Vanuit de samenwerking op het WTC Twente met KvK, Syntens, Enterprise Europe Network en OOST NV, zijn we acteif met het koppelen van internationale business voor de regio. Dit initiatief genaamd IBIC, International Business Information Center zijn de volgende 5 profielen van buitenlandse bedrijven gekomen die op zoek zijn naar een samenwerking in Nederland.
Mocht u interesse hebben in verdere informatie of bedrijven kennen waarvoor deze profelen interessant zijn, dan kunt u zich wenden tot de blogeigenaar, per mailadres oth@syntens.nl. De verdere contacten zullen dan tot stand worden gebracht.
Hieronder de profielen:
Profiel 1:
A biotechcompany, established in April 2007, which is aiming for business development on their proprietary technologies on antibody engineering and transgenic animal engineering using chickens, based on enormous quantity of results accumulated in Laboratory of Immunobiology, Graduate School of Biosphere Science, Hiroshima University.
Technology offer:
Chicken monoclonal antibody technology. The chicken is a useful animal for developing specific antibodies against conserved mammalian proteins because of the phylogenic differences between chickens and mammals. The positive notes of chicken monoclonal antibody technology are: 1. superior antibody against conserved mammalian proteins, 2. high affinity antibody, 3. antibody panel, and 4. cross-reactive antibody. In addition, company has established antibody modification technologies that make chimeric and humanized antibodies.
Meer informatie is terug te vinden in de bijgevoegde bijlage.
Type of collaboration sought:
Research & development, technical cooperation.
Type of expertise sought:
Oncology, therapeutic antibody, target validation, screening of cancer specific antigen.
Profiel 2:
Water teatment company
Water treatment equipment or technologies to separate materilas from water regardding waste water regulatioins and enviroment regulations in Japan
Target: fluorine, selene, boron, arsenic, redioactive materials, soluble COD materials (soluble organic matters), surfactant, etc.
Method: absorbson, coagulation, filter separation, etc
- Water treatiment equipement or technologies in the field of antibacteria.
- Electrode materilals to be applied for oxidizer generators ( ozone, sodium chrorine dioxide, etc)
- Metering pumps with a unit of micro to mili litres, prefarablly anti-acid and anti-alcali
- Filters to separate a floating solid material with s size of some micro meters.
Profiel 3:
Electric company micro and nano technology
- Polishing process on siliocn substrate to dice a deposited silica on silicon substrate while polishing a side surface
- Polishing process on siliocn substrate to polishi a wall of ditch, after 20-30 micro meter depth is ditched on silicon substrate. Partial make-up on ditch on this. - Within 1 micro meter precision to position the ditch.
Silicon substrate dicing: to dice an edge of silicon substrate with a right or required angle, on a condition of a dicing-taped silicon wafer.
- Silicon substrate polishing: to make a slit (width:100 micrometer and depth: 100 micrometer) from the surfae on an edge of 800 micro meter deep silicon substrate.
- Silicon substrate mtalizing(coating): to metalize(coating) gold on top layer of silicon substrate.
- Qurtz glass processing: to make 10 micrometer steps(stairs) on silicon substrate. Transparant and a size of 0.2mm x 0.5mm. positoning presicion: less than 0.01mm
- Dice production: to produce a dice to make up a 30 micrometer metalic tape and a 30 micrometer diameter disk
- Metalic cover with positioning pins: a metalic cover equiped with two positioning pins (diameter:0.7+-0..002, hight:1-1.5, pitch:6.6+0.005 ) to be used for semiconductor devices with a side of 10-15 milimeter. Material: Cu, Al, Fe group preffered. The production method depends on the supplier.
Profiel 4:
Burnig equipment company
- Metal matelials which can be used at a 300 centil degree temparature( or more) or used to be cleanable on the burned collored surfece. Also the surface process(SUS etc) are focued regarding the condition. Food hygiene law and anti-polishing are considered.
- Surface processing for resin ( crome coating, surface pringting with polishing proof, anti-mold, water friendly painting, and cleaning painting etc) target: ABS resin or others
- Anti-buring resin (O-V) technologies. (price is considred as well)
- Resin formation technologies without welds.
- Neutrailization technologies against acids (nitrous acid etc) (price is considred as well)
- Rubber materials usable at 300 centi degree temparature or more. (sealing etc)
- Sound proof (anti-noise)materials ( efective on a dymanic range) (price is considred as well)
- Thin and small sized speaker
- Technologies to quickly remove static electricity. (price is considred as well)
- Technolgoeis to curve and wring out steel plates and metalic pipes
- Electric heater to trigger with a quick response (cheaper and highly durable)
Profiel 5:
Auto parts company
- Laser welding process technologies with no spattering available. It is used for precision parts. (spattering size allowance: 20-30 micrometer or less) Materials: martensite(13Cr) stainless and austenite (Cr-N) stainless.
- Non invasive inspection method to check a defective welding spot. Laser-welded precision parts are targeted. Inspectiono size: 30-50 micrometers or more. Hopefuly 10 micrometer or more.
- Non invasive inspection method to check a defective precise mold parts ( lostwax method etc) Defective mold size: 30-50 micrometers or more. Hopefuly 10 micrometer or more.
Materials: austenite stainless
Wilt u meer weten over internationale mogelijkheden voor uw onderneming dan kunt u contact opnemen met bijvoorbeeld het WTC Twente in Hengelo, WTC-Twente of bij Enterprose Europe Network