Find some of the latest profiles on Enterprise Europe Network for partner search, new business at your doorstep published June 8th, 2018.
Within the Enterprise Europe network other specialized fields are available for partner search such as automotive, industry and biochemtech. Make your own query for partner searches based on your interest at this database and find new business at your doorstep. Enterprise Europe Network, with its 600 partner organizations in over 60 countries, helps companies find business opportunities across the European Union and beyond.
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Our upcomming matchmaking events:
- Future Tech of Mobility Business Event, at the TT Circuit Assen (NL), is the place to be for mobility professionals from Europe. The event focuses on innovative mobility and is embedded in the Formula Student Netherlands 2018 design competition. More info HERE.
- Automechanika Frankfurt: International B2B event for automotive suppliers during Automechanika 2018, September 13th 2018, Frankfurt am Main. More info HERE.
- TIV Hardenberg Matchmaking 19-20 September: Active in the industrial supply chain, industrial services and looking for suppliers or clients in industrial production from mainly the Netherlands and Germany. Join in for free HERE!
- Holland Circulair Economy Week: Claim your spot at the Holland Circular Economy Week 2018! From June 11th until June 14th the Holland Circular Economy week will take place. Only limited tickets are available so make sure to claim your spot! Click here to go directly to the registration form.

ENERGY (13) |
Business : Slovak company offering program system usable in remote collection of data from electrometers, gasmeters, watermeters or heat meters is looking for franchisees
Business OFFER from Slovakia Slovak ICT company is looking for a reseller, provider or end user of program system for collection, processing and presentation of energy measurements (concretely measurements of electrical energy, heat, water, gas etc. measured using devices distributed in the field). The company prefers a coooperation analogous to franchise agency agreement (only without any license fees). As the company is looking also for end users of this program system, licence agreement is suitable as well. |
Technology : Solar biomass gasification Technology OFFER from Armenia An Armenian company engaged in designing and fabrication of solar energy systems has developed a solar powered biomass gasifier, including concentrating solar technology and biomass gasification. Partners are sought for optimization of the technology under commercial agreement with technical assistance, technical cooperation agreement or research cooperation agreement. |
Business : Slovak ICT company offering direct-current static watt-hour electric meter is looking for distributors Business OFFER from Slovakia Slovak ICT company is looking for the distributors (resellers) of a direct-current static watt-hour electric meter for indirect connection designed to measure electric energy in direct-current traction framework. Current static watt-hour electric meter is connected into the measurement circuit through the external galvanically divided direct-current converters of voltage and current. The cooperation is considered on the basis of a commercial agency or distribution services agreement. |
Research & Development : H2020-MSCA-IF-2018: Researcher needed for the development of disruptive solutions in the integration of building services and energy systems in architecture and urbanism Research & Development REQUEST from Spain A research group of a university located in the North of Spain seeks a researcher to be candidate for HORIZON 2020 – MSCA / Individual Fellowships (H2020-MSCA-IF-2018). They are looking for a motivated candidate who wishes to develop alternative and/or disruptive solutions in the integration of building services and energy systems in architecture and urbanism (theoretical and/or practical developments). |
Technology : License for a force lever system for precise measurement of torques under multi-component loads Technology OFFER from Germany A German research institute has developed a system for precise measurement of torques under multi-component loads. The traceable measurement of torques greater than 2MN·m is of enormous importance (e.g. the wind energy industry). The invention enables feedback by splitting the torque into several force signals, measured over a defined lever length and an exact method with a measurement uncertainty of at most 1%. The institute looks for licensees and partners for research cooperations. |
Research & Development : EUROSTARS2: Project proposal to develop a complete platform for advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) Research & Development REQUEST from Korea, Republic of A Korean SME specialized in developing a total solution for AMI (Advanced Metering Infrastructure) is preparing a project proposal under the EUROSTARS2 programme. The proposed R&D project aims to further develop and design an AMI solution which can be adapted to local conditions and could monitor pricing information of electricity in real-time. A company or institute with expertise and experience in developing electric energy systems is welcomed to join for collaboration. |
Technology : Industrial cloud-based energy management system Technology OFFER from Macedonia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of A Macedonian SME specialised in energy efficiency offers a flexible cloud-based energy management system, easily and non-expensively installed, integrating existing measuring instruments. The system secures telemetric monitoring of all electrical parameters and identifies energy losses and potential improvement areas. The integrated cloud software enables real-time monitoring of the energy consumption from any smart device. Partners for commercial agreement with technical assistance are sought. |
Technology : Black silicon: a nanostructured antireflection layer for solar cells Technology OFFER from Armenia An Armenian company engaged in designing and fabrication of solar energy systems has developed a plasma etched method of Black Silicon (BS) formation, as well as proposed a new production process sequence of BS solar cells. Partners are sought for improving and finalizing the product for further commercial use/manufacturing.The company is looking for commercial agreement with technical assistance, technical cooperation agreement,research cooperation agreement and manufacturing agreement. |
Business : An Austrian SME developed a new method for interior thermal insulation of old buildings - distributors and investors sought Business OFFER from Austria An Austrian company active in the area of thermal energy efficiency since 25 years, has developed an innovative method for the inside thermal restoration of old buildings. In order to reach new markets, the company would like to establish distribution services and acquisition agreements. A financial agreement is also considered. |
Business : Polish PV modules producer is offering distribution services Business REQUEST from Poland A small Polish company, producer of photovoltaic (PV) modules and service provider with over 10 years experience is offering distribution services in Poland. They are looking for companies engaged in production of hybrid solar modules, photovoltaics integrated with the buildings and also mono and polycrystalline silicon solar panels. |
Business : French company specialised in all-in-one solar roof modules, producing energy, hot/cold air and hot water is looking for distributors in Europe Business OFFER from France A French company has developed new BIPV (Building Integrated Photovoltaics) roofing modules allowing to produce at the same time electricity, warm water, warm/cold air while ensuring a perfect waterproofness of the roof. To expand its activities, the company is looking for distributors in Europe specialised in domestic household renewable energy systems or roofing materials. |
Research & Development : Horizon 2020/ MSCA: Researcher in optoelectronics /photonic sought Research & Development REQUEST from Germany A German precision engineering company is looking for a researcher in optoelectronics/ photonic with technical skills for the development of remote sensing devices to detect the speed of particles and objects based on the companies patented core technology. The aim is to commonly apply for a MSCA Individual Fellowship grant under Horizon 2020 (MSCA-IF-2018). |
Technology : Ukrainian company, producer of cooling towers and cooling towers components, is looking for dealers/agents, end customer or engineering companies Technology OFFER from Ukraine A Ukrainian company is able to offer a wide range of packaged-type or field erected mechanical draft cooling tower with a capacity up to 10 000 m³/h as well as custom designed cooling tower in order to provide customer with the best engineering solution. Looking for: end customer (towers, components and equipment purchase, operation, maintenance); dealer or agent (negotiation, products promoting and sale in the local market); engineering company (products-in-project integration). |
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Why not search the Enterprise Europe Network database using your own interests and search keys. Some 10,000 profiles open for co operation in trade, innovation, research and consortia building within Horizon 2020.
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