Bron: Natuur & Milieu Overijssel
Een elektrische auto van de zaak, minder kilometers maken, of gewoon vaker op de fiets? Wij laten u een kijkje nemen in de keuken van de Twentse ondernemers die hiermee aan de slag zijn. Op dinsdag 10 juni bij Go Planet Speedworld in Enschede, bent u van harte uitgenodigd om deze inspirerende middag bij te wonen en naar deze ondernemers te komen luisteren en met hen in gesprek te gaan. Zo kunnen we van elkaar leren hoe we samen duurzaam vooruit kunnen.
Datum, locatie en aanmelden:
10 juni 2014 van 1500 tot 1800 uur
Go Planet Speedworld
Colloseum 84
7521 PT Enschede
Opgeven via:
MKB Ondernemers, deelnamekosten 30 Euro p.p.
15.00 uur Inloop met Koffie en Thee
15.30 uur Welkom door Go Planet Speedworld
15.40 uur Presentatie door Mark Beusenberg (hogeschool windesheim)
16.00 uur Bedrijfspitches van Huuskes, HST, Raedthuys, EKonzept Mobility
16.30 uur Workshops over
1. Elektrische Foodtruck: EKonzept vertelt over de mogelijkheden die deze foodtruck te bieden heeft. Tijdens deze workshop kunt u de foodtruck zelf ook bezichtigen. (Let op! de workshop leiders spreken Engels en Duits)
2. Elektrische Auto van de Zaak: Heeft u altijd al eens willen weten hoe het is om een elektrische auto te rijden en wat erbij komt kijken. Raedthuys gaat hierover met u in gesprek en laat u een kijkje nemen in een van hun auto’s.
3. Duurzame vrachtwagens: HST en Huuskes nemen u mee in de wereld van duurzaam transport.
De elektrische en hybride vrachtwagens zijn daarbij ook te bezichtigen.
4. HoogRendement Fietsen: PersonalHero geeft een workshop HoogRendement Fietsen, waarbij
zij u leren op een andere en meer efficiëntere manier te fietsen.
17.30 uur Netwerkborrel / Kartbaan geopend
Verdere info via de website te vinden.

Artikelen die interessant zijn voor u als innovatieve MKB ondernemer met een focus op innovatie, industrie, cleantech, en internationalisatie. De inhoud geldt als informatie, inspiratie en implementatie binnen uw onderneming. Articles for SME's to inform, inspire and related to innovation, cleantech, manufacturing and international business. This page is for inspiration, information and an invitation for you to get in contact with Dutch entrepreneurs and their network.
donderdag 29 mei 2014
woensdag 28 mei 2014
Oproep: pilotprojecten Energie Prestatie Keuring, voorbeelden gezocht!
Bron: Nieuwsbrief RVO
Gepubliceerd op:19 mei 2014 | Gewijzigd op:21 mei 2014
De Rijksoverheid zoekt naar het ultieme Energie Prestatie Keuring systeem (EPK) voor bedrijven en vastgoedpartijen. Een EPK stimuleert bedrijven om energiebesparende maatregelen te nemen in hun bedrijfspand. Daarom vraagt het Rijk adviseurs, installateurs en ondernemers een pilot aan te leveren.
Het Rijk voert het EPK uit als onderdeel van het Nationaal Energie Akkoord.
Oproep en Green Deal
Met de meest interessante en kansrijke EPK-pilots wil het Rijk begin september 2014 een Green Deal afsluiten. Bij een positieve evaluatie van de projecten wordt het EPK-systeem in 2016 breed ingevoerd. Het ontwikkelen en testen van een dergelijke EPK-aanpak staat in het Energieakkoord voor duurzame groei. De Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland ondersteunt en begeleidt het gehele proces.Deelnemers
In elk project is ten minste een EPK-keurder, een bedrijf of branchevereniging en bevoegd gezag vertegenwoordigd. Partijen kunnen in mei (in overleg met begin juni) projecten aanleveren door het invullen van het digitale aanmeldingsformulier.Geef op hoofdlijnen het type project, de deelnemers, de planning en verwachte overheidsondersteuning aan. Van juni tot september bespreekt het Rijk de projecten en werkt deze indien nodig samen uit tot specifieke Green Deals.
