Source: Enterprise Europe Network Newsletter
EUROGIA2020 launched its 2nd call
EUROGIA2020, the EUREKA low-carbon energy technology cluster, announced its 2nd call for the submission of transnational low-carbon energy related R&D projects. The call is open to all innovative project ideas that will reduce the carbon footprint of energy production and use potentially qualify for EUROGIA2020 label. The process is one of continuous submission with 4 cut-off dates per year. The next cut-off date is
February 14, 2014 by close of business. The technical committee will review full proposals which are ready to seek the EUREKA label, eligible for funding by national funding authorities. or by contacting the EUROGIA2020 Secretariat,, + 32 2 502 18 14.
Proposal for a consortium – pyrolysis, biochar, waste, bioenergy
We are looking for H2020 SMEs or research facilities, universities for themes: pyrolysis, biochar production in pyrolysis, energy production and pyrolysis oils.
Contact: Roman Haman, Czech Republic,
Action groups call for water
European Innovation Partnership on Water (EIP Water) 2nd call for "Action Groups"
The "EU Innovation Partnership on Water" has published a 2nd call for the thematic "Action Groups" in 5 priority topics:
- Natural Waters
- Sustainability
- Water Policy and Administration
- Water Services and Water Use
- Water Technology
More information: More... About the EIP Water ; Call information
Laatste PSI-ronde van start
De aanvraagperiode van de laatste tender van het Private Sector Investeringsprogramma (PSI) opent in januari 2014 en sluit op 10 maart om 15.00 uur. Bedrijven die samen met een lokale partner willen investeren in ontwikkelingslanden en opkomende markten kunnen dus nog eenmaal, in 1 laatste tenderronde gebruikmaken van PSI. Meer informatie over de regeling is HIER te vinden.

Artikelen die interessant zijn voor u als innovatieve MKB ondernemer met een focus op innovatie, industrie, cleantech, en internationalisatie. De inhoud geldt als informatie, inspiratie en implementatie binnen uw onderneming. Articles for SME's to inform, inspire and related to innovation, cleantech, manufacturing and international business. This page is for inspiration, information and an invitation for you to get in contact with Dutch entrepreneurs and their network.