Find some of the latest profiles on Enterprise Europe Network for partner search, new business at your doorstep published May 25th, 2018.
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Our upcomming matchmaking events:
- Future Tech of Mobility Business Event, at the TT Circuit Assen (NL), is the place to be for mobility professionals from Europe. The event focuses on innovative mobility and is embedded in the Formula Student Netherlands 2018 design competition. More info HERE.
- TIV Hardenberg Matchmaking 19-20 September: Active in the industrial supply chain, industrial services and looking for suppliers or clients in industrial production from mainly the Netherlands and Germany. Join in for free HERE!
- Holland Circulair Economy Week: Claim your spot at the Holland Circular Economy Week 2018! From June 11th until June 14th the Holland Circular Economy week will take place. Only limited tickets are available so make sure to claim your spot! Click here to go directly to the registration form.

Technology : Innovative technology for the production of slabs with a high efficiency in the reduction of pollutants in the air we breathe
Technology OFFER from Spain Spanish company located in the north and dedicated to the production of different kind of slabs, but with an innovative technology that reduces the pollution of the air. The slabs have a superficial layer with photocatalysts and enhancers which are activated by luminous radiation which produces an oxidation of the main pollutants. They are looking for manufacturing companies interested in a commercial agreement with technical assistance. |
Business : Nanotechnology-based water filters in lightweight bottle offered for distribution in Germany, Denmark and Sweden Business OFFER from United Kingdom This UK company offers a portable water purification system in bottles, based on an innovative charged layer membrane filter, constructed using nanotechnology. The replaceable filter cartridge removes in excess of 99.9% of all microbiological contaminants and the bottles come in 2 sizes. Each filter delivers clean, safe drinking water for up to 3 months. The company is seeking distributors to help them develop their sales in Germany, Denmark and Sweden. |
Business : A French manufacturer of public restrooms is looking for distributors Business OFFER from France A French manufacturer of restrooms for public places is looking for new distributors in Europe. Automatic systems and aesthetic designs are well mastered by this company, who counts hundreds of satisfied customers around Europe. Distribution services agreements are sought. |
Technology : Eco-friendly insects farming for chemical, agro, pharma and pet care applications looking for partners to develop new business Technology OFFER from Italy An Italian innovative startup, active in the biotechnology sector, is breeding insects into a pilot plant to create a production network which could satisfy economic, environmental and social needs with a high sustainability. The system will produce, via extraction from insects, molecules which will be used in the agriculture, chemical and industrial sector. The startup is looking for different partners under services agreement, research cooperation or technical cooperation agreement. |
Business : Italian company manufacturing ball valves, industrial taps and fittings looks for commercial agency agreements Business OFFER from Italy An Italian small, highly certified company, market leader in the manufacture of ball valves, taps and fittings for the hydraulic sector and industrial installations and already active in international markets is willing to further increase its export market share. It is thus looking for trade intermediary partners (agents) interested in commercial agency agreements. |
Technology : Highly efficient dynamic scrubber technology, especially suitable for cleaning of industrial and marine diesel exhaust emissions, for licensing or patent acquisition Technology OFFER from Sweden A Swedish SME has developed and patented a highly efficient scrubber technology, especially suitable for cleaning of industrial and marine diesel exhaust emissions. The technology combines large contact surface with a low and constant back-pressure, compact dimensions and low weight. The SME is looking for partners in the industrial and/or shipping sectors, for a commercial agreement with technical assistance, meaning acquisition of the patent or a license agreement. |
Business : French company specialised in luxury autonomous self-cleaning public toilet cabins including disabled access is looking for distributors. Business OFFER from France French company specialised in luxury autonomous self-cleaning public toilet cabins with disabled access is looking for distributors to commercialize its sanitary products in different countries. The products are already marketed in Belgium, Switzerland, Italy. |
Technology : A Korean company specializing in developing eco-friendly PET chemical recycling technology is looking for an overseas partner for technical cooperation, joint venture and license agreements Technology OFFER from Korea, Republic of A Korean company specializing in developing eco-friendly materials and facilities have developed a chemical recycling technology for PET wastes. Not only it’s eco-friendly and economical, but it’s also easy to operate. The company is seeking a partner who’s interested in recycling PET under technical cooperation, joint venture and license agreements. |
