woensdag 31 juli 2013

Tweede tender regeling Seed capital technostarters

Bron: Website AGNL

Voor de Seed Capital-regeling staat een tweede tender open voor investeringsfondsen die technostarters en starters in de creatieve industrie willen ondersteunen. Er is nog budget over van de eerste tender in 2013.

Bent u bereid te investeren in technostarters waarbij u met Agentschap NL het risico spreidt? Vraag dan een lening aan voor het opzetten van een Seed-fonds. De SEED Capital-regeling maakt het voor investeerders mogelijk om starters te helpen hun technologische en creatieve kennis om te zetten in toepasbare producten of diensten.

Een Closed-end participatiefonds kan zich kwalificeren voor de regeling als u investeert in risicovolle ondernemingen van techno- en/of creatieve starters. De lening is gelijk aan het private inlegbedrag van het fonds. Er geldt een maximum van € 4 miljoen.

Budget en tender 2013
Het budget voor de Seed-aanvragen is € 16 miljoen. Daarnaast is een apart compartiment van € 4 miljoen beschikbaar voor investeringsfondsen die zich richten op creatieve starters. U kunt een aanvraag indienen tot 30 september 2013. Agentschap NL neemt uw aanvraag in behandeling als alle gevraagde documenten op tijd zijn ingediend.

Meer informatie over Seed Capital

maandag 29 juli 2013

Bedrijven blijven innoveren met WBSO en RDA

Bron: Nieuwsbrief AGNL

In 2012 maakten 22.220 ondernemingen gebruik van de Wet Bevordering Speur- en Ontwikkelingswerk (WBSO), 8% meer dan in 2011. 13.860 bedrijven maakten daarbovenop gebruik van de Research & Development Aftrek (RDA). Dit staat in het jaaroverzicht ‘Focus op speur- en ontwikkelingswerk’.

Dankzij de WBSO verlaagt voor bedrijven de onderzoeksloonkosten. De RDA levert een exta aftrekpost op voor andere kosten en uitgaven voor het project. In 2012 werd bijna € 5,9 miljard aan private Research & Development (R&D) ondersteund door de WBSO en de RDA. Daarvan was € 3,9 miljard voor de  toegekende loonkosten en € 2 miljard aan andere uitgaven voor R&D. Het aantal R&D-uren steeg in 2012 met 6% en de loonkosten voor R&D met zo’n 8%.

Het mkb gebruikt het meest de WBSO en de RDA. 97% van het totale aantal WBSO-aanvragen kwam van een mkb-ondernemer. Voor de RDA is was het aandeel 98%. De meeste R&D vindt plaats in Noord-Brabant en Zuid Holland. Flevoland laat met een toename van 14% de grootste stijging zien. De machine- en apparatenindustrie geeft het meeste uit aan R&D, gevolgd door de sector telecom en ICT.

De WBSO is bedoeld voor elke onderneming die speur- en ontwikkelingswerk verricht. Bedrijven en zelfstandigen kunnen de WBSO zelf aanvragen en verrekenen via de belastingaangifte. Ook met de RDA-regeling stimuleert de Rijksoverheid R&D-activiteiten voor ondernemers. Bedrijven kunnen een percentage van de kosten en investeringen voor deze R&D-activiteiten extra aftrekken van de winstbelasting.

Rapport Focus op speur- en ontwikkelingswerk van de WBSO/RDA in 2012

Ook gebruik maken van deze regeling, kijk dan op DEZE website

vrijdag 26 juli 2013

Ducati 1199 Panigale wins Red Dot Award in Essen Germany

Source: Website Ducati, July 2, 2013

Ducati 1199 Panigale wins “best-of-the-best” in premier design competition: The red dot design awards

  • 4,662 products assessed for the 2013 edition
  • Official award ceremony held Monday, 1 July in Essen, Germany
  • The award-winning Ducati 1199 Panigale to be exhibited in red dot design museum, Singapore.
Borgo Panigale (Bologna, Italy), 02 July 2013 – The Ducati 1199 Panigale Superbike, an icon of style, innovation and technology has been judged by a jury of 37 experts and awarded “best-of-the-best” within the product design category of the red dot awards, one of the biggest and most prestigious international design competitions.

The 2013 edition of the competition saw a staggering 4,662 products go through the rigorous selection process, with the Bologna-based manufacturer clinching the award for the innovative motorcycle that has further underlined the company’s status as a design icon within the motorcycle industry.

Held at the Aalto Theatre in Essen, Germany, on Monday, 1 July, the glittering awards ceremony was attended by some of the biggest names in the world of design. The highly influential audience enjoyed an intriguing display of jury-selected products, of which Ducati’s 1199 Panigale became the star of the show.

Ducati’s award-winning Superbike will be exhibited for four weeks at the red dot design museum in Germany, at an exhibition in Taiwan and, for one year, at the impressive red dot design museum in Singapore. The  red dot design award is the only international award that boasts two dedicated design museums, in Germany and Singapore, thus giving further visibility and added credibility to awarded product designs.

Read the full article HERE.

Rechters over het kopen van andermans merk als Adword

Bron: Nieuwsbrief AOMB IP Partners

Practicomfort handelt in trapliften van verschillende merken. Bij de zoekmachine van Google gebruikt men het woord “otolift”, een merk van de eiser in deze rechtszaak, als Adword. Op deze zoekopdracht verschijnen een tweetal advertenties van Practicomfort. De eerste advertentie bevat de tekst: “Otolift vindt u op traplift.nl”, de tweede advertentie geeft enkele generieke aanduidingen van trapliften die kunnen duiden op trapliften van Otolift of op die van derden.

In deze zaak oordeelt de rechter dat de eerste advertentie verwarring veroorzaakt bij de consument. Een advertentie die op basis van een Adword verschijnt naast de zoekresultaten moet immers een alternatief aanbieden en niet suggereren dat Practicomfort de merkhouder is...>

Klik hier om verder te lezen.

donderdag 25 juli 2013

TNO patenteert baanbrekende biomassaverwerkingstechnologie

Bron:  Biobased Economy Magazine, 22 juli 2013 | TNO heeft een methode gepatenteerd die het mogelijk moet maken om zonder zuurstof organische zuren grootschalig en rendabel te winnen uit biomassa. Dat betekent niet alleen energiebesparing en veel minder uitstoot  maar ook een grootschaliger en goedkoper manier van produceren. Bouwsteenmoleculen om bijvoorbeeld plastics en coatings te maken, zijn nu nog afkomstig uit aardolie. 

