For the ninth time, the conference invites researchers and entrepreneurs from North Rhine-Westphalia and regions in Europe and beyond to find new research and innovation (R&I) partners for Horizon 2020 projects. The series of events has been a great success with over 2300 participants since 2009. In 2018, special partner regions are: Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, Israel, the Netherlands and Poland.
We expect about 300 delegates from Germany and abroad who are interested in establishing new international contacts for future H2020 research and innovation projects or in commercializing existing H2020 results. The event first took place in 2009 and has since attracted a total of over 2,300 participants.
Call for Presentations
Participants are invited to become involved in established and new technology networks between researchers, entrepreneurs and multipliers. Giving a short presentation (ideas and/or results) or finding a partner by talking to other decision-makers opens doors for new research and innovation
projects in Europe with a focus on Horizon 2020.
Opening keynotes by the Ministry of Culture and Science of North Rhine-Westphalia and a representative of the European Commission will introduce Horizon 2020.
Workshops - Pitch presentations
The main part of the event features thematic workshops, during which participants have the possibility to give a pitch presentation on their research ideas/results or special call topics in which they are interested.
The six topics are:
- Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)
- Energy
- Nanotechnologies, Materials and Manufacturing (NMM)
- Sustainable Economy
- Life Sciences
- Transport
Contact persons:
Dr. Bernd Janson Telephone: 0049 208 30004-22 Email: bj@zenit.de
Anna Reck Telephone: 0049 208 30004-55 Email: re@zenit.de
Or for the Netherlands: Mariëlle Vermunt Telephone: 0031 6 51379458 Email: marielle.vermunt@kvk.nl
The Call for presentations (ideas and/or results) is open until 20 February 2018. Deadline for registration is: 7 March 2018. For further information please visit the website using this link