In dit bericht staan de meest nieuwe samenwerkingsvoorstellen van innovatieve ondernemers uit voornamelijk Europa die zijn opgenomen in de databank van Enterprise Europe Network, gepubliceerd op 1 december 2017. Deze ondernemers zijn op zoek naar internationale partners voor samenwerking, innovatie en handel.
Het Enterprise Europe Network bestaat uit circa 70 aangesloten landen met sterke zakelijke netwerken in de regio. De dienstverlening is veelal kosteloos vanuit financiering door de Europese Unie. In Nederland wordt dit netwerk onder andere door de KvK en RVO uitgevoerd.
De onderstaande profielen betreffen innovatieve technologieën en producten waarbij wordt gezocht naar internationale zakenpartners voor samenwerking en hebben tot doel het versnellen van de innovatie en time to market. Een uitgebreide beschrijving van de samenwerkingsvoorstellen kunt u krijgen door op de link te klikken van het betreffende profiel. Na registratie op de website kunt u uw interesse kenbaar maken en wordt dit opgepakt door mijn collega's. Profielen bevatten handelsvoorstellen, technologische samenwerkingen of onderzoeksprogramma's
De voordelen voor u om gebruik te maken van het Enterprise Europe Network zijn onder andere;
- Snelle en makkelijke toegang tot nieuwe technologieën en handel,
- Minder risico in ontwikkelingstrajecten voor producten en technologieën,
- Versnellen van de innovatie en "Time to Market",
- Vergroten van het afzetgebied naar andere landen,
- Vinden van nieuwe zakencontacten via een warme netwerk introductie,
- Begeleiding en support bij het leggen van de eerste contacten,
- Deelname aan matchmaking programma's op diverse beurzen,
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- Kijk HIER waar u kunt deelnemen op beurzen waarbij onze diensten worden aangeboden.

Technology : French SME offers a self-powered technology to detect frost on roads.
Technology OFFER from France A French SME specialised in the development of energy self-sufficient connected objects has developed a sensor-based detector of frost on the roads. The company would like to negotiate under a license agreement with road equipment outfitters or with road builders able to integrate the technical solution into the construction process. | Business : Italian designer and manufacturer of exhaust gas purification systems for diesel and gas-powered engines is looking for distributors Business OFFER from Italy Italian company with over 30 years experience in designing and manufacturing gas purification systems for diesel and gas-powered engines is looking for distributors. Main production lines include: oxidation and three-way catalysts, Carbon high pressure(CHP) catalysts, particulate filters, exhaust gas purifiers and accessories. These products are widely used for industrial vehicles, such as: forklift trucks, gen-sets, heavy goods vehicles, earth moving machinery and processing machinery. | Business : UK based leading designer and OEM (original equipment manufacturer) of high quality transformers and coil wound products is seeking new European partners Business OFFER from United Kingdom UK based leading designer and OEM of high quality transformers and coil wound products provides power solutions to a wide range of industries including battery charging for electric vehicles, civil and electrical engineering, construction, transport and traction, mining, marine, power distribution, rail and UPS (uninterruptible power supply). Supply products to European distributors through a distribution agreement. Design and manufacture new products through a manufacturing agreement. | Business : Italian distributor of spare-parts for motorcycles is looking for other distributors Business OFFER from Italy Italian company with 50 years experience in the wholesale trade of spare parts for scooters and motorcycles is looking for partners. The company is looking for new distributors and agents with experience in this sector to expand its business in other countries, under a distribution services or commercial agency agreement. | Business : Distribution partners are sought for a portable charging box for electric vehicles Business OFFER from Germany German SME from the field of wholesale trade of motor vehicle parts and accessories is focussing more and more on electric mobility. The company offers a portable charging box for fast charging (optional with digital electric meter). Partners are sought for the realization of a distribution services agreement. | Business : Italian producer of textile for interiors seeks agents Business OFFER from Italy Italian producer of textile and fabric for transport and interior decoration industry is looking for agents and partners. The company produces technical fabric for transportation and interior industry, with a specific focus on seat covers, curtains, head rests, fire blocking layers, dado/ kick panel and carpeting. The company is looking for international cooperation in the form of commercial agency agreement and manufacturing agreement. | Business : A Dutch SME specialized in the development of switchable power supply cables is looking for commercial agreements with manufacturers and representatives in