Meer informatie over EPK?
Wilt u meer weten? Op 22 mei is in het Beatrixgebouw te Utrecht van 10.00 tot 12.00 uur een informatiebijeenkomst georganiseerd over de EPK-pilots. U krijgt meer informatie over hoe u aan een project mee kan doen. U kunt zich aanmelden via ons contactformulier.- Voor vragen: helpdesk Green Deal, 088-0424242 (kies 2 en daarna 4).
- Een EPK pilot project kunt u aanleveren via het formulier Green Deal.
De Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland ondersteunt en begeleidt dit proces namens de ministeries Infrastructuur & Milieu, Economische Zaken en Binnenlandse Zaken.
dinsdag 27 mei 2014
Stand van zaken SDE+ 2013 - Eindstand
Bron: Nieuwsbrief RVO
Gepubliceerd op:12 mei 2014 | Gewijzigd op:15 mei 2014
NB 1. In de tabel worden afgeronde waarden getoond. De som van de getoonde individuele waarden kan daarom afwijken van het totaal.
Gepubliceerd op:12 mei 2014 | Gewijzigd op:15 mei 2014
De 3 miljard euro die in 2013 beschikbaar was voor de uitvoering van de Stimuleringsregeling Duurzame Energieproductie (SDE+) is volledig toegekend aan 871 duurzame energie projecten.
Vanaf 4 maart t/m 19 december 2013 kon men SDE+ aanvragen indienen. Voor de 1.067 aanvragen met een totaalbedrag van 5,8 miljard euro was het budget niet toereikend. Hierdoor moest er worden geloot tussen de zon-PV aanvragen van 19 december.
Van het totale budget van 3 miljard euro is:
- 790 miljoen euro toegekend aan 733 projecten voor hernieuwbare elektriciteit
- 1.872 miljoen euro toegekend aan 115 projecten voor hernieuwbare warmte én WKK
- 339 miljoen euro toegekend aan 23 projecten voor hernieuwbaar gas
In onderstaande tabel staat de definitieve eindstand van de SDE+ 2013 voor de categorieën hernieuwbare elektriciteit, hernieuwbare warmte én WKK, en hernieuwbaar gas. Deze tabel is een samenvatting. Een gedetailleerd overzicht vindt u in de bijlage.
Categorie | Aantal positieve beschikkingen | Beschikt budget (€ mln) |
Hernieuwbare elektriciteit | ||
Windenergie | 66 | 642 |
Zon-PV | 661 | 121 |
Biomassa | 2 | 13 |
Waterkracht | 4 | 13 |
Totaal hernieuwbare elektriciteit | 733 | 790 |
Hernieuwbare warmte én WKK | ||
Afval | 1 | 23 |
Biomassa | 93 | 1.423 |
Geothermie | 16 | 424 |
Zonthermie | 5 | 1 |
Totaal hernieuwbare warmte én WKK | 115 | 1.872 |
Hernieuwbaar gas | ||
Groengas | 23 | 339 |
Groengas hub | - | - |
Totaal hernieuwbaar gas | 23 | 339 |
Totaal SDE+ 2013 | 871 | 3.000 |
NB 1. In de tabel worden afgeronde waarden getoond. De som van de getoonde individuele waarden kan daarom afwijken van het totaal.
De Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland voert de Stimuleringsregeling Duurzame Energie (SDE+) uit in opdracht van het ministerie van Economische Zaken.Download:
maandag 26 mei 2014
PING Bijeenkomst 6 juni bij Meiling over Quality Resource Management in de keten
“Het meest kritische element dat het succes van een business zal bepalen is de sterkte en de verbondenheid van alle Supply Chain partners binnen de extended enterprise” (R. Boykin 1997)
Hierbij nodigen wij u uit voor de PING-bijeenkomst op dinsdag 3 juni 2014
Thema: “The extended company”/QRM (Quality Resource Management) in de keten.”
