dinsdag 7 augustus 2012

E-learning for automotive industry, Pilot Project looking for partners in the EU

A call for proposals has been published entitledPilot projects for the development of Sector Skills Alliances(Call for proposals - DG EAC No EAC/S01/201).  Full details can be found at http://ec.europa.eu/education/calls/s0112_en.htm

Credal Business Consulting is preparing a project proposal, to be submitted under this call, and they wish to invite your organisation as a partner on our project.

The project proposal is an interesting and innovative one for the industry. This will be based on the development of a training programme on an e-learning platform, specific to the particular needs of Automotive, Transport and Logistics sector.  Credal Business Consulting believe that this approach will ensure sustainability even after closure of the project.  Credal Business Consulting  will be more than happy to discuss this concept with you in the coming days, after you’ve confirmed your interest in participating.

As you are no doubt aware, in general the financial contribution from the European Commission cannot exceed 75% of the total eligible costs. Consequently, the partners on this project will collectively be expected to provide for the remaining 25%. We can of course discuss and agree on your portion of the co-financing arrangements once we’ve agreed on your participation and your organisation’s specific role in the project.

Since the deadline for the submission of applications is 16 August 2012, time is not on anyone’s side and we do need to know whether this a project that would interest you.  We therefore look forward to hearing from you in the near future.

Kind regards,

Clive Scerri
HRD Executive
CREDAL Business Consulting

CREDAL Business Consulting is operated by D'Alessandro & Associates Ltd. a member of the CREDAL Network
33/4, Abate Rigord Street, Ta’ Xbiex XBX 1128, MALTA
Tel: (356) 2134 2704 - Fax: (356) 2131 6694 - e-mail: office@tcin.com – url: http://www.tcin.com

International b2b event for Automotive Suppliers 12-14 September 2012

12 - 14 September 2012, Frankfurt and Darmstadt
Are you interested in expanding your business internationally? Would you like to market your technologies abroad? Are you looking for new technologies or partners for common research projects?

Suppliers, manufacturers, service providers and research institutes from the automotive industry are welcome to use the International b2b Events for Automotive Suppliers during Automechanika 12.-14.9.2012 as platform to meet potential business and technology partners.

The b2b events, organized by HA Hessen Agentur GmbH, the Automotive-Cluster RheinMainNeckar, FrankfurtRheinMain GmbH, the Enterprise Europe Network and regional partners, are a convenient and effective opportunity to make interesting contacts, to come to know about foreign markets and to catch up on intellectual property aspects of international business.

Register at www.b2match.eu/automechanika2012 and take advantage of our free-of-charge offer.

Wednesday, 12.9.2012, Messe Franfurt
Hall 4.0, room Europa
Time Lecture
14.00-15.00 Workshop “Intellectual Property Issues in International Business”
by EEN Hessen and Messe Frankfurt against Copying (MFaC)
  • IP protection tools
  • Infringement, counterfeiting and how to enforce the IPR
  • First Aid at a trade fair
  • Case studies
15.30-16.30 Elevator Pitch “Automotive Innovations in a Nutshell“
Speakers have 3 minutes time to present their innovative technology or product in order to find potential partners. Apply with a short draft and get your personal presentation slot!
Moderator: Katrin Seifarth, train effect
16.30-17.30 Open Business Lounge and Get-Together
Drop in and find a business partner. Leave your message or a business card on a pin board. Look for suitable partners and talk to them enjoying jointly a drink.

Thursday, 13.9.2012, Maritim Rhein Main Hotel Darmstadt
(20 minutes by train from Frankfurt Central Station and 5 minutes walking distance from the Darmstadt Central Station)
Time Lecture
9.30-15.00 Brokerage Event for Automotive Suppliers
A common event of the Automotive Cluster RheinMainNeckar and the EEN Hessen. Register with a company profile, choose interesting partners and meet them for prearranged b2b meetings.
15.00 Company visit to Fraunhofer LBF Institute for Structural Durablity and System Reliability
(The number of participants is limited)

Friday, 14.9.2012, Frankfurt, MesseTurm
Friedrich-Ebert-Anlage 49, 10th floor

Time Lecture
8.00-10.00 Business Breakfast “Light as a feather? New Generation of Lightweight Constructions in the Automotive Sector”
An event by FrankfurtRheinMain GmbH in cooperation with Automotive Cluster RheinMainNeckar and EEN Hessen
(The number of participants is limited)

Do you have any questions? Please find more information on www.b2match.eu/automechanika2012 or contact directly
Dr. Margarete Kessler, Tel. +49 (611) 95017-8473, margarete.kessler@hessen-agentur.de

For companies willing to participate from the Netherlands, please contact Olaf ter Haar at Syntens / Enterprise Europe Network to assist you in the b2b company profiles or for support during the fair. Olaf ter Haar can be contacted at oth@syntens.nl  

Automechanica 2012: Around 4,500 exhibitors are expected at this year’s Automechanika and the Frankfurt fairground is almost fully booked up. We are also opening Hall 9.2 and for the first time putting up a lightweight hall on the Agora outdoor area. Additionally, we are providing for greater transparency and you can now use a ‘special-interest filter’ to search for exhibitors and products more precisely in the official catalogue or on the internet. Thus, you can easily find companies in the e-mobility or commercial-vehicles segments or exhibitors with particularly innovative products or environmentally-friendly solutions. See for yourself here online. To help you prepare for your visit to the fair, I also recommend you take a look at the extensive complementary programme of events.

maandag 6 augustus 2012

Siemens werkt aan gigantische windturbine

Bewerkt door: Annelies De Becker − 01/08/12, 04u36  − Bron: ips news
© thinkstock.
Het Duitse electronicagigant Siemens werkt aan een nieuwe windturbine met recordafmetingen. Eén rotorblad is bijna zo lang als de spanwijdte van de Airbus A380, het grootste lijnvliegtuig ter wereld.
Fabrikanten proberen windmolens zo groot mogelijk te maken, omdat de elektriciteitsproductie exponentieel toeneemt met de lengte van de rotorbladen. Het is bovendien goedkoper om enkele grote turbines te bouwen en te onderhouden dan meerdere kleinere exemplaren. In het geval van de nieuwe B75 zijn de wieken maar liefst 75 meter lang.

"Als de wieken draaien, bestrijken ze een gebied van 18.600 vierkante meter, equivalent aan twee en een half voetbalveld", schrijft Siemens in een persbericht. "De tip van de wieken bereikt zo snelheden van 80 meter per seconde, of 290 kilometer per uur."

De nieuwe afmetingen zijn mogelijk dankzij het gebruik van speciale technologieën, waardoor de wieken 20 procent lichter zijn. "Het hele rotorblad wordt als één geheel uit epoxyhars, glasvezel en balsa gemaakt", zegt Siemens. "Daardoor zijn er geen naden of bindingen en is het blad extreem robuust."

Dat is nodig, als de windsnelheid zo'n 10 meter per seconde is, verwerkt de gigantische rotor de energie van 200 ton lucht per seconde. De nieuwe B75 turbine wordt in de herfst geassembleerd in het testcentrum in het Deense Østerild.

Cleantech & MVO related links

Enterprise Europe Network - Automotive

Enterprise Europe Network - Energy