More info on
This matchmaking event is a unique platform for small and medium sized enterprises, start-ups and larger companies as well as research institutes to find new business partners, initiate cross border co-operations and share innovative technologies in an efficient way.
Don’t hesitate, join us and register now! On this link :
Relevant topics
• Passenger and freight rolling stock
• Track and infrastructure
• Onboard comfort
• Fare collection technology and products
• Passenger information
• Signaling and train control systems and equipment
Why to participate
Meet potential partners or costumers and expand your company’s network within the European railways industry.

• Find out about market trends and innovations
• Develop and/or strengthen business relationships
• Find new commercial and technological partners
• Establish collaborations with international companies
Attendance at this event is free of charge. However, you must be registered to attend to the main SIFER 2013 event (20 € for visitor pass)
Deadline registration : 20/03/2013
Deadline meetings selection : 24/03/2013
Emilie MARCELET EEN Picardie
Sebastien CARPENTIER EEN Nord de France
Elodie MAUFFET EEN Nord de France
Emilie Marcelet
Conseillère innovation / R&D pour Enterprise Europe Network
CCI Picardie – Enterprise Europe Network
36 rue des Otages - CS 23701
80037 Amiens Cedex 1
T 03 22 82 80 68 - F 03 22 82 80 88
NOTE: Dutch companies interested in participating at this fair, please contact Mr. Paul Asselbergs from Syntens Ypenburg to help you out and get support at the matchmaking. Mail adress