Wij zijn te gast bij Meilink Groep Industriële Verpakkingen B.V. een bedrijf dat verpakkingen maakt voor industriële goederen en (grote) machines, en daarbij ook meer en meer meedenkt bij de inrichting en optimalisatie van het logistieke proces van haar klanten. De heer Peter Rikken zal onder meer aan de hand van een aantal recente projecten toelichten wat de bedrijfsstrategie inhoudt en op welke wijze Meilink haar dienstverlening afgelopen jaren heeft uitgebreid. Meteen daarna is er een rondleiding door het bedrijf.
Onze tweede spreker is dr. Jannes Slomp lector World Class Performance bij het lectoraat LEAN. Hij zal ingaan op het thema ‘de extended enterprise’ en zal duidelijk maken waar de uitdagingen en kansen voor bedrijven liggen bij het verbeteren van de performance van de ketens waar ze deel van uitmaken.
De heer Frank Jan Evers van het bedrijf Agrifac zal aan de hand van een aantal recente projecten presenteren hoe zij aan het begrip extended enterprise invulling geven. Het ontwikkelen en faciliteren van een World-Class leveranciersnetwerk staat hierbij centraal.
15.00 Ontvangst
15:15 Introductie door Hans de Weerd en Toine Straatman
15:20 Introductie Meilink Groep Industriële Verpakkingen B.V door algemeen directeur Peter Rikken 15:45 Rondleiding door het bedrijf
16:30 Presentatie Jannes Slomp: “the extended enterprise / world class performance”
17:10 Frank Jan Evers van Agrifac: recente projecten en ontwikkeling van world-class leveranciersnetwerk
17:30 Klein buffet
18.00 Einde bijeenkomst
U kunt zich vóór 27 mei ook aanmelden via de Kamer van Koophandel door een e-mail te sturen naar onder vermelding van uw voornaam, achternaam en e-mailadres.
Er is een maximum aantal deelnemers!
Met vriendelijke groet,
Hans de Weerd Toine Straatman
Hierbij nodigen wij u uit voor de PING-bijeenkomst op dinsdag 3 juni 2014
Meilink Groep Industriële Verpakkingen B.V.
Kamerlingh Onnesstraat 1
Tel: 0545 253525
Thema: “The extended company”/QRM (Quality Resource Management) in de keten.”
Wij zijn te gast bij Meilink Groep Industriële Verpakkingen B.V. een bedrijf dat verpakkingen maakt voor industriële goederen en (grote) machines, en daarbij ook meer en meer meedenkt bij de inrichting en optimalisatie van het logistieke proces van haar klanten. De heer Peter Rikken zal onder meer aan de hand van een aantal recente projecten toelichten wat de bedrijfsstrategie inhoudt en op welke wijze Meilink haar dienstverlening afgelopen jaren heeft uitgebreid. Meteen daarna is er een rondleiding door het bedrijf.
Onze tweede spreker is dr. Jannes Slomp lector World Class Performance bij het lectoraat LEAN. Hij zal ingaan op het thema ‘de extended enterprise’ en zal duidelijk maken waar de uitdagingen en kansen voor bedrijven liggen bij het verbeteren van de performance van de ketens waar ze deel van uitmaken.
De heer Frank Jan Evers van het bedrijf Agrifac zal aan de hand van een aantal recente projecten presenteren hoe zij aan het begrip extended enterprise invulling geven. Het ontwikkelen en faciliteren van een World-Class leveranciersnetwerk staat hierbij centraal.
15.00 Ontvangst
15:15 Introductie door Hans de Weerd en Toine Straatman
15:20 Introductie Meilink Groep Industriële Verpakkingen B.V door algemeen directeur Peter Rikken 15:45 Rondleiding door het bedrijf
16:30 Presentatie Jannes Slomp: “the extended enterprise / world class performance”
17:10 Frank Jan Evers van Agrifac: recente projecten en ontwikkeling van world-class leveranciersnetwerk
17:30 Klein buffet
18.00 Einde bijeenkomst
U kunt zich vóór 27 mei ook aanmelden via de Kamer van Koophandel door een e-mail te sturen naar onder vermelding van uw voornaam, achternaam en e-mailadres.
Er is een maximum aantal deelnemers!