Tijdens onderzoek naar de eigenschappen van gist ontdekten experts van TNO een nieuwe metabole route. Een normale biologische route in schimmels is de zogeheten citroenzuur- of TCA-cyclus, die een centrale rol speelt in het omzetten van suikers in organische zuren. Daarbij is altijd zuurstof nodig. Door genetische veranderingen in schimmels aan te brengen slaagden TNO erin een “slapende” route aan te zetten die sterk lijkt op de TCA cyclus. De route heeft als voordeel dat het organische zuren produceert zonder dat daarbij zuurstof vereist is.

Programmamanager Dr. Ernst Geutjes van TNO: ‘De vinding is dermate baanbrekend dat we er direct patent op hebben aangevraagd. Als we er de komende tijd in slagen de methode verder te ontwikkelen, kan deze een belangrijke bijdrage leveren aan het verduurzamen van de chemische industrie. Voor de productie van organische zuren, die de bouwstenen leveren voor tal van kunststoffen, is dan geen zuurstof meer nodig. Dat betekent een forse energiebesparing  en grootschaliger produceren, waardoor er meer geproduceerd kan worden tegen lagere kosten.  Reactorvaten waarin zuurstof wordt gebruikt, zijn nu maximaal 250 kuub, terwijl de zuurstofloze methode reactoren tot 1.500 kuub mogelijk maakt. Behalve kostenbesparing biedt de methode ook perspectieven voor het reduceren van het broeikaseffect omdat in plaats van zuurstof mogelijk de vervuilers koolstofdioxide en nitraat gebruikt kunnen worden als energiebron.

Lees het hele artikel HIER.

woensdag 24 juli 2013

Wie heeft het beste ondernemersidee van Oost-Nederland?

Bron:  Website KvK Oost Nederland

De Kamer van Koophandel Oost-Nederland, VNO-NCW Stedendriehoek en de gemeente Lochem organiseren op 7 november in Schouwburg Lochem de derde editie van de Business Match Oost. Dit congres is hĂ©t ontmoetingsmoment voor ondernemend Oost-Nederland. Centraal staat het thema ‘Het grote groene geld, over innovatie en duurzaam rendement in Oost-Nederland’.

Onder dagvoorzitterschap van Frans Miggelbrink vertellen verschillende sprekers enthousiast over hun groene, innovatieve producten. Zij delen hun ervaringen en laten met praktische tips en inspirerende voorbeelden zien dat je met groen en duurzaam ondernemen wel degelijk geld kunt verdienen. Het congres is bedoeld voor ondernemers, bestuurders en beleidsmakers in de regio’s Stedendriehoek, Achterhoek en Twente.

Beste ondernemersidee
De inschrijving voor het beste ondernemersidee van Oost-Nederland is geopend. Ondernemers met een vernieuwend groen idee, dat met een verdienmodel bijdraagt aan verduurzaming, maken kans hun idee te verwezenlijken. Kandidaten kunnen zich melden via info@businessmatchoost.nl. Uit de inzendingen worden vijf kandidaten genomineerd. Tijdens de Business Match Oost wordt de winnaar bekendgemaakt. Die gaat na afloop met een prijs van € 5000,- naar huis.

Business matchen
Na het middagprogramma hebben de deelnemers tijdens het Business Match Buffet volop mogelijkheid om te netwerken en werkelijk business te matchen. ‘s Avonds staan ontmoeting en netwerken centraal in het Business Match CafĂ©.

Informatie en aanmelden
Het programma wordt nog aangevuld met parels uit het oosten. De ontwikkelingen zijn via Twitter te volgen (@matchoost). Tips en suggesties voor interessante sprekers en aansprekende voorbeelden zijn van harte welkom op info@businessmatchoost.nl. Op www.businessmatchoost.nl is alle informatie na te lezen. Aanmelden kan alleen via de site. Deelname is gratis, de kosten voor het buffet bedragen € 40,- per persoon.

maandag 22 juli 2013

Elmia Automotive Subcontractor Connect 2013, November 11 & 12, 2013 Jongköping Sweden

Welcome to Subcontractor Connect 2013, a brokerage event organised by Enterprise Europe Network/ Almi Företagspartner Mälardalen at the trade fair Elmia Subcontractor in Jönköping Sweden. As Syntens Innovatienetwerk and Agentschap NL are the Dutch organisations to participate in the Enterprise Europe Network, this brokerage event will be co organizing by Syntens Innovatienetwerk to support Dutch companies that are interested and willing to participate in the fair visit and brokerage event.

Elmia Subcontractor is Northern Europe’s leading trade show for subcontractors in the manufacturing industry and their customers - a genuine specialist fair for product development and purchasing. Every year it brings together around 1,200 exhibitors from some 30 countries. In 2012 the fair attracted more than 14,000 visitors.

This is the 9th time we organise match-making during this fair. Subcontractor Connect is an arena for contacts and business in all areas of industry. Suppliers and buyers from across Europe have the chance to build the foundation for valuable business in the future through effective meetings.

