Find some of the latest profiles on Enterprise Europe Network for partner search, new business at your doorstep published May 25th, 2018.
Within the Enterprise Europe network other specialized fields are available for partner search such as automotive, industry and biochemtech. Make your own query for partner searches based on your interest at this database and find new business at your doorstep. Enterprise Europe Network, with its 600 partner organizations in over 60 countries, helps companies find business opportunities across the European Union and beyond.
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- Easy access to new technologies
- Less risk in developing new products or technologies
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Our upcomming matchmaking events:
- Future Tech of Mobility Business Event, at the TT Circuit Assen (NL), is the place to be for mobility professionals from Europe. The event focuses on innovative mobility and is embedded in the Formula Student Netherlands 2018 design competition. More info HERE.
- TIV Hardenberg Matchmaking 19-20 September: Active in the industrial supply chain, industrial services and looking for suppliers or clients in industrial production from mainly the Netherlands and Germany. Join in for free HERE!
- Holland Circulair Economy Week: Claim your spot at the Holland Circular Economy Week 2018! From June 11th until June 14th the Holland Circular Economy week will take place. Only limited tickets are available so make sure to claim your spot! Click here to go directly to the registration form.

ENERGY (19) |
: Italian company manufacturing ball valves, industrial taps and fittings
looks for commercial agency agreements
Business OFFER from Italy An Italian small, highly certified company, market leader in the manufacture of ball valves, taps and fittings for the hydraulic sector and industrial installations and already active in international markets is willing to further increase its export market share. It is thus looking for trade intermediary partners (agents) interested in commercial agency agreements. |
Business : Czech producer of mobile solar power plants offers joint venture Business OFFER from Czech Republic Czech producer of mobile power solar plants offers joint venture to companies from outside the EU. The brand new technology generates electricity and all energy is stored in the unique batteries and used when it is necessary. The company is looking for joint venture partners to develop a new entity for production, innovation and distribution of the mobile power solar plants. |
Business : Spanish manufacturer of LED lighting seeking distributors and importers Business OFFER from Spain Spanish company specialized in manufacturing of LED lighting products (professional and household use) is looking for distributors and/or importers in Mexico, Colombia, Peru, South Africa and Europe under a commercial or distribution agreement. The products are compliant with the EU standards, energy efficiency and environment-friendly. The manufacturer is well established in Spain and wants to promote and commercialize its products in new markets. |
Business : Jordanian company specialized in the development and manufacturing of advanced plastic bore piping systems seeks distributors and installers through distribution service agreement. Business OFFER from Jordan Leading Jordanian company for the development and manufacturing of advanced plastic bore piping systems that are capable of handling a wide variety of materials in industrial and domestic applications including water, fluid waste, gas and chemicals is looking to find distributors and installer’s partners from EU countries through distribution service agreement. |
Business : Jordanian company specialized in the development and manufacturing of advanced plastic bore piping systems seeks investors from Europe through joint venture agreement. Business OFFER from Jordan Leading Jordanian company for the development and manufacturing of advanced plastic bore piping systems is looking for investors in EU countries through a joint venture agreement, in order to expand their operation by introducing two new types of plastic pipes. |
Business : Jordanian company specialized in the manufacturing of photovoltaic panels seeks distributors and installers through distribution service agreement. Business OFFER from Jordan Leading Jordanian company for the manufacturing of photovoltaic panels is looking to find distributors and installer’s partners from EU countries through distribution service agreement. |
Business : Bulgarian company offering manufacturing agreements of an innovative product and technology for fresh air treatment Business OFFER from Bulgaria A Bulgarian company is specialized in production of highest/premium class energy - efficient/saving solutions for ventilation and air conditioning. The innovative offered system recovers up to 100% of the extracted air's heat/cool/humidity in various buildings. The innovation is a two stage thermodynamic heat recovery technology maintaining up to 100% fresh air indoor. The sought cooperation is manufacturing agreement with partners such as cinemas, theaters, restaurants, banks, hotels, etc. |
Technology : Demonstrative bio-refinery to scale-up the production of bio-products and bio-fuels from biomass. Technology OFFER from Spain A Spanish public research centre has developed a demonstrative bio-refinery for scaling-up the biological production of bio-products and bio-fuels from biomass, mainly lignocellulosic or wet fermentable biomass. The centre offers to companies and R&D centres technical cooperation agreements, services agreements or joint R&D&I agreements related to this technology, according to the technical capacities and objectives of the potential partners. |
Business : Spanish Industrial Engineer is looking for partners offering energy efficiency solutions for a commercial agency agreement Business REQUEST from Spain Spanish industrial engineer based in Barcelona is looking for innovative solutions that offers a measurable advantage in terms of energy efficiency. The solutions can be applicable for energy producers, energy distributors or industrial energy consumers. He is looking for commercial agency agreement with partners offering energy efficiency products. |