China, India and the United Kingdom Business OFFER from Netherlands A Dutch SME is specialized in the development of switchable power plugs and mains interconnections solutions. Most important advantages of the plugs are reduction of logistic costs and the switch option to convert to different plug standards for earth and non-earth versions. The Dutch SME looks for commercial agreements with manufacturers, distributors and commercial agents in China, India and the United Kingdom. | Technology : Adapter for fixation of motorcycles on roller test benches Technology OFFER from Czech Republic A Czech university developed an adapter, designed to fixate single-track vehicles with various operating scope (cross-country, road, and other vehicles). Its advantage is the transfer of shear forces by mechanical elements as well as ensuring constant contact of a wheel with the roller of a dynamometric test bench. The university is looking for manufacturers of single-track vehicles to use the device in own production under licence or manufacturing agreement. | Technology : A smart fuel cap for real-time fuel management Technology OFFER from Macedonia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of A Macedonian HaaS (Hardware as a Service) company has developed a smart fuel cap that records the fuel amount poured into the truck’s tank and provides fuel usage information and analytics. The information collected from this battery powered plug-and-play product is transmitted as real-time data and is easily accessible via e-mail or mobile phone. The company is looking for partners for commercial agreement with technical assistance. | Technology : Livestock feeders made of antibacterial polymer concrete Technology OFFER from Hungary A Hungarian SME has developed a novel antibacterial polymer concrete that can be used for producing livestock feeders and drinking troughs. The company is looking for possible extensive cooperation particularly in the field of pig and cattle feeders manufacturing including partners interested in licensing the technology and manufacturing antibacterial livestock feeders. | Technology : Method and device for recovery and retention of carbon dioxide (CO2) out of exhaust gas of combustion engines Technology OFFER from Germany German scientists developed a method and device for thermodynamic separation of carbon dioxide (CO2) out of combustion fumes. A prototype is available. Manufacturer of combustion engines or combustion plants are sought for further development and/or license agreement. | Technology : Production of cyclodextrin polymers at industrial scale to encapsulate textile dyes Technology REQUEST from Spain A Spanish technological centre has developed a process to recover the dyes from the waste water of textile industries encapsulating them in cyclodextrins. A semi-industrial scale pilot plant has been set up and currently they look for partners capable of producing cyclodextrins polymers in the amount needed to be used as adsorbent at industrial textile scale. A technical cooperation agreement with the industrial partner is foreseen, and then a manufacturing agreement with end-user industries. | Business : UK developer of a single account for truck parking and washing seeks fleet operators, freight transport and logistics companies for a services agreement Business OFFER from United Kingdom A UK company who designs and supplies non-fuel payment solutions offers fleet operators freight and logistics companies a cashless payment system for services such as parking, washing,road tolls, recovery and repair with a centralised accounting platform and single invoice with no hidden charges. Services agreement is offered. | Technology : Innovative plant technology for water disinfection based on mixed disinfectant (sodium hypochlorite and chlorine dioxide) Technology OFFER from Serbia A Serbian company developed an innovative water disinfection plants with dosing systems producing disinfection solution based on combination of sodium hypochlorite and chlorine dioxide on place of consumption from common salt. The advantage is production of chlorine dioxide from common salt without toxin. The company seeks partners from Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Hungary, Romania, and Austria interested in commercial with technical assistance, licensing and/or joint venture agreement. | Business : UK supplier of a cashless payment system for truck parks and truck washes seeks partners running truck parks and truck washes across Europe for a services agreement Business OFFER from United Kingdom A UK developer and supplier of cashless card and license plate based payment solutions which eliminates cash payments, reduces fraud and simplifies payment administration.The company seeks services agreements with truck park and truck wash operators. | Technology : Innovative portable wireless platform with smart sensors for the processing and monitoring of traffic trend and environmental information, designed and tested by a Spanish University Technology OFFER from Spain A Spanish research group has developed a system based on wireless sensor networks, designed to characterize urban traffic