Last year's result:
•151 companies from 23 countries (16 large buyers)
•720 meetings over two days – 5.3 per company on average
•69.9% of the meetings led to a follow-up being planned
•Participating companies estimated the value of future business to be €10,083,000

Registration fee:
Swedish companies 2700 SEK 1st person (excl. VAT)
Swedish companies 1350 SEK 2nd person or more per company (excl. VAT)
Foreign companies 1800 SEK 1st person (incl. VAT)
Foreign companies 1350 SEK 2nd person or more per company (incl. VAT)

14 Oct Deadline online registration – Insert your cooperation profile
28 Oct Deadline to book your meeting requests
12 Nov Pre-booked business meetings (10:00-12:00), (13:30-17:30)
13 Nov Pre-booked business meetings (9:30-12:00),(13:30-15:00)

For more information and registration:b2match.eu/subcontractorconnect2013 

Event information:
Event Type: Brokerage Events
Start Date: 12-Nov-2013
End Date: 13-Nov-2013 
City: Elmiavägen 11, 550 06  Jönköping
Country: Sweden

Industrial Sectors:
  • Industrial manufacture
  • Electronics, microelectronics 

For companies from the Netherlands that want to participate:
Dutch companies interested or willing to participate in this matchmaking and fair visit can contact Olaf ter Haar at Syntens Innovatienetwerk to have further information, assistance and help to write the company matchmaking profile and arrange for the matchmaking.

ing. Olaf A.M. ter Haar
Innovation consultant
Syntens / Enterprise Europe Network
Enschede - the Netherlands
Phone:   +31.88.444 0064
Fax:         +31.88.444 0158
Mobile:  +31.6.5162 7373
Mail:       oth@syntens.nl / www.olafterhaar.blogspot.nl

vrijdag 19 juli 2013

Europa stimuleert innovatie met 22 miljard voor partnerschappen

Bron: Website AGNL

MĂ¡ire Geoghegan-Quinn, eurocommissaris voor onderzoek & innovatie, gaat opnieuw investeren in partnerschappen. Het gaat onder meer om schonere luchtvaart, medicijnontwikkeling, een ‘biobased’ economie en elektronicafabricage.

In een partnerschap bundelen de EU, bedrijfsleven, kennisinstellingen en (soms) lidstaten de krachten. Ze committeren zich aan meerjarige samenwerking. Ze ontwikkelen nieuwe kennis en technologie om uiteindelijk innovaties op de markt te kunnen brengen.

10 partnerschappen
Het gaat om 10 verschillende partnerschappen. De volgende 5 publiek-private samenwerkingen, zogenaamde ‘joint technology initiatives’ (JTI's) ontvangen de meeste financiering:
  • JTI Clean Sky 2: schonere, stillere vliegtuigen die minder CO2 uitstoten;
  • JTI Innovative Medicines 2: volgende generatie vaccins, medicijnen en behandelingen;
  • JTI Fuel Cells and Hydrogen 2: schone energietechnologie in transport, industrie en de energiesector;
  • JTI Electronics (ECSEL): versterken van Europa’s elektronicaindustrie;
  • JTI Bio-based Industries: hernieuwbare natuurlijke bronnen en groenere producten.

De eerste 3 zijn voortzettingen van bestaande partnerschappen. ECSEL verenigt de lopende programma’s ENIAC en Artemis. Bio-based is een nieuw partnerschap.

Deze 4 publiek-publieke samenwerkingen - die financiering ontvangen van de EU en lidstaten - krijgen een vervolg:
  • Eurostars 2, het vervolg op het succesvolle Eurostars programma voor het high-tech mkb;
  • European and Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership 2;
  • European Metrology Programme;
  • Active and Assisted Living (AAL).

Het 10e partnerschap is het programma SESAR, dat werkt aan een European Air Traffic Management System.

In totaal gaat het om een investering van 22 miljard euro over 7 jaar (2014-2020). Daarvan betaalt de Europese Commissie 8 miljard euro, afkomstig uit het nieuwe Horizon 2020 programma. De private sector investeert 10 miljard euro. Verder investeren ook de lidstaten in enkele partnerschappen. Zo ondersteunt het ministerie van EZ Nederlandse deelname aan ECSEL en Eurostars 2. Het ministerie van VWS ondersteunt deelname aan AAL.

De meeste partnerschappen werken met open ‘calls for proposals’ (subsidierondes). Consortia van bedrijven en/of kennisinstellingen kunnen samen projectvoorstellen indienen. De Europese Commissie verwacht de eerste calls in 2014. Op Horizon 2020 kunt u de calls na publicatie terugvinden.

Meer informatie
Lees verder over de plannen op de website van de Europese Commissie.
Neem voor meer informatie contact op met ons Expertisecentrum internationaal Onderzoek en Innovatie (EiOI), telefoon 088 602 560. Agentschap NL is contactpunt voor deze partnerschappen (met uitzondering van het Clinical Trials Partnership, Metrology Programme en AAL).

woensdag 17 juli 2013

Antivries, een magnetron en goedkope materialen voor goedkope zonne-energie

Bron: 08 juli 2013 om 14:56 uur - Corvallis, Oregon (VS) via www.engineersonline.nl

Een proces waarin een paar relatief goedkope materialen worden gecombineerd met dezelfde antivries die in de winter in de radiator van de auto gaat, zou de sleutel kunnen zijn tot het maken van zonnecellen die minder kosten en die geen giftige materialen bevatten. En als deze benadering wordt geperfectioneerd, dan zouden deze zonnecellen gewoon in een standaard magnetron kunnen worden geproduceerd.