Met vriendelijke groet,
Hans de Weerd Toine Straatman
vrijdag 16 mei 2014
Ondernemers uit Twente en de Achterhoek op innovatie tour met de motor
Ook dit jaar organiseren we weer een relatiedag voor motorrijdende ondernemers uit Twente en de Achterhoek, als voortzetting van de succesvolle jaarlijkse motorrit gestart in 2011
Dit jaar hebben we weer een mooie rit uitgezet om leuk te rijden, te netwerken en met een interessant bedrijfsbezoek. Daarmee zullen we grensverleggend zijn en intergalactisch. Maar voor het zover is eerst wat algemene informatie 
Vrijdag 13 juni 2014
Graag bericht of u op deze datum mee gaat (zonder bevestiging geen deelname!)
Start en finish:
Motoport Hengelo
Enschedesestraat 210
7552 CL Hengelo
Agenda: (onder voorbehoud)
08:30 uur ontvangst met koffie en cake bij de vernieuwde Motoport Hengelo
08:45 uur vertrek eerste groep, waarna per 10 minuten de volgende groep
11:00 uur bedrijfsbezoek, en buitenaardse presentaties
12:00 uur Lunch op locatie met mogelijkheden voor netwerken en zaken doen
13:30 uur Rondleiding op locatie en bezoek buitenlokatie na korte wandeling
15:00 uur Vertrek voor terugreis, waarna per 10 minuten de volgende groep
17:00 uur Aankomst Motoport Hengelo, informele afsluiting, netwerken
Er is geen uitwijkdatum indien het slecht weer is.
De motorrit bedraagt circa 220 km en zal in Nederland worden gereden. De route is beschikbaar voor mensen die met Garmin navigatie rijden en kan op verzoek per mail worden toegezonden. We rijden weer in een aantal groepen van circa 8 personen, maximaal 25 deelnemers.
Denkt u aan de benodigde documenten (groene kaart, rijbewijs, motorpapieren. Er is een tankstop op de terugweg ingepland, graag aankomen met volle tank brandstof.
Aan deze tourrit zijn geen kosten verbonden. Deelname is voor eigen risico.
Overige kosten (brandstof motor e.d. ) zijn wel voor eigen rekening.
Dit event is alleen toegankelijk voor ondernemers uit de regio met een persoonlijke relatie tot sponsoren of genoemde medewerkers.
De motorrit wordt georganiseerd door Jannink – Hofste, René Holtkamp, Kamer van Koophandel te Enschede, Marco Platvoet en Olaf ter Haar en wordt mede mogelijk gemaakt door Motoport Hengelo.
Foto's van deze interessante netwerkdag zijn hier te vinden: DRUK HIER
donderdag 15 mei 2014
International co operation profiles from Enterprise Europe Network from the second half of May 2014
Find some of the latest profiles on Enterprise Europe Network for partnersearch, new business at your doorstep published first second of May 2014.
Enterprise Europe Network, with its 600 partner organisations in over 50 countries, helps companies find business opportunities across the European Union and beyond.
Some advantages are:
- Easy access to new technologies
- Less risk in developing new products or technologies
- Improve speed of development, time to market
- Shared co development on your expertise combined with other expertises external
- Finding relevant new contacts using the network and get introduced to it
- Get a warm introduction on the right level using personal contacts from the Enterprise Europe Network consultants
For a full description of the proposals below, please click on the title. You will be directed to our website. Here you indicate your interest at the bottom of the full description.
Enterprise Europe Network, with its 600 partner organisations in over 50 countries, helps companies find business opportunities across the European Union and beyond.
Some advantages are:
- Easy access to new technologies
- Less risk in developing new products or technologies
- Improve speed of development, time to market
- Shared co development on your expertise combined with other expertises external
- Finding relevant new contacts using the network and get introduced to it
- Get a warm introduction on the right level using personal contacts from the Enterprise Europe Network consultants
For a full description of the proposals below, please click on the title. You will be directed to our website. Here you indicate your interest at the bottom of the full description.