through the calculation of the origin-destination matrix in real time by using bluetooth identification. Additional sensors are available, which are integrated in different types of nodes for environmental parameters monitoring. They offer the system, training and technical consultancy, through license, research cooperation or commercial agreement with technical assistance. | Technology : Comprehensive development services from initial specification to optimised prototype and mass production for automotive, telecommunications, defense Technology OFFER from Italy A design and manufacturing factory from Italy offers design,fabrication,assembly and analysis defects expertise and state-of-the-art laboratory equipment (e.g. scansion electronic microscope,thermal analysis,tools for metallographic section preparation,metallographic microscope,optical microscopes) to enable the comprehensive development from initial specification to optimised prototype and mass production.Collaboration is offered through research cooperation, service or manufacturing agreements | Technology : Innovative technology for the production of slabs with a high efficiency in the reduction of pollutants in the air we breathe Technology OFFER from Spain Spanish company located in the north and dedicated to the production of different kind of slabs, but with an innovative technology that reduces the pollution of the air. The slabs have a superficial layer with photocatalysts and enhancers which are activated by luminous radiation which produces an oxidation of the main pollutants. They are looking for manufacturing companies interested in a commercial agreement with technical assistance. | Technology : Strong sewing thread made of compostable material Technology REQUEST from Switzerland A Swiss company has launched its first compostable clothing line. In order to achieve compostability for a piece of clothing, the guidelines for design and production are very strict. As a consequence of these guidelines, the company is looking for a sewing thread with the strength and properties of polyester. The company is seeking partners who have the know-how for this kind of sewing thread. Commercial, technical or research agreements could be possible. | Technology : Process air for air lubrication systems of ships hulls Technology OFFER from Germany A German SME, a spin-of a blower and compressor company, has developed a turbo blower for applications where atmospheric process air is needed on a constant pressure level. Hereby the blower is suitable for air lubrication systems that are approved to reduce the use of fuel of naval vessels by 5-10%. The German SME is searching for partners as shipbuilders for technical cooperation, research cooperation and joint venture agreements. | Business : Turkish company specialized in piston rings manufacturing for automotive industry seeks distributors Business OFFER from Turkey A Turkish company in the auto spare parts sector which is specialized in manufacturing and marketing of piston rings for gas & diesel engines for cars, trucks, tractors, marine and locomotives wants to expand its sales market in Europe and is searching for distributors who would promote and sell these products in their country. | Business : German inventor offers an innovative, back-ventilated house plinth system for franchise or license agreements Business OFFER from Germany A German inventor is specialized in the construction and installation of house sidings and holds a licence on a house plinth system which can be delivered in many different settings. The aluminium-based system can be customized in matters like colour, condition and technical installments, e.g. back-ventilation. It can also serve as an advertising panel. The inventor is looking for commercial agreements concerning a license or a franchise partnership. | Technology : Backlit foils for decorative purposes Technology REQUEST from Czech Republic A Czech SME active in large-format printing, graphics and exhibition systems is looking for backlit foils for advertisement and decorative purposes. The sought backlit foils should generate steady white uniform light. The solution sought should be already available on the market. The company is searching for partners for commercial agreement with technical assistance. | Business : A Serbian company specialised in solar energy offers its services as subcontractor Business OFFER from Serbia A Serbian engineering company offers its services to industrial partners investing in solar plants in Serbia and abroad. The services offered cover all phases of solar plant realisation from planning through feasibility studies, design and construction, to operational management. The company is interested in services agreement or subcontracting on large scale projects. | Business : A Romanian leading manufacturer of precision metal parts offers its services Business OFFER from Romania High precision metal processing company, located in Romania is looking to close new subcontracting / outsourcing agreements with companies in different sectors: aeronautic and aerospace, automotive, medical, wind turbine construction, high-speed trains etc. With