Technici op de Oregon State University hebben ontdekt dat ethyleenglycol, dat gewoonlijk wordt gebruikt in antivriesproducten, goed kan functioneren als een goedkoop oplosmiddel in een ‘continous flow' reactor, een methode voor het maken van dunnefilm zonnecellen die makkelijk kan worden opgeschaald voor serieproductie op industrieel niveau. Uit het onderzoek bleek ook dat deze benadering werkt met CZTS, ofwel koper-zink-tinsulfide, een materiaal dat van specifiek belang is voor zonnecellen, dankzij excellente optische eigenschappen en het feit dat deze materialen goedkoop en milieuvriendelijk zijn.
Gangbaar en goedkoop
Nanodeeltjes vormen de zonnecel
"Het wereldwijde gebruik van zonne-energie zal achterblijven als de materialen voor de cellen te kostbaar zijn of als er giftige chemische stoffen bij de productie moeten worden gebruikt", verwacht professor  Greg Herman van de OSU School of Chemical, Biological and Environmental Engineering. "We hebben technologieĂ«n nodig met gangbare, goedkope materialen. Bij dit proces is dat het geval."
Veel van de huidige zonnecellen worden gemaakt met CIGS, koper-indium-gallium-diselenide. Indium is relatief zeldzaam en wordt vooral geproduceerd in China. Vorig jaar waren de prijzen voor indium en gallium ongeveer 275 maal hoger dan het zink dat wordt gebruikt in CZTS-cellen.
Sneller De technologie die wordt ontwikkeld bij OSU maakt gebruikt van ethyleenglycol in meso-fluĂ¯dische reactoren die een nauwkeurige beheersing mogelijk maken van temperatuur, reactietijd en massatransport. Dat is nodig om te komen tot een betere kristallijne kwaliteit en een hoge uniformiteit van de nanodeeltjes die de zonnecel vormen - factoren die de prestaties van de cel verhogen.
De methode is ook sneller - veel bedrijven gebruiken nog ‘batch mode' synthese om CIGS nanodeeltjes te maken. Dat is een proces dat alles bij elkaar een hele dag duurt. - in een continuous flow reactor gaat het in ongeveer een half uur. De snelheid van dergelijke reactoren zal de uiteindelijke kosten nog verder reduceren.
Op dit moment zijn de prestaties van CZTS cellen nog minder dan die van CIGS, zeggen de onderzoekers, maar verder onderzoek aan het gebruik van doteringen en verdere optimalisering zouden moeten leiden tot cellen met een vergelijkbaar rendement.

dinsdag 16 juli 2013

Match4Industry Turkey, TOSB Automotive Supplier Park, Kocaeli/Turkey, 24-25 September 2013

“An Innovative Business Matching Concept” Business Matching event on site!

The Enterprise Europe Network partner East Marmara ABÄ°GEM in close collaboration with Kocaeli Chamber of Industry, many other Enterprise Europe Network partners and professional business support organisations will organise the second edition of the Match4Industry Business Matching Event in the TOSB Automotive Supplier Industrial Park on 24-25 September 2013 in Kocaeli, Turkey.
As Syntens Innovatienetwerk and Agentschap NL are the Dutch organisations to participate in the Enterprise Europe Network, this brokerage event will be co organizing by Syntens Innovatienetwerk to support Dutch companies that are interested and willing to participate in the fair visit and brokerage event.

Via Match4Industry you will have opportunity to:
  • Present your services and solutions to leading companies
  • Explore perfect opportunities to initiate qualified contacts
  • Discuss and compare the latest industry development
  • Expand your activities and network
  • Create strong bonds with international companies
  • Reach new markets through Turkey

Sectors of Interest:
  • Automotive Supply
  • Metal and Machinery
  • Plastics and Rubber
  • Tire
  • Chemical (Automotive Paints and Coatings, Automotive Care Products)
  • Electronics
  • Information and Communication Technologies
In addition to targeted b2b meetings that will be organised in the Industrial Zones, participating companies will have the opportunity to follow-up their meetings with personalised visits to the company facilities in order to concretise the negotiations and assess the business environment of the region.

Participation fee: 
We are delighted to inform you that participation fee for Match4Industry event has been reduced from 200 EUR to 80 EUR per participant because the accomodation costs will be financed by Republic of Turkey Ministry of Economy to stimulate economic relations between Turkey and foreign countries.

The participation fee includes below services;
  • B2B Matching
  • Local travel to meeting points
  • English to Turkish, Turkish to English translation
  • 1 dinner, 2 lunch and coffee break

Accommodation cost of Match4Industry event (2 nights stay at 5 star hotel) will be financed by Republic of Turkey Ministry of Economy.

Deadline for registration: 9 September, 2013
For more information please visit the website: www.match4industry.com
1. Register your profile on www.een-b2b.org/Match4Industry/
2. Select your partner
3. Create your

Local contact for this event:
East Marmara ABÄ°GEM / Yelda KANPARA
T . +90 262 323 08 56
M. ykanpara@abigemdm.com.tr / info@abigemdm.com.tr

For companies from the Netherlands that want to participate:
Dutch companies interested or willing to participate in this matchmaking and fair visit can contact Olaf ter Haar at Syntens Innovatienetwerk to have further information, assistance and help to write the company matchmaking profile and arrange for the matchmaking.

ing. Olaf A.M. ter Haar
Innovation consultant
Syntens / Enterprise Europe Network
Enschede - the Netherlands

Phone:   +31.88.444 0064
Fax:         +31.88.444 0158
Mobile:  +31.6.5162 7373

International co operation profiles from Enterprise Europe Network from second half July 2013

Find some of the latest profiles on Enterprise Europe Network for partnersearch, new business at your doorstep published first half of July 2013.

Enterprise Europe Network, with its 600 partner organisations in over 50 countries, helps companies find business opportunities across the European Union and beyond.

Some advantages are:
- Easy access to new technologies
- Less risk in developing new products or technologies
- Improve speed of development, time to market
- Shared co development on your expertise combined with other expertises external
- Finding relevant new contacts using the network and get introduced to it
- Get a warm introduction on the right level using personal contacts from the Enterprise Europe Network consultants
- Combine fair visit with matchmaking organised by Enterprise Europe Network to find your new business partners

For a full description of the proposals below, please click on the title. You will be directed to our website. Here you indicate your interest at the bottom of the full description. Will the network bring you to success?

Manufacturing of bus and car bodies
Business OFFER from Poland
A Polish company specialized in manufacturing of bus and car bodies (metal elements) is looking for international cooperation. The firm is offering itself as a subcontractor and is searching for reciprocal production.

New yarn coating technology
Technology OFFER from Belgium
A Belgian SME has developed an innovative yarn coating technology. The technology was initially developed for medical products and they are now looking for industrial partners, preferably SME's wanting to implement this technology for smaller batch productions requiring special needs (functionalities). The SME is looking for cooperation via joint development but are open to discuss other cooperations.

Planning of test ground for vehicles in Turkey
Business OFFER from Germany
German engineering company which has a high reputation as an expert in driving dynamics and vehicle suspensions is interested in joining a team to plan, build and operate a test ground for vehicles (proving ground) in Turkey. Subcontracting or joint venture is offered.

