In dit bericht staan de meest nieuwe samenwerkingsvoorstellen van innovatieve ondernemers uit voornamelijk Europa die zijn opgenomen in de databank van Enterprise Europe Network, gepubliceerd op 15 december 2017. Deze ondernemers zijn op zoek naar internationale partners voor samenwerking, innovatie en handel.
Het Enterprise Europe Network bestaat uit circa 70 aangesloten landen met sterke zakelijke netwerken in de regio. De dienstverlening is veelal kosteloos vanuit financiering door de Europese Unie. In Nederland wordt dit netwerk onder andere door de KvK en RVO uitgevoerd.
De onderstaande profielen betreffen innovatieve technologieën en producten waarbij wordt gezocht naar internationale zakenpartners voor samenwerking en hebben tot doel het versnellen van de innovatie en time to market. Een uitgebreide beschrijving van de samenwerkingsvoorstellen kunt u krijgen door op de link te klikken van het betreffende profiel. Na registratie op de website kunt u uw interesse kenbaar maken en wordt dit opgepakt door mijn collega's. Profielen bevatten handelsvoorstellen, technologische samenwerkingen of onderzoeksprogramma's.

ENERGY (21) |
Technology : Automatic guidance device for solar energy collectors Technology OFFER from Romania A Romanian research team has invented a mechanism addressed to solar photovoltaic panels or hot water panels, with the purpose of their guidance towards sun during daylight. The mechanism is in the concept stage, but it has many advantages, such as capturing solar energy to a value close to maximum during the day. The Romanian researchers are looking for partners in the field of research and production in order to develop the product and for technological transfer. |
Business : Russian producer of power inverters seeks distributors in EU countries Business OFFER from Russian Federation A Russian company specialised in production of SiC (silicon carbide) power inverters offers a business-partnership to a partner abroad under a distribution services agreement. |
Business : A Dutch SME specialized in the development of switchable Universal Serial Bus (USB) chargers for travellers is looking for commercial agreements with distributors and agents of power adapters in China, India and the United Kingdom Business OFFER from Netherlands A Dutch SME is specialized in the development power adapting solutions. One of the power adapters is a switchable Universal Serial Bus (USB) charger for travellers. Most important advantages of the plug are reduction of logistic costs and the switch option to convert a charger kit to different plug standards. The Dutch SME looks for commercial agreements with distributors and commercial agents in China, India and the United Kingdom. |
Technology : Entirely plastic solar water heating collectors Technology OFFER from Armenia An Armenian company engaged in designing and fabrication of solar energy systems has developed efficient and cheap entirely plastic solar collectors for water heating, which are currently a lab prototype. Partners are sought for improving and finalizing the product for further commercial use/manufacturing. The company is looking for joint venture, technical or research cooperation, or manufacturing agreement. |
Business : An Estonian manufacturer of small wind turbines interested in finding local representatives for their products Business OFFER from Estonia A manufacturer of small wind turbines from Estonia offers 2, 10 and 50 kW wind turbines for domestic and business clients. The company is interested in finding local representatives for their products, who would deal with either sales or installations (including maintenance) or both. The company is interested in distribution services, and outsourcing agreements. |
Technology : A new type of salt gradient solar pond for electricity generation Technology OFFER from Armenia An Armenian company engaged in utilization of solar energy is planning to construct, study and use a salt gradient solar pond. Such pond will serve as a long term and efficient source of thermal energy, which can be used for heating and/or production of electricity. Partners are sought for technical cooperation agreement and research cooperation agreement. |
Technology : Semi-automatic system to secure the end of unloading of silos in agro industry Technology OFFER from France A French SME specialized in boiler making, metal structures and integration functions, has developed a secured equipment to empty flat-bottomed grain silos (metal/concrete) or storage buildings. This is an industrial sweep-auger with soft advancing system to pull solid materials (cereals, seeds, pellets…) and so avoids human support in silos when performing a discharge operation. The SME seeks manufacturers of silos or engineering companies to integrate this equipment in their complete solution. |
Business : Slovak company offering program system usable in remote collection of data from electrometers, gasmeters, watermeters or heat meters is looking for franchisees Business OFFER from Slovakia Slovak ICT company is looking for a reseller, provider or end user of program system for collection, processing and presentation of energy measurements (concretely measurements of electrical energy, heat, water, gas etc. measured using devices distributed in the field). The company prefers a coooperation analogous to franchise agency agreement (only without any license fees). As the company is looking also for end users of this program system, licence agreement is suitable as well. |
Business : Opportunity to partnering in floating offshore wind investment in UK Business OFFER from Sweden A Swedish floating offshore wind power technology company is looking for investment partners in the UK. The company has developed a ground breaking, patented design for floating offshore wind power plants, which have the possibility to reach the cost level of onshore wind. The company is now seeking strategic and investment partners for a demo project in Scotland. The partnership types are financial agreement and/or joint venture agreement. |