an integrated production system the company is able to ensure complete solutions. The company has built a solid reputation worldwide by manufacturing metal parts of different sizes at micron accuracies. | Technology : Firefighting drones Technology OFFER from Italy An Italian inventor has developed a firefighting system based on drones for launching extinguishing fluid over remote areas affected by wildfires and difficult to be accessed by fire engines and firefighting aircrafts. The inventor is looking for a license agreement. | Technology : Multifunctional high-frequency wheel sensor Technology OFFER from Germany A German university developed a multifunctional wheel sensor which operates contactless and fulfils several functions in vehicle monitoring. The sensor enables a measurement of several parameters and can replace several other sensors. The university offers a license agreement as well as a technical cooperation agreement. | Business : The Serbian company for manufacturing and maitenaning electric equipment for locomotives, troleybuses, trams, seeks distributors. Business OFFER from Serbia Serbian company specialized for production, maintenance, and repairing equipment and parts of electric vehicles (locomotive, trolleybus, tram) seeks distributors or commercial agents. The company offers pantographs, contactors, resistors, plugs & sockets, controllers, voltage regulators, EP valves, extinguished chambers contacts, cupper connections, and converters. The company can also develop and build parts according to specification or design provided by client under manufacturing agreement. | Technology : Optimization of fluids properties intended for cooling and lubricating Technology OFFER from Czech Republic A Czech university research team has optimized properties of the fluids used for cooling and lubricating during machining processes. The solution offered is based on using natural nanoparticles in order to inhibit growth and reproduction of bacteria in order to increase the friction and anti-adhesion fluid attributes. Scientists are looking for partners manufacturing coolants and lubricants interested in production of such improved fluids under a license agreement. | Technology : Italian company offers advanced naval drones for human safety and flexible operations Technology OFFER from Italy An important Italian company working in naval defence products has developed advanced Unmanned Surface Vehicles, in particular naval drones. Based on military minesweeping, the civil solution is suitable for any condition where unmanned operation are required for safety and flexibility (where human intervention is not safe, secure, not economically convenient). Commercial agreement with technical assistance, manufacturing agreement or services agreement is offered to maritime organisations. | Business : Independent freight forwarding company, based in the UK is offering service agreements for their specialist services to assist with transportation requirements to both smaller businesses and multinational companies Business OFFER from United Kingdom Independent freight forwarding company based in England who are specialists in providing global transportation solutions including; sea freight, road freight, air freight and abnormal loads. The company offers a full transportation service to all sectors including; manufacturing, oil, gas and energy, engineering, rail and transport infrastructure, processing (chemical and materials), ship building and marine and construction. A services agreement is offered to new global partners. | Business : French mechanic paddle shifter system for karts manufacturer looking for distributors or commercial agents Business OFFER from France A French manufacturer of mechanic paddle shifter system for karts is looking for distributors or commercial agents abroad. The company has developed and markets a recognized mechanic system of manual paddle shifter for karts. Several titles in kart championships in France have been won with its system. The French company is looking for distributors or commercial agents with a strong karting background. Distribution and commercial agreements are sought. | Business : Polish manufacturer of aircraft warning lights for high buildings seeks commercial agents and distributors in Europe. Business OFFER from Poland A Polish company is specialized in the production of warning lights and SOS columns to mark high-rise buildings for low-flying aircraft. The company is looking for commercial agents and distributors from the European Union, as well as, outside the European Union to sell their products which are available in both standard and custom made configurations. | Business : A Turkish company, based in Antalya and involved with plastic pipe manufacturing, is looking for distribution services agreement for his products. Business OFFER from Turkey A Turkish company, being based in Antalya and involved with plastic pipe manufacturing, is looking for distribution services agreement to sell his products to any company located in the network countries. The pipes being producted are mostly irrigation type loop pipes. | Business : Ukrainian manufacturer of