Heat-exchanger working with poultry droppings.
Technology OFFER from Italy
Small Italian company invented a new machinery able to generate heat from poultry droppings, avoiding air and ground pollution. The machinery is a heat-generator that burns the poultry droppings, simplifying a series of activities dealing with poultry farm management. The company is looking for partners interested in licensing agreement and commercial agreement with technical consultancy.

IT application for the development of an accurate wind map of a metropolitan area
Technology REQUEST from Spain
A Spanish micro SME is looking for an IT tool application for the development of a precise wind map of a metropolitan area. This map shall be a guide tool for the enterprises planning micro wind turbines or hybrid renewable energy installations in urban areas. It has to be an effective tool able to provide data such as the Weibull curve and in addition has to take into account the layout of the city (buildings, streets, barriers). Any type of partner for a technical cooperation is sought.

Oil refining, Sulfur scavenger
Technology OFFER from Unknown
An Albanian company has developed a sulfur scavenger technology for use by oil refining companies. This technology is new and it works in a nano-scale. It is extremely effective in lowering the Sulfur content in oil from thousands ppm (part per million) up to 2 ppm. This technology is currently being implemented at an industrial scale and will be fully ready and available by the beginning of September 2013. Companies in the oil refining industry are sought for a manufacturing agreement.

Marker-free analysis microscopy of biomolecules
Technology OFFER from Germany
An institute of a German university has developed a microscope, which analyzes particles on the nano- and micrometer scale through optical measurement procedures. It allows for the analysis of nanoparticles or small structures with sensitivity as far as 1 nm without using markers. The technology can be used e.g. for biological cells analysis, biomolecular engineering, polymer technologies. The company is looking licensees and/or partner for further development.

Fiber laser system
Technology OFFER from France
A south west France research unit develops ultra high sensibility laser for research and industrial applications as metrology, nanoscale characterization, ablation, XUV imaging… This laser is easy to manufacture, low cost and can be use for very thin application. The laboratory is looking for technical cooperation and license agreement.

Technology to hold , lift , separate and cut Bovine animal parts
Technology OFFER from Ireland
An Irish product developer with over 20 years experience in the beef processing sector has developed a handling technology that facilitates faster, more accurate handling and separation of animal parts during the butchery process. It reduces physical stress on the operator and increases yield from the butchery process. The developer seeks a partnership with an equipment manufacturer to commercialise the product and bring it to market. The exact nature of this partnership is open to negotiation

System for localised processing of animal and organic waste remove water and produce power and bio fertiliser.
Technology OFFER from Ireland
An Irish product/process developer has devised a process that transforms organic waste and industrial by-products into biomass , bio fertilizer , biogas and bio water. The process has been developed as a locally applied, but scalable, process applicable to landfill sites or farms. The developer is seeking licenses / partnerships with machinery manufacturers to commercialise the process.

Insect Barrier System
Technology OFFER from Germany
A German inventor has developed a non-polluting, non-hazardous and effective alternative to conventional insect control methods. The insect barrier system is successful in protecting homes, industrial buildings, landmarks etc.from crawling insects by using an electrical conductive profile system to be installed around the area to be protected. Joint further development and market introduction is searched for.

Technologies to Reduce Volatile Organic Compounds in Polyurethane Foam
Technology REQUEST from Germany
A global company manufacturing industrial parts (with European headquarters based in Germany) is seeking flexible foam for seats with a maximum of 200 ppm of toxic VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds) with a performance profile similar to PU (polyurethane) foam. Research organisations or companies with adequate solutions are sought for technical cooperation or licensing agreements.

Grinding and regrinding of solid carbide cutting tools and repairing pocketed cutting tools.
Business OFFER from Poland
Polish company specializing in providing a wide spectrum of solutions for the metal working industry is looking for international cooperation. The company is dealing with grinding and regrinding of solid carbide cutting tools and repairing pocketed cutting tools (tool holders for machinery equipment). The firm is looking for agent or distributor and offers itself as subcontractor for companies from metal working branch.

Enzymatic kit for routine analysis of freshness of meat and fish products
Technology OFFER from France
A French SME, specialized in the production of rare recombinant enzymes of nucleotide metabolism, has developed novel enzymatic kit that allows, for the first time, the quantification of three major ATP catabolites by long-UV spectrophotometry. This is a first quantitative and high-throughput tool that can be implemented for routine control of freshness. Industrial partners involved in food processing of fish or meat products are sought for commercial agreement with technical assistance.

Videostreaming system for public authorities and conference providers.
Technology OFFER from Czech Republic
A small Czech company offers an IT system for life videostreaming for public authorities, conferences and other life transmissions. The technology is suitable for areas with need of recorded content to interested people. With this system the owner can also have an archive of life videos which can be used for accessing the information to the public. This module can allow to overlay sound sensitive data so as to comply with the protection of personal datas. Multimedia cities as users are sought.

Novel bottle top container
Technology OFFER from United Kingdom
A UK SME has developed an innovative plastic bottle top to suit most beverage bottles. It provides a built in plastic spring loaded leak-proof bottle top to allow liquids to be dispensed through a pouring top. The patented release action moves across the bottle top rather than the conventional upwards movement. Releasing the plastic spring immediately stops the flow. The company is seeking partners for a license, joint venture or manufacturing agreement.

Manufacturing technology of solar collectors
Technology OFFER from Poland
A company from Poland, which operates in the renewable energy sector, has its solar START-UP manufacturing technology. The technology is used for manufacturing of solar collectors. The company is seeking partners who want to manufacture solar collectors. The type of offered cooperation is commercial agreement with technical assistance and license agreement.

Technological innovation exploiting high altitude wind power
Technology OFFER from Italy
Italian engineering company dealing with alternative energy developed a technology solution based on an aerostatic balloon that is able to exploit high altitude wind energy with low costs, higher continuity and a minor environmental impact. The Italian company is looking for partners interested in a technical cooperation agreement or willing to invest financial resources in this technology

Novel treatment for efficient heavy metal removal from wastewaters.
Technology OFFER from Spain
A Catalan research center offers and advanced technology for heavy metal removal in wastewaters. This treatment technology is based on the use of a novel nanostructured hybrid material, which presents unique features such as extremely fast and high heavy metal adsorption capacity. This material exhibits its highest selectivity and adsorption rate for lead and cooper ions. Partners interested in technical cooperation and commercial agreements with technical assistance are sought.

