In dit bericht staan de meest nieuwe samenwerkingsvoorstellen van innovatieve ondernemers uit voornamelijk Europa die zijn opgenomen in de databank van Enterprise Europe Network, gepubliceerd op 1 december 2017. Deze ondernemers zijn op zoek naar internationale partners voor samenwerking, innovatie en handel.
Het Enterprise Europe Network bestaat uit circa 70 aangesloten landen met sterke zakelijke netwerken in de regio. De dienstverlening is veelal kosteloos vanuit financiering door de Europese Unie. In Nederland wordt dit netwerk onder andere door de KvK en RVO uitgevoerd.
De onderstaande profielen betreffen innovatieve technologieën en producten waarbij wordt gezocht naar internationale zakenpartners voor samenwerking en hebben tot doel het versnellen van de innovatie en time to market. Een uitgebreide beschrijving van de samenwerkingsvoorstellen kunt u krijgen door op de link te klikken van het betreffende profiel. Na registratie op de website kunt u uw interesse kenbaar maken en wordt dit opgepakt door mijn collega's. Profielen bevatten handelsvoorstellen, technologische samenwerkingen of onderzoeksprogramma's.

Technology : Methodology to prepare a city or a region for e-mobility related to public charging infrastructure Technology OFFER from Switzerland A Swiss company has developed a methodology to prepare a city or a region for e-mobility (electric mobility) related to public charging infrastructure. The dedicated calculation model has been developed taking into consideration the estimated market penetration of plug-in vehicles, the statistical information and experts’ evaluation about the characteristics of the area. The methodology was proven and validated. Looking for commercial agreement with technical/know-how assistance cooperation. |
Technology : Test center and R&D expertise offered in the fields of electric vehicles, turbochargers, engines and acoustics Technology OFFER from France A French high-tech research and test center for the automotive, rail and aerospace industries proposes to assist SMEs, large companies, R&D centers and universities to perform tests and engineering activities under a technical or a research cooperation agreement. |
Business : Czech company manufacturing school furniture and pre-fabricated locker rooms is looking for distribution and commercial agency agreements Business OFFER from Czech Republic The Czech engineering company manufactures metal constructions and steel parts based on customer supplied documentation. The own product range consists of school furniture and pre-fabricated locker rooms. The company is interested in finding distributors based on distribution services agreement or commercial agency agreement. |
Business : A Dutch SME specialized in the development of switchable Universal Serial Bus (USB) chargers for travellers is looking for commercial agreements with distributors and agents of power adapters in China, India and the United Kingdom Business OFFER from Netherlands A Dutch SME is specialized in the development power adapting solutions. One of the power adapters is a switchable Universal Serial Bus (USB) charger for travellers. Most important advantages of the plug are reduction of logistic costs and the switch option to convert a charger kit to different plug standards. The Dutch SME looks for commercial agreements with distributors and commercial agents in China, India and the United Kingdom. |
Business : Polish company specialized in metalworking and ship equipment seeks partners Business OFFER from Poland An experienced company from West Pomerania offering ship repairs, ship equipment production and specialist metal works is looking for partners to cooperate as subcontractor or under manufacturing agreements. |
Technology : Semi-automatic system to secure the end of unloading of silos in agro industry Technology OFFER from France A French SME specialized in boiler making, metal structures and integration functions, has developed a secured equipment to empty flat-bottomed grain silos (metal/concrete) or storage buildings. This is an industrial sweep-auger with soft advancing system to pull solid materials (cereals, seeds, pellets…) and so avoids human support in silos when performing a discharge operation. The SME seeks manufacturers of silos or engineering companies to integrate this equipment in their complete solution. |
Business : Polish manufacturer of regenerated automotive engines seeks distributors Business OFFER from Poland A Polish company dealing with the repair and regeneration of used car engines is looking for distributors from the automotive sector. |
Business : Polish innovative wheelchair add-on with hybrid drive Business OFFER from Poland A Polish start-up company from Bialystok University of Technology has developed a wheelchair add-on with hybrid drive that enables transfer of disabled people for around 40 km on maximum power. It allows the user to be more independent while doing daily rutines. The start-up is looking for companies interested in producing this add-on under licence (licence agreement) and/or capital investors for a joint venture. |
Business : Slovak producer of balance weights is looking for a zinc alloy supplier which must be able to do pressure die casting of products that could be used within the manufacturing of balance weights Business REQUEST from Slovakia A small Slovak technological company, the producer of balance weights, is looking for a zinc alloy supplier. The alloy must be designed for pressure die casting. The Slovak company plans to use the zinc alloy in manufacturing of balance weights. They would prefer a cooperation via subcontracting - the partner would be supplying the alloy. |
Technology : First 3D time of flight (ToF) camera with the capability to record underwater Technology OFFER from Austria An Austrian SME has developed a prototype for a 3D ToF camera system to classify and track objects under water. High recording speed allows fast moving objects to be captured or to map underwater structures. The system can be mounted on any installations and equipment including unmanned vehicles. The company is looking for a commercial agreement with technical assistance Alternatively a technical or a research cooperation is possible to further develop the technology in (research) projects. |