LED lighting equipment for industrial, commercial and municipal applications is looking for distributor Business OFFER from Ukraine Ukrainian manufacturer of LED lighting equipment offers a wide range of light fixtures for various applications: industry, warehouses, retail, offices, public buildings, outdoor. The company aims to contract a long-term distribution agreement with potential partners. The company has a presence in foreign markets and is able to offer the European level of quality, long warranty terms, and post-warranty service. The company sources its key components exclusively from leading worldwide suppliers. | Business : German SME manufacturing high-end monitoring and alarm systems for sea vessels looks for sales agents worldwide to sign commercial agency agreements Business OFFER from Germany International sales agents with a good network to shipping companies are sought for distribution of a renowned German brand of integrated monitoring and alarm systems for vessel's engine and ship operation control. A Northern German SME has recently taken over this brand and now searches for reliable partners for long term cooperation in form of commercial agency agreements. | Technology : On-board power supply system-monitoring in vehicles Technology OFFER from Germany A German university developed an on-board power supply system-monitoring that processes the measured data within vehicles in a central monitoring unit and calculates the overall state of the on-board network. It can also identify faults by modeling the power network and making reasonable assumptions about possible errors and sources of errors. The university is offering a license agreement and a research cooperation agreement. | Technology : Efficient hydrogen production and safe storage for use in fuel cells Technology OFFER from Spain Four Spanish research centers have developed a procedure for efficient production and safe storage and transportation of hydrogen for use in fuel cells. It is a method of obtaining molecular hydrogen by means of catalytic dehydrogenation reactions. This method makes it possible to overcome the limitations of systems currently employed for the sustainable and safe handling of hydrogen as an energy vector. Researchers are looking for partners to reach license or technical cooperation agreements. | Technology : Low-weight oil separator Technology OFFER from Germany A German SME, active in the machine tools area, has developed an oil separator for on-site recycling of drilling emulsions and lubricants from metal processing. The separation of lubricants, emulsions, chips and metal sludge, respectively, is achieved by using a mobile, low-weight separator equipped with skimmers and pumps. The SME seeks partners from the industry for a commercial agreement with technical assistance or a technical cooperation agreement. | Technology : Low-cost fibre spraying module for horticulture, landscaping and renaturation Technology OFFER from Germany A German SME from the machine tools sector has developed a low-cost fibre spraying module for horticulture, landscaping and renaturation working in three steps: Mixing - wetting - blowdown of the fibres onto the requested surface. Substrates are sprayed on the soil via a patented procedure. The company seeks industrial partners to find out new application fields for a commercial agreement with technical assistance or a technical cooperation agreement. | Technology : Vegetable paper for food packaging Technology REQUEST from Italy An Italian SME is planning the launch of a novel product range based on vegetable papers (non-wood paper) to propose more sustainable approach to production cycle and is looking for innovative papers, based on agricultural waste or alternative fibres (such as hemp, flax, sugar cane,...) to be used for primary food packaging. The SME is interested in contacts with paper industries for research or technical agreements or commercial agreements with technical assistance. | Business : Romanian advanced composite parts manufacturer, interested in unique, small and medium series manufacturing collaboration agreements Business OFFER from Romania Combining highly skilled employees experience and cutting edge technologies in a built area of 11.000 sqms, the company is a leading advanced composite part manufacturer in Romania, able to provide high end carbon fiber, aramid (common term for "aromatic polyamide") and fiberglass parts for automotive, railway and sports industry. The company is looking for manufacturing, outsourcing and subcontracting agreements in order to ensure constant market growth. | Business : German company is looking for services agreements in the field of design, construction, simulation and project management in the automotive and mobility industry Business OFFER from Germany A German engineering service provider in the automotive industry is specialised in the areas of exterior and interior design, body in white design, class A surfacing, computer aided engineering simulations and project management. Moreover they offer consulting services for innovations, innovative technologies, methods,etc. Located near large German OEMs the