Non-electric sewage treatment system for domestic waste water Technology OFFER from Netherlands A Dutch manufacturer of small scale sewage water treatment units has developed a compact septic system for the biological purification of domestic waste water from public or commercial facilities, if connection to major sewage systems is not available or too expensive. The smaller systems do not require electricity. The company is offering a commercial agreement with technical assistance to companies with experience in sewage or water treatment systems. |
Cost effective solar thermal plants (New Fresnel design) and ORC (Organic Rankine Cycle) machines for electricity generation Technology OFFER from France A French enterprise offers an innovative solution that combines cost effective solar fields as quality heat source (temperature up to 300°C) for various commercial processes or for producing electricity and a patented high efficiency ORC technology that generates electricity at a low maintenance cost. The offer stands in the intertwining of both. Partners are requested to adapt, produce and disseminate this combination of technologies. |
Very high efficiency ORC (Organic Rankine Cycle) machines for electricity generation from renewable energy sources or heat recovery Technology OFFER from France A French SME has created a patented highly efficient Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) technology in order to generate electricity. Its main advantages are : - low maintenance (dry fluid) - compatibility with wide range of heat sources (solar, biomass and geothermal, gas turbines etc) - highly Scalable to provide tailor-made and optimized solutions. A open partnership is offered, that goes from commercial agreement with technical cooperation to manufacturing (foundery, machining…) |
Hybrid lighting system, using sunlight for interior lighting Technology OFFER from France A French SME has developed a system capturing sunlight outside building and transmitting it inside via fiber optics. The system offers a natural light to rooms far from window. This innovation offers several benefits at the same time: 100% natural light providing well-being and visual comfort for exposed people & energy savings. The SME is looking for a commercial agreement with technical assistance. |
Valorization of food industry by-products by innovative extraction of antioxidant substances Technology OFFER from France Antioxydant molecules are used for various applications, in food industry, but also in health or pharmaceutical industry. Two French laboratories are working together for the development of innovative green processes for the extraction of such molecules from food industry by-products. The authors are looking for partners interested in developing new R&D projects including green extraction technologies. |
Plasma reactor for waste management Technology OFFER from Slovakia A Slovak certified company has developed a unique plasma to process waste in an innovative enviromentally friendly way. The company is looking for partners interested in optimizing environmental benefits and economic returns to make commercial agreements with technical assistance as well as services agreements. |
Plasma electrolytic polishing with or without abrasive component Technology OFFER from Germany A German SME, active in the sector processing treatment has developed a machine for plasma electrolytic polishing, whereby it is possible to reach a polished and passivated surface after mechanical processing of a metallic workpiece. In addition it is possible to add an abrasive component to the electrolyte to reach a deburring effect. Fields of application are all metal processing domains. The SME seeks partner for a manufacturing agreement, subcontracting or a technical cooperation agreement. |
Surface hardening in plasma Technology OFFER from Germany A German based SME, active in the sector processing treatment, has developed an energy efficient and powerful technology for plasma nitriding, plasma nitrocarburizing and oxidation. With this technology surface hardening of all different kinds of steel including stainless steel is possible. The company is looking for partners in the industry and research for further development and application in frame of a manufacturing agreement or a technical cooperation agreement. |
Test and methods for hygienical safety of products, buildings and potable waters Business OFFER from Germany A research and test laboratory (North Germany) develops and offers special tests for analysing products towards bacteria, fungi, for potable water, mould in buildings and for hygienic safety of medical devices and pharmaceutical products. It also supplies services for health care institutions and industrial operators in questions of hygienical safety and appraisal of medical devices. The company looks for partners (licence/service agreement,subcontracting) to distribute and apply its know-how. |
District Heating / Cooling - Thermal Storage Systems Business OFFER from Germany This German company is a pioneer in biogas technology. They design and manufacture complete turn-key biogas plants relying on the expertise of their experienced engineers and assemblers.They would like to find partners in this field or in the general field of "District Heating" throughout Europe for joint ventures, reciprocal production or exchange of shares. They are also interested in finding good distributors for their products and services. |