Technology : Drill with integrated temperature and acoustic emission detection for machining processes and other applications Technology OFFER from Germany A German university offers a new drill system that measures temperature and acoustic emission while at the same time transmitting data. Applications are among others in machining processes where material characteristics can be defined. Industrial licensees are sought who will possibly contribute to the further development. |
Technology : Ukrainian manufacturer offers molded rubber products for automotive and machinery industries via manufacturing agreement Technology OFFER from Ukraine A Ukrainian manufacturer offers rubber products (seals, o-rings, cuffs, gaskets, custom-shaped products etc.) for automotive and machinery industries. The company is looking for partners interested in developing new products or technologies such as reinforced products that could be manufactured in Ukraine and marketed jointly. |
Technology : Energy analysis of factories and buildings. Technology OFFER from Spain Energy area of Spanish technology centre is offering new analysis techniques to detect energy saving costs, improvements on efficiency and integration of systems based on renewable energy. Partners as factories, buildings, companies, charge stations, suppliers, warehouses, etc, are sought for services agreement or research cooperation agreement in the field of energy efficiency. |
Business : Russian distributor of car parts and accessories seeks partners abroad to cooperate under distribution services agreement Business REQUEST from Russian Federation Russian company is active in the sphere of car service and retail trade of car parts and accessories (tyres, oil, accumulators for passenger cars, etc.) looks for foreign producers of automobile chemistry and automobile electronics to conclude distribution services agreement. |
Business : A Turkish company, manufacturing truck haulages and trailers, is looking for distributors to sell its products. Business OFFER from Turkey Turkish company is based in Antalya and is specialized in truck haulage and trailer production. The company is looking for distributors to sell its products across the network countries, aiming at retailers or companies being involved in commercial truck sector. |
Technology : A novel cost effective, time saving and easy to use fluid dynamics simulation product usable for a broad application range from automotive industry to environmental issues. Technology OFFER from Austria An Austrian SME developed a novel Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) software product for simulation of air- and water flows and any other kind of liquids. Investment costs are 60 and annual costs 5 times lower compared to existing products. Simultaneously simulations are implemented easier with less expenditure of time and preciser results can be generated. The company is looking for commercial agreements with technical assistance and for technical or research cooperation agreements |
Technology : Pressure measurements in vacuum sealed devices as a device life-time assessment tool Technology OFFER from Slovenia A Slovenian research institute offers its expertise and related know-how in low-pressure and outgassing related measurement systems. These skills and knowledge are essential during the R&D phase and quality control of any vacuum sealed device with a long life-time such as vacuum insulation panels, vacuum glazing, etc. in order to obtain fast feedback on pressure evolution. The institute is offering service, commercial and license agreements. |
Business : A Croatian company, specialized in ship design and marine engineering, is offering its service through subcontracting, outsourcing or services agreement. Business OFFER from Croatia Croatian ship design and marine engineering company is offering its services to shipbuilding and ship design companies. Cooperation is envisaged through subcontracting, outsourcing or services agreement. |
Technology : Electric brake system for pulled trailers and caravans Technology OFFER from Netherlands A Dutch company developed an electric brake system for pulled trailers. The system provides a much better and safer braking of car-trailer/caravan combinations than mechanical inertia induced braking systems. The Dutch partner seeks contact with manufacturers of pulled trailers, caravans and producers of axles. Cooperation can be arranged in the frame of a license agreement, a commercial agreement with technical assistance or a technical cooperation agreement. |
Technology : New ecological technology to remove copper from lead with the application of aluminium and its alloys. Technology OFFER from Poland A Polish research institute has developed a new ecological technology to remove copper from lead, which is the alternative for the sulfur method which is currently used in the non-ferrous metallurgy. Other technologies incorporating sulfur for lead decoppering have several disadvantages that can be eliminated by this new technology. The institute is looking for partners who are interested in cooperation based on licence agreement or commercial agreement with technical assistance. |
De voordelen voor u om gebruik te maken van het Enterprise Europe Network zijn onder andere;
- Snelle en makkelijke toegang tot nieuwe technologieën en handel,
- Veelal gratis dienstverlening door funding vanuit de Europese Unie
- Minder risico in ontwikkelingstrajecten voor producten en technologieën,
- Versnellen van de innovatie en "Time to Market",
- Vergroten van het afzetgebied naar andere landen,
- Vinden van nieuwe zakencontacten via een warme netwerk introductie,
- Begeleiding en support bij het leggen van de eerste contacten,
- Deelname aan matchmaking programma's op diverse beurzen,
- Neem direct contact op met de adviseur in uw vakgebied HIER.
- Kijk HIER waar u kunt deelnemen op beurzen waarbij onze diensten worden aangeboden.