company has 20 years of development experience in the automotive industry and looks for a service agreement with companies from this sector. | Business : A Taiwanese manufacturer of structural and anti-seismic devices for construction industry is looking for agents and distributors Business OFFER from Taiwan, Province of China A Taiwanese company which manufactures structural bearings, anti-seismic devices, and expansion joints for construction industry (infrastructures and buildings) is looking for partners in Europe, Latin America and foreign markets especially with seismic hazard for commercial agency and distribution services agreements. | Business : Polish distributor of automotive industry is looking for suppliers of two-wheeled, self-balancing scooters, like the Segway Business REQUEST from Poland Polish company active in the field of wholesale and retail trade of automotive products looks for foreign manufactures of two-wheeled, self-balancing scooters, like the Segway, wanting to increase sales of their products on the Polish market on the basis of the distribution services agreement. | Technology : New biobased phase-change materials with enhanced thermal energy storage capacity Technology OFFER from Spain A Spanish university has developed new biobased phase-change materials with enhanced thermal properties that can be applied for waste heat recovery in industrial processes.These materials can be produced from natural sources as fats and oils usually considered by-products in the agro-food industry and can be recycled. They are looking for industrial partners interested in a technical cooperation or a license agreement. | Technology : An innovative cable holder Technology OFFER from Serbia A Serbian company has developed an innovative product for cable fixation in construction buildings. Advantages over existing materials used in traditional cable fixation process (nails, screw, etc.) are: simple to use, 80% reduction fixation time, eliminates utilization of electrical equipment in this process and therefore increase occupational safety. The company seeks partners for commercial agreement with technical assistance. | Technology : Smart management platform for electrical vehicles recharging networks. Technology OFFER from Spain A Spanish technology centre, has developed a new management platform for electrical vehicles (EV) recharging networks, based on artificial intelligence and big data technologies. The system allows the integration of the points of charge under open charge point protocol (OCPP) and an optimal customization level. The centre is seeking for companies in the field of electromobility for commercial cooperation and license agreements. New partners for further developments are also welcome. | Technology : A new smart industrial refrigeration control system that minimises energy consumption Technology OFFER from Spain A Spanish research and development (R&D) centre in engineering and advanced technology, has developed a new industrial refrigeration control system. It minimises energy consumption by just managing key control parameters in an automated approach. The centre is looking for industrial companies with high energy consumption rate, ESCOs (Energy Service Companies) and industrial refrigeration installers, interested in technical cooperation and commercial agreements wit technical assistance. | Technology : Technologies sought for maintenance free life rafts Technology REQUEST from United Kingdom A multinational shipping enterprise with a registered base in Scotland (UK) is seeking novel approaches to replace regulated safety checks on inflatable lift rafts on cargo and passenger ships with another method to guarantee the reliability of these rafts in the event of an emergency. The company is looking for partnerships via a commercial agreement with technical assistance or a technical cooperation agreement. The company is especially interested in technologies that are near to market. | Technology : H2020: The Ukrainian manufacturer of carbon materials and products, is looking for partners to test a new generation EF-68 graphite-polymer universal material for electric motor brushes Technology OFFER from Ukraine A Ukrainian company producing brush materials for electric motors is looking for technology partners from the EU countries to apply for participation in the Horizon 2020 program (SME instrument Phase 1) in order to conduct research on the performance characteristics of the EF-68 material. An agreement on scientific and technical cooperation is proposed. | Technology : Metal organic frameworks (MOF) in pellet form for unprecedented storage capacity and selectivity for gas storage and transportation, or catalysis Technology OFFER from United Kingdom An East of England University spinout has invented and developed MOFs in pellet form as opposed to powders. This enables a more rapid industrial uptake for these materials, for gas storage, transport, catalysis, chiral synthesis, and enables developing new products, for example lightweight oxygen tanks. Developers of such products and processes are sought for technical cooperation, and manufacturers of MOFs for licensing. |