the agro-food sector offers an innovative organic solution for combating the Diptera insects which destroying many fruits (olives, grapes, figs, oranges, citrus and other fruits). The company offers efficient and affordable insect traps that attract and exterminate the insects. The company is looking for companies dealing with pest solutions for a commercial agreement with technical assistance. |
Technology : French Technology Transfer Office proposes a new method for testing the toxicity of the water with a luminescent biosensor Technology OFFER from France The French TTO (Technology Transfer Office) is acting on behalf of an established public laboratory of the Paris region that has developed a new and green method to test the water toxicity thanks to a microalga . The efficiency of the process has been demonstrated. The French public research centre is looking for partners for a technical cooperation or a research cooperation agreement. |
Research & Development : H2020 CE-SFS-24-2019 - Innovative and attractive French metropolis is searching partners notably interested in the field of sustainable alimentary supply for setting up novel urban food-chains Research & Development REQUEST from France An innovative and attractive French public institution for inter-municipal cooperation is looking for a coordinator and other partners to answer Horizon 2020 CE-SFS-24-2019 call. The institution is searching municipalities or equal structures being experienced and applying novel practices in the domain of sustainable food-chains and food-systems. The scope of the project is to set-up an universally implementable model of an innovative, inclusive and sustainable food-system for cities. |
Technology : Technology for waste incineration, implemented in the installations of the thermal destruction of wastes Technology OFFER from Russian Federation The Russian supplier of technologies offers the tailor-made equipment with double loop heat recovery that allows minimizing losses for waste incineration. The company is looking for partners under a commercial agreement with technical assistance. |
Business : Search for partner for analysis of limnology samples (freshwater biology) Business REQUEST from Sweden A Swedish company offers environmental consulting services within limnology and marine biology. They are looking for similar companies that can assist with analysis of samples at times of high demand. The company is looking for partners in northern Europe who can help with subcontracting or service agreements.
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