Blow moulding expertise and collaborative partnership.
Technology OFFER from Ireland
An Irish company with 30 years specialism in blow moulding and injection moulding and with bases in Europe and North America, are seeking partnerships with companies who could benefit from the company’s design and manufacturing experience. They currently focus mainly on the Automotive, Industrial and Healthcare sectors. The company will consider any mutually beneficial partnership ranging from commercial agreements with technical assistance to co-development of new products or joint ventures.

Large scale production of plastic microfluidic consumables for life sciences and diagnostic applications
Technology OFFER from Netherlands
A Dutch SME is specialized in precision injection moulds for the production of optical discs for data storage. The company developed a technology platform for micro moulding, which enables development and manufacturing of lab on a chip/lab on a disc consumables, in cooperation with life sciences- and diagnostics companies. The company is looking for industrial partners for joint development of existing and new applications as well as contract manufacturing of microfluidic consumables.

3D gesture-control interactive solutions
Technology OFFER from Belgium
A Brussels SME has integrated and optimized a commercial depth sensing camera and Software Development Kit (SDK) for best performance and quality in building 3D gesture-based applications and interfaces they offer. By teaming up with application and methodology experts and embedded ICT system manufacturers, the company aims at enhancing the user experience of its gesture recognition tools in diverse scenarios for the consumer electronics market. Technical cooperation is sought.

Partners for offshore windpark development sought
Business REQUEST from Germany
Leading German company in the development of windfarms (offshore and onshore) is looking for partners to expand its business within Europe and covering the whole value chain of offshore wind-industry projects. The company has more than 22 years of experience and has invested approx. EUR 765 million in developing of windparks on- and offshore. The company is looking for joint ventures with manufacturers, project developers and financial institutions

Business Offer - quality management in construction industry
Business OFFER from Germany
A German company based in Berlin is active in the construction industry. The main business area of the company in this sector is quality management for materials. They are offering their services for subcontracting and are looking for joint venture activities.

Romanian manufacturer of FRP / GRP tanks, sandwich panels and fiberglass products is looking for new partners (distributors, contractors)
Business OFFER from Romania
Romanian manufacturer specialized in producing FRP tanks for low and high capacity for storing up to 5000 cubic meters alimentary liquids and petroleum products, septic tanks, organic chemical baths in continuous flow and static other products of fiberglass reinforced polyester is looking for new partners. Also, the company produces sandwich panels with polyurethane foam or polystyrene board used in civil and industrial construction.

Large capacity trailer used to optimize dry hay and straw distribution in cattle farming buildings
Technology OFFER from France
A French SME boiler maker has been designing and manufacturing tractor trailers for 20 years. These are simple, functional and robust to make things easier for cattle farmers. It recently designed a large capacity straw distributor (20 m3) fitted with a efficient separator drive system specific to dry hay bales and a rotary chute optimizing material distribution. The SME can provide straw blowers adapted to the livestock farmers’ needs. A Commercial Agreement with Technical assistance is sought.

Hollow silica shells for slow release molecular delivery systems
Technology OFFER from United Kingdom
A UK company has developed a method of manufacturing micrometer sized hollow silica shells that offer the ability to store and slowly release other molecules. A wide range of potential commercial applications exist, including cosmetics and over-the-counter medicines. The company is seeking to license the technology to companies developing products in the cosmetics and over the counter medicine markets.

Micro-reactor for chemical products, easily scalable and with higher yield due to better mixing capabilities
Technology OFFER from Austria
An Austrian SME has developed a micro-reactor to produce specialty chemicals and pharmaceutical ingredients in compliance with GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) and FDA. It has an optimized educts-mixing and improved parameter control. Challenging synthesis processes (hazardous and exothermal) are easily scalable (from lab scale to production scale), while maintaining constant good yields. Partners to develop new applications in continuous multi-purpose operations are sought.

Fuel saving/monitoring tool for companies with numerous vehicles
Technology OFFER from Poland
Polish IT SME has developed a useful tool for companies with huge vehicle-park (numerous vehicles, and machinery) powered by diesel or petroleum engines for licensing. The tool keeps track of fuel consumption at all times, When the engine is running and but also when the engine is not running. Safeguarding at the same time the fuel-tank mainly from unauthorized "consumption", can also detect leakages from fuel systems.

Performing station to optimize local transportation services.
Technology OFFER from Italy
An Italian research group has recently developed an operative station for the real-time control and the management of the fleet of local transportation services. The system aims to improve the entire mobility system of a territory offering functionalities for all its actors (citizens, transportation companies, local or regional authorities). The research group is looking for partners for licence and commercial agreements.

Mathematical Expressions Handwriting Recognition technologies
Technology REQUEST from Korea, Republic of
A Korean company, specialized in platform, is looking for Mathematical Expression Handwriting recognition technology which is methods and systems adopted by computers or other electronic devices which have a touch screen or a touch panel as input, and process, translate and recognize these information from human, followed by appropriate actions such as calculations This company is looking for the company with licensing agreement.

Swedish company looking for concentrated photovoltaics (CPV) technology with high energy conversion rate
Technology REQUEST from Sweden
A Swedish cleantech company is interested in finding innovative solar cell technology from abroad. The company wishes to find a suitable manufacturer who produces solar cell panels with a high energy conversion rate. In particular, concentrated photovoltaics (CPV) solutions is of interest. A commercial agreement with technical consultancy is being sought.

Intuitive lighting control technology for medical lighting equipment.
Technology OFFER from Netherlands
A Dutch SME company developed and patented an intuitive lighting control technology that enables easy and effective control of several light settings (amongst others: intensity, colour temperature and focus) using touch gestures as commonly used in smartphones and tablet PC’s. The company offers its intellectual property, know-how and concepts in the frame of license agreements to OEM’s and manufacturers of medical lighting equipment.