Research & Development : H2020 – Spanish University requires a company producing lignin waste, a company using bio-based aromatics as input and a research team with technological expertise on lignin, to develop new technologies to obtain new aromatic building blocks from lignin. Research & Development REQUEST from Spain Leading Chemistry Department of a Spanish University requires industrial partners and research teams to develop photochemical and electrochemical technologies to obtain new aromatic building blocks from lignin. Project aim is to add value to industrial waste (lignin) by developing new, sustainable and cost-effective synthetic routes to produce lignin-based aromatic building blocks used in several industries (chemical, pharmaceutical, cosmetics, polymer, agrofood...) under H2020 BBI-2018-S03-R11. |
Technology : Innovative building integration photovoltaics (BIPV) modules Technology OFFER from Poland A Polish company active in photovoltaics solutions sector has developed a new kind of PV modules which can be integrated in roofs or facades of buildings. It allows high levels of natural light in, reducing the need for artificial lighting. The partners for technical cooperation or joint venture are sought and also partners for further product development through research cooperation. |
Business : The Ukrainian construction company is looking for partners to spread their products on the international market under distribution agreement. Business OFFER from Ukraine The Ukrainian construction company, with offices in Ukraine, Austria, and the United Kingdom, is looking for partners to distribute its products, particularly energy-saving eco-houses under a distribution services agreement. |
Technology : Basal electric heating system for greeenhouses plug and play Technology OFFER from Italy Italian SME developed and patented an innovative, highly efficient, easy to install basal heating system for greenhouses. The electric system, based on modular heating panels, creates favorable conditions to stimulate plants growth and shorter productive cycles. The company is willing to establish commercial agreements with technical assistance and technical cooperation agreements with manufacturing companies of greenhouse equipments and with greenhouse cultivation and seed growing companies. |
Technology : Batteryless communication and sensing platform for Industry 4.0 Technology OFFER from Austria An Austrian University is developing a batteryless sensor chip for wireless communication for a variety of application fields such as industry (Internet of Things). The main advantages of the developed sensor platfrom are the low maintenance costs and a modular design for individual areas of application. Partners are sought from industry and academia under technical cooperation or research agreement. |
Technology : Technology that increases the efficiency of Si-crystalline solar photovoltaic module and defends its photosensitive surfaces Technology OFFER from Armenia An Armenian company active in development of solar photovoltaic panels has developed innovative technology for solar photovoltaic cells and modules, which increases the efficiency of solar energy conversion. Partners are sought for improving and finalizing the technology for further commercial use/manufacturing. The company is looking for Commercial agreement with technical assistance, Technical cooperation agreement and /or Research cooperation agreement. |
Technology : Heat recovery technology based on the organic Rankine cycle and operating with temperatures from 85ºC to generate up to 300 kWe. Technology OFFER from Spain Spanish SME has developed a thermodynamic cycle, based on the organic Rankine technology, for converting low-quality thermal energy into electricity or mechanical energy. They seek technological partners with knowledge and experience in heat recovery technologies or renewable energies (geothermal, biomass and solar thermal). They seek to carry out a technical cooperation agreement for different technology applications in the UK and Germany. |
Business : The Polish company of innovative LED system solutions is looking for the manufacturing agreement Business REQUEST from Poland A Polish company with a good experience specializes in the production of innovative LED lights for the restaurants, bus stations, bars and other public areas. The company is looking for a manufacturer or supplier of specific aluminum profiles and led lamps. The company offers manufacturing agreement to potential business partners from the European country for a competitive price with innovative design. |
Technology : Spanish research group has developed a climate-control module for facades Technology OFFER from Spain An architecture school of a Spanish university has developed a new system of air conditioning that works both as an installation air-conditioning machine and as a building external wall or façade. It is based on thermoelectricity with Peltier cells and has been designed to reach a high comfort level for people living in the premises. They are looking for partners for technical cooperation agreements or a partner for performing the setting up of the manufacturing of the system. |
Business : A Korean company producing heating composite materials and developing nano doping technology for high efficient heat convergence is in search of partners of distribution service agreement. Business OFFER from Korea, Republic of A Korean company is producing heating composite materials and developing nano doping technology for high efficient heat convergence. Nano doping technology applies on the heating system for building equipment and energy management. It consists of silicon carbide fiber, which leads to a high efficiency of heat convergence in a heating system. The firm would like to share their technology on the international market and is thus looking for distribution service agreement. Why not search the Enterprise Europe Network database using your own interests and search keys. Some 10,000 profiles open for co operation in trade, innovation, research and consortia building within Horizon 2020. Want to create your own profile? Or discuss with your local contact point on possibilities? Please follow me Sir, this way! To THE Network! |