Technology : Demonstrative bio-refinery to scale-up the production of bio-products and bio-fuels from biomass. Technology OFFER from Spain A Spanish public research centre has developed a demonstrative bio-refinery for scaling-up the biological production of bio-products and bio-fuels from biomass, mainly lignocellulosic or wet fermentable biomass. The centre offers to companies and R&D centres technical cooperation agreements, services agreements or joint R&D&I agreements related to this technology, according to the technical capacities and objectives of the potential partners. |
Business : Spanish Industrial Engineer is looking for partners offering energy efficiency solutions for a commercial agency agreement Business REQUEST from Spain Spanish industrial engineer based in Barcelona is looking for innovative solutions that offers a measurable advantage in terms of energy efficiency. The solutions can be applicable for energy producers, energy distributors or industrial energy consumers. He is looking for commercial agency agreement with partners offering energy efficiency products. |
Technology : A post-functionalizable, sustainable and cost-effective graphene aerogel. Technology OFFER from Spain A Spanish research institution has developed a simple, eco-friendly and easily scalable method for the production of graphene oxide aerogel. The material obtained contains numerous functional groups and presents high stability in air and aqueous medium. The possible applications are focused on membrane technologies, CO2 adsorption, selective adsorption of gases, supercapacitors and batteries, among others. Industrial partners are being sought to collaborate through a patent licence agreement. |
Business : Irish laboratory specialising in testing and analysis services for the agricultural, environmental and geotechnical sectors is seeking an analysis and testing laboratory partner, through outsourcing or services agreement Business REQUEST from Ireland Irish laboratory specializing in testing and analysis services for the agricultural, environmental and geotechnical sectors is seeking, through a outsourcing or services agreement, a reputable laboratory partner to undertake the following testing and analysis on behalf of the company: i) Soil testing lab - to undertake mineral analysis including rare mineral analysis ii) Water testing lab - to undertake mineral analysis |
Technology : Miniaturized ice detection sensor for aerospace and automotive applications Technology OFFER from Greece A Greek SME active in the design and manufacturing of opto-electronic sub-systems offers a miniaturized ice detection sensor capable of not only detecting the presence of ice in a surface but also to identify its type (glaze, rime, mixed) and measure its thickness. The sensor can be used in the aerospace, automotive, wind turbines, and agro/food industry. Industrial partners and SMEs from all respective markets are sought for commercial agreement in order to integrate the sensor to their systems |
Business : German SME has developed technical beehive for bee monitoring and seeks distribution partners Business OFFER from Germany A German start-up company from Baden-Wurttemberg has developed a monitoring system to identify reasons for increasing bee mortality. The system is based on a technical beehive equipped with a scale, a solar roof for independent energy supply and a tec-frame with sensors, which collect data of 32 different gases incl. toxic gases, humidity inside the hive, outside and inside temperature and sound. GPS is also installed against theft. The SME is looking for a distribution agreement. |
Technology : French SME laying outdoor cast soft floor mats is looking for ecological binding agents Technology REQUEST from France A French SME designing and manufacturing outdoor children and sports playgrounds made of soft cast floor mats is looking for ecological binding components as substitute to currently used petrochemical binding agents. The company is interested in finding partners for a commercial agreement with technical assistance. |
Technology : Supercavitational sterilizer Technology OFFER from Ukraine Ukrainian researchers have developed a supercavitational sterilizer for reagentless decontamination of sewage from bacteria, helminth eggs and fungi. Apparatus was implemented in the form of working section of a pipeline, a circulation pump and a re-circulating circuit. At single processing, a degree of decontamination of 86% was achieved. Partners needed for creating a consortium, carrying out additional research, launching the technology to the market.License selling possible. |
Technology : Ukrainian researchers looking for technical cooperation, license selling or manufacturer agreement for their innovative supercavitational evaporator Technology OFFER from Ukraine A team of Ukrainian researchers has carried out investigations and designed a compact supercavitation evaporator for water. Productivity of one evaporation chamber, depending on the degree of degassing of the cavity, is from 2 to 6 m3/h. Evaporator is intended for sea water distillation and for water treatment. Partners are needed for creation of a consortium, carrying out additional research, promoting the technology to the market. Possible license selling, technological maintenance etc. |
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Why not search the Enterprise Europe Network database using your own interests and search keys. Some 10,000 profiles open for co operation in trade, innovation, research and consortia building within Horizon 2020.
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