A system that can be adapted to any size of Photovoltaic Panel for air cooling.
Technology OFFER from Ireland
An Irish SME with experience in solar electricity & thermal energy has developed a patented adaptor for cooling Photovoltaic (PV) panels. The solar heated air can be delivered to a desiccant cooler to deliver a 50-80% saving on power demand. The combination of solar electrical and thermal energy offers real solar cooling instead of solar assisted cooling. The company offers a royalty based licence to companies in the PV manufacturing & distribution arena in the EU, the USA, China and Canada.

New High Velocity metal forming technology - Multi Process Center
Technology OFFER from Netherlands
A Dutch company in formation offers a new metal forming technology which has been developed for deforming sheet metal and hollow bodies such as profiles. The technology can be used under cold, warm and hot conditions. The company is looking for an experienced machine builder or integrator in the field of metal forming with an engineering department and possibly connections within the automotive or/and aerospace industry.

Recommendation Technology which are a subclass of information filtering system
Technology REQUEST from Korea, Republic of
A Korean company which specialises in content delivery platforms is looking for a 'Recommendation Technology' to recommend additional video/movie content related to user's request and selected content items. The company is looking for the partners that can offer a licensing agreement.

Gel containing fabric to improve thermal properties of the products
Technology REQUEST from Turkey
Turkish branch of a worldwide leading textile company experienced in weaving, knitting and finishing of high end functional fabrics is looking for a gel containing fabric to improve thermal properties of the products. The company is open for technical cooperation with universities and R&D performers as well as licensing of the existing technologies.

Risk prevention service based on artificial vision and video analysis
Business OFFER from Spain
A Spanish company, specialised in artificial vision solutions, has developed a risk prevention service based on artificial vision and video analysis. The system can be very useful in the construction sector, reducing accidents and avoiding the need to externalize this service. The company looks for commercial representatives to promote their product outside Spain.

French manufacturer of filtration systems (rotating drum filters) for water treatment seeks a distributor or an agent in your country
Business OFFER from France
French manufacturer of microfiltration systems (rotating drum filters) for use in water treatment seeks a distributor or an agent with both a technical and commercial background to commercialise, install and provide after sales services and maintenance for their products in your country.

Distribution services for small wind turbines offered
Business REQUEST from Germany
A German company active in waste and resource management is looking for new business areas in renewable energy. Because of their large client network they are offering distribution services for European producers of high-performance small horizontal wind turbines up to 100kWp. They are looking for European manufacturers of small wind turbines and distribution services agreement and are also interested in joint venture collaboration.

Smart ternary meter for energy management of local grids
Technology OFFER from Germany
A German SME has developed a 3-way metering system to control local smart grids. The device can be used in energy producing and consuming systems like home photovoltaic plants and replaces at least 5 legacy devices in a local energy environment. A prototype is already existing and the SME is looking for a license, technical or commercial agreement to bring the device to market maturity and to introduce it into a mass market. A joint venture agreement could also be of interest.

A Finnish company is looking for technical co-operation in mobility service distribution
Business OFFER from Finland
A Finnish company is offering a complete mobile device management solution which enables the management of organization's mobile devices remotely, simultaneously and centrally. Solution provides many business possibilities for operators, service providers and system integrators to create Over-The-Air services for business customers without investment cost. The company seeks partners for technical co-operation in mobility service distribution.

Wireless Energy Transfer Solutions
Technology OFFER from Netherlands
A Dutch SME is specialized in power conversion solutions with wireless energy transfer. The SME offers R&D expertise, co-engineering and production capacity for applications that can advantageously use wireless energy transfer. Main advantages are enhanced performance regarding energy losses, smart and lightweight design, long possible transfer distance and customization. The Dutch SME is interested in commercial agreements which can be supported by technical assistance.

Brand Protection and Identification Tag System
Technology OFFER from United Kingdom
UK SME has designed a brand protection and identification optical ‘tagging' and reader system. The system is able to test the authenticity of an object to which a tag is attached or incorporated without the need to refer to central databases. The system is patented and they are now seeking to work with partners who will provide technical assistance to further develop the technology and bring in additional funding resources in order to commercialise the technology.

Treating hyperlipidemia or non-alcoholic fatty liver disease by taking a dose or having functional foods
Technology OFFER from Korea, Republic of
A Korean University has developed a technology related in fatty liver disease. The Technology is a promising drug candidates or functional food ingredients of plant origin for the treatment or prevention of hyperlipidemia, fatty liver, insulin resistance and/or obesity. They are looking for partners who is interested in licensing agreement and technology cooperation with biochemical companies is also sought.

A Bulgarian company, specialized in design, installation and implementation of automated technical systems for various industrial sectors is offering subcontracting and/or outsourcing activities
Business OFFER from Bulgaria
A Bulgarian company offers subcontracting and/or outsourcing activities in the design, installation and implementation of automated technical systems for various industrial sectors. The company also can offer a technical and commercial intermediation.

A Bulgarian internet provider and cable broadcaster with own license for construction, maintenance and operation of a cable telecommunications network offers sale or acquisition of its entire infrastructure, or joint venture.
Business OFFER from Bulgaria
A Bulgarian internet service provider and cable broadcaster owns general and individual license for construction, maintenance and operation of a cable telecommunications network for distribution of radio and television programs and provision of telecommunications services through it. The network covers the region of Razgrad in Northeast Bulgaria. The company offers for sale and acquisition its business and infrastructure, but is also open to consider a joint venture.

Compact, Fold away, protective garment system
Business REQUEST from Ireland
An Irish designer has developed and IP protected a design concept, which facilitates the containment of lightweight protective clothing of various types in a compact armband until it is required for use. The target market for this product is in the area of outdoor public events and sports / recreational activities. The developer is seeking partnership with a suitable clothing or sports equipment manufacturer to commercialise the concept.

freight and trade of food products
Business REQUEST from Poland
SME from South-West of Poland, freight and trade company delivering (import-export) food products to most of the EU countries but also Ukraine and Russian Federation - seeks potential partners (whole-sellers), offering sunflower oil, canola oil, sugar, cocoa, bakery sunflower and flax seed, but at the same time (buyers) requesting fresh fruits and vegetables. This SME is interested in becoming an Agent for foreign Company in Poland concerning above mentioned products.

