The Enterprise Europe Network partner East Marmara ABİGEM in close collaboration with Kocaeli Chamber of Industry, many other Enterprise Europe Network partners and professional business support organisations will organise the second edition of the Match4Industry Business Matching Event in the TOSB Automotive Supplier Industrial Park on 24-25 September 2013 in Kocaeli, Turkey.
As Syntens Innovatienetwerk and Agentschap NL are the Dutch organisations to participate in the Enterprise Europe Network, this brokerage event will be co organizing by Syntens Innovatienetwerk to support Dutch companies that are interested and willing to participate in the fair visit and brokerage event.
Via Match4Industry you will have opportunity to:
- Present your services and solutions to leading companies
- Explore perfect opportunities to initiate qualified contacts
- Discuss and compare the latest industry development
- Expand your activities and network
- Create strong bonds with international companies
- Reach new markets through Turkey

Sectors of Interest:
- Automotive Supply
- Metal and Machinery
- Plastics and Rubber
- Tire
- Chemical (Automotive Paints and Coatings, Automotive Care Products)
- Electronics
- Information and Communication Technologies
Participation fee:
We are delighted to inform you that participation fee for Match4Industry event has been reduced from 200 EUR to 80 EUR per participant because the accomodation costs will be financed by Republic of Turkey Ministry of Economy to stimulate economic relations between Turkey and foreign countries.
The participation fee includes below services;
- B2B Matching
- Local travel to meeting points
- English to Turkish, Turkish to English translation
- 1 dinner, 2 lunch and coffee break
Accommodation cost of Match4Industry event (2 nights stay at 5 star hotel) will be financed by Republic of Turkey Ministry of Economy.
Deadline for registration: 9 September, 2013
For more information please visit the website: www.match4industry.com
1. Register your profile on www.een-b2b.org/Match4Industry/
2. Select your partner
3. Create your
Local contact for this event:
East Marmara ABİGEM / Yelda KANPARA
T . +90 262 323 08 56
M. ykanpara@abigemdm.com.tr / info@abigemdm.com.tr
For companies from the Netherlands that want to participate:
Dutch companies interested or willing to participate in this matchmaking and fair visit can contact Olaf ter Haar at Syntens Innovatienetwerk to have further information, assistance and help to write the company matchmaking profile and arrange for the matchmaking.
Innovation consultant
Syntens / Enterprise Europe Network
Enschede - the Netherlands
Phone: +31.88.444 0064
Fax: +31.88.444 0158
Mobile: +31.6.5162 7373