Technology : A UK company offers a novel pump to boost solar syphons in Cyprus and elsewhere Technology OFFER from United Kingdom A small UK company has developed and successfully commercialised a water boosting device in the UK which is uniquely suited to boosting solar syphons (and other domestic and industrial applications). It seeks enthusiastic business partners to jointly exploit this unique product, through commercial agreements with technical assistance, followed by manufacturing under license. |
Business : A French SME is looking for a supplier of agglomerated cork sheet via an outsourcing agreement Business REQUEST from France A French design company dealing with green, innovative projects has developed a solar electronic device to be produced at a low cost and distributed at a proportionally low price in developing countries.This new and eco-friendly lamp is composed of cork. This SME based in Paris is looking for an outsourcing agreement with a foreign company to purchase agglomerated cork sheet adapted to the needs of this device. |
Technology : Microalgal biocatalysts and whole cells for the sustainable production of chemical compounds and hydrogen energy Technology OFFER from Germany Researchers at a German university offer outstanding know-how on production of hydrogen and high-value products by means of biocatalysts from microorganisms. Semi-artificial and engineered in vivo systems, developed by the team, enable the generation of biotechnologically significant products like chemical compounds. Partners are sought for technical, research and service cooperation to apply research results in renewable energy and synthetic chemical production processes or for a joint venture |
Business : Spanish manufacturer of single-phase regulators looks for commercial agreements Business OFFER from Spain Experienced manufacturing company based in northern Spain produces a highly efficient voltage regulator combining robustness, low cost and easy maintenance without power electronic components. The company looks for a commercial, distribution or manufacturing agreement. |
Technology : Energy analysis of factories and buildings. Technology OFFER from Spain Energy area of Spanish technology centre is offering new analysis techniques to detect energy saving costs, improvements on efficiency and integration of systems based on renewable energy. Partners as factories, buildings, companies, charge stations, suppliers, warehouses, etc, are sought for services agreement or research cooperation agreement in the field of energy efficiency. |
Business : Polish producer of high-tech LED lighting is looking for distributors and agents Business OFFER from Poland Polish manufacturer of high-tech LED lighting and infra-red heating is looking for distributors and agents interested in selling the company's selected or all products on daily basis. The company is also willing to work on joint projects. The company’s offer is addressed mainly to electrical wholesalers, lighting salons, installers, architects, interior designers and retail chains. |
Technology : A Polish start-up is developing an innovative solution for real-time monitoring and control of industrial refrigerating systems. Commercial agreement with technical assistance, research cooperation agreement or financial agreement is considered. Technology OFFER from Poland A start-up company from Poland working on an innovative solution for real-time monitoring and control of industrial refrigerating systems would like to conclude a commercial agreement with technical assistance, a research cooperation or a financial agreement. The client is interested in further testing of the developed solution and introducing it to the international market. The system will monitor the status of the refrigerating equipment and allow to control leakages of harmful substances. |
Research & Development : EUREKA/Eurostars2: Development of a solar tracker controller Research & Development REQUEST from Korea, Republic of A Korean SME specialized in network-based system construction is looking for partners to develop a non-central processing unit’s solar tracking system. The potential partner is expected to have expertise in solar tracking controllers and solar plant planning. |
Technology : New technology for producing hydrogen from liquid organic waste Technology OFFER from Spain A Spanish engineering company has developed a new low-carbon system for producing hydrogen, mainly based on production of H2-gas, from liquid or liquefied organic bio and non-biodegradable waste, to be transformed into electricity through cogeneration or to obtain a pure H2 by purification techniques. Industrial partners are sought for commercial agreement with technical assistance. |
Business : Italian multi-certified service company globally active in the oil & gas, environment and the asbestos fields is offering its services, also as a subcontractor. Business OFFER from Italy An Italian multi-certified company specialized in engineering, consultancy, industrial plants reclamation and revamping, contaminated sites remediation, site assessment, emergency containment and recovery, demolition and decontamination, asbestos removal, industrial maintenance and waste management, is offering its services and looking for partners in terms of a subcontractor agreement. |
Research & Development : [EUROSTARS2] A Korean company is seeking R&D partners for developing low-cost, high-efficiency photovoltaics Research & Development REQUEST from Korea, Republic of A Korean SME specialized in developing nano-ball technology is preparing a project proposal under the EUROSTARS2 programme. The R&D project is about low-cost, high-efficiency photovoltaics using semiconductor nanocrystals. Company or institute with expertise and experience in solar cell or quantum efficiency is welcomed to join the consortium for R&D collaboration. |
Technology : Pressure measurements in vacuum sealed devices as a device life-time assessment tool Technology OFFER from Slovenia A Slovenian research institute offers its expertise and related know-how in low-pressure and outgassing related measurement systems. These skills and knowledge are essential during the R&D phase and quality control of any vacuum sealed device with a long life-time such as vacuum insulation panels, vacuum glazing, etc. in order to obtain fast feedback on pressure evolution. The institute is offering service, commercial and license agreements.