Large tactile graphics display for blind people
Technology OFFER from Germany
A German university has developed a novel touch-sensitive tactile display with corresponding software, enabling blind users to fully interact with graphical user interfaces of computers. The university is looking for industrial or scientific partners to develop further software applications for the tactile display and for further joint R&D regarding the integration and development of tactile user interfaces for software applications.

Embedded Hardware Security Modules for automotive on-board networks and car-to-car communication
Technology OFFER from Germany
A leading German system provider for embedded security has developed security modules for car-to-car and car-to-infrastructure communication. The modules prevent on-board networks to be damaged by external hackers or internal tampering attacks. Advantages include the flexible application of modules to different needs and the concept’s holistic approach. Partners sought are automotive companies and suppliers for technical or commercial cooperation.

Technology for simultaneous grinding and drying of disperse materials
Technology OFFER from Russian Federation
A small Research and Production Enterprise from Perm (Russia) proposes a technology and the equipment for simultaneous drying and grinding of disperse materials from the humidity of 70% to the humidity below 1%, getting the powder of 50-100 micrometres. This realized drying technology takes up to 20% less of heat energy than other conventional methods. The enterprise is looking for technological cooperation, joint venture or commercial agreement with technical assistance.

Innovative materials, technologies and design for furniture
Technology REQUEST from Italy
An Italian firm operating in the market of furniture and furnishings for over 50 years, selling some of the most prestigious brands and creating tailored furniture, is searching for manufacturing and design companies to realize a new product line using innovative materials.

Global satellite communications services and equipment company seeks partners
Business OFFER from United Kingdom
This UK company provides Very Small Aperture Terminal (VSAT) satellite communications services and equipment to land, sea and air situations around the world via hubs in the UK, Washington & Adelaide. Services include provision of rapid solutions or emergency coverage such as when an aircraft is on ground. The company is offering partnerships to companies in Europe and Asia as well as other regions and is looking for trade intermediary services (agent, representative or distributor).

A Bulgarian SME specialized in manufacturing of precision tools and end products from metal, with high-end machine park and large storage premises is willing to expand its business, incl. outside its traditional market in German-speaking countries
Business OFFER from Bulgaria
A Bulgarian SME specialized in manufacturing of precision tools and end products from metal, with high-end machine park and large storage premises is willing to expand its business, incl. outside its traditional market in German-speaking countries. It offers subcontracting activities and/or joint venture within EU and abroad.

A Bulgarian SME specialized in manufacturing of precision tools and end products from technical engineering plastics, including glass-fiber reinforced polyamide, with high-end machine park and large storage premises is willing to expand its business
Business OFFER from Bulgaria
A Bulgarian SME specialized in manufacturing of precision tools and end products from technical engineering plastics, including glass-fiber reinforced polyamide, with high-end machine park and large storage premises is willing to expand its business, including its traditional market in German-speaking countries. It offers subcontracting activities and/or joint venture within EU and abroad.

Research in metal processing offered
Business OFFER from Germany
The German research institute develops future technologies for metal processing up to industry mature and engages with comprehensive know-how and exclusive technical equipment to solve the specific problems of metal processing. Unique in Germany, the research institute combines the three disciplines of materials, processessing and manufacturing. The technological problems of metalworking companies can be resolved without time-consuming approval processes on interdisciplinary level.

Producer of pressure castings is looking for partners
Business OFFER from Czech Republic
Company from the Czech Republic - producer of low and high pressure castings with years of experience is looking for partners engaged in the processing and machining parts from non-ferrous metals especially in Western Europe to offer its services as subcontractor. It is also looking for agents and distributors.

Deep water aeration system for lakes offered
Business OFFER from Germany
A German engineering company specialised in deep water aeration systems for lakes suffering from oxygen limitation or oxygen lost is looking for distribution services agreement, subcontracts or joint ventures.

Development company for offshore windparks is looking for joint ventures
Business OFFER from Germany
German development company in the expanding field of wind energy is looking for joint ventures in the German offshore windmarket.

Water treatment for private households
Business OFFER from Germany
German company specialised in the field of water treatment systems for the bacterial and viral desinfaction of drinking water for private households is looking for trade intermediary services and offers franchise possibilities.

Partners for tenders in photovoltaics in Eastern Africa sought
Business REQUEST from Germany
A German company specialised in foreign trade and tender management is looking for manufacturers of solar photovoltaics (PV) and wind power plants to jointly develop the market in Eastern-Africa in case of open tenders. It is offering joint-venture activities, turn-key and commission business.

A UK freight & logistics company offers cooperation under joint venture or trade intermediary agreement
Business OFFER from United Kingdom
A UK company specialising in Freight Forwarding, Shipping and Logistics services is looking for partners for mutual cooperation (trade intermediary and/or joint venture agreement)

Romanian Company of international freight forwarders is looking for foreign partner to offer them transport/logistic services. They are also interested in joint ventures.
Business OFFER from Romania
Romanian Company of international freight forwarders is looking for foreign partner to offer them transport/logistic services. They are also interested in joint ventures.

Innovative technology for the clearance of moisture from automotive glass and windscreens
Business OFFER from United Kingdom
A south west UK company has developed an innovative technology for the clearance of moisture from automotive glass and windscreens which will replace current wiper and cleaning technology. This company seeks an equity investor/business partner to join this development or be part of a joint venture.

A Polish SME specializes in vehicle trailer customizations and build-overs made of aluminium. The company offers its services as a subcontractor.
Business OFFER from Poland
A Polish SME specializes in trailer build-overs and customizations made of aluminium. The company transforms ordinary trailers and cars into loadable, special purpose trucks. The company offers its services as a subcontractor.

Cleantech & MVO related links

Enterprise Europe Network - Automotive

Enterprise Europe Network - Energy