Wave breaking structure functioning as high-efficient wave power plant looking for industrialization partners. Technology OFFER from Sweden A Swedish inventor has developed a wave power solution that could be integrated in a new or existing breakwater structure. By including the power generation in wave breaking, several benefits such as simplicity, robustness, utilization is achieved. The inventor is now looking for actors that would be interested in proceeding with this patent-pending solution and take it to the market through a joint venture, license agreement, research or technical agreement. |
Image analysis and robot programming tool for automatic varnishing process Technology OFFER from Italy Italian SME specialized in developing advanced computer vision solutions, offers software tool able to analyse 2D/3D objects images to automatically generate program for the industrial robots hi-performance process of varnishing (or spraying or polishing, or other surface treatments) of previously unseen objects. Industrial partners involved in process automation for surface treatments are sought to set up technical cooperation/commercial agreement with technical assistance/ joint venture. |
Hydrodynamic cleaning technology Technology OFFER from Italy An Italian company working in cleaning sector, has designed an innovative equipment in order to perform the activities with the utmost respect for environment. The equipment allows to offer to customers competitive solutions for all kind of problems related to hydrodynamic cleaning, cryogenic cleaning, decontamination and disposal of industrial special waste. The company is looking for technical and commercial partners. |
Polish company specialized in the production of dissolvers, mixers, presses, vessels, containers, pumping-filter sets, filling devices and complex turn-key solutions offers and requests subcontracting Business OFFER from Poland A Polish company conveniently located in south-west Poland is specialized in production of dissolvers, mixers, presses, vessels, containers, pumping-filter sets, filling devices and complex turn-key solutions. The company offers and requests subcontracting works or reciprocal production. Moreover, the SME is looking for possibilities of merger or exchange of shares. |
Vehicle-mounted 3 blades wind generation system Technology REQUEST from Korea, Republic of A Korean SME is looking for 3 blades wind generation technology for vehicles which can be used to generate electricity from the wind power in moving vehicles. The development stage of the requested technology could be at the demonstration stage or already on the market. The company is interested in a licensing agreement with technical cooperation and commercial agreement with technical assistance. |
The distributors of a silicon gel lamination technology for building construction sought Business OFFER from Czech Republic A small Czech company with long-term expertise in solar industry has developed a special silicon gel for building construction that can reduct noises and protect from high temperatures. The company is seeking companies working in energy-efficient building materials - producers and distributors of windows/ glass doors who want to improve their products with this innovative technology. Manufacturing or distribution agreements to bring the new product to the market are sought. |
Distributor search from a Turkish manufacturer of sheet metals and plastics Business OFFER from Turkey A Turkish company specialised in manufacture of sheet metals and plastics which is established in 2003 Izmir / Turkey. They are looking for distributors and also offering subcontracting to the companies is on the table. |
Bulgarian company specialized in manufacturing of mechanical parts, aluminium and zinc die-casting, pressing and injection moulding of rubber and plastics, painting and coating, is offering its services as a subcontractor Business OFFER from Bulgaria A Bulgarian company specialized in manufacturing of mechanical parts, aluminium and zinc die-casting, pressing and injection moulding of rubber and plastics, painting and coating, is offering its services as a subcontractor (production) and is interested in joint venture collaboration based on research and technological development activity. |
Bulgarian company is looking for partners for joint-venture agreements and/or offers subcontracting in the field of metalworking. Business OFFER from Bulgaria Bulgarian company is looking for partners for joint-venture agreements and/or offers subcontracting in the field of metalworking. |
German producer of Oil Binding technologies and products is looking for international distribution partners Business OFFER from Germany A German producer of environmentally friendly and recyclable oil binding products and systems for cleaning up oil spills and dirt is looking for international distribution partners: agents, distributors. The partners should also be willing to provide logistical services regarding the cleaning services. The SME produces floatable and recycable granulate which can take oil out of water and out of solid grounds. An online shop is available. |
Removal of arsenic from potable water Technology OFFER from Greece A Greek SME of the Chemical sector offers a technology involving low cost single iron and binary ferric-manganese adsorbents of arsenic to remove it from potable water. The novel adsorbents remove both trivalent and pentavalent arsenic and they can be safely and easily disposed. A licence agreement, technical cooperation for joint further development and/or specific commercial cooperation with water treatment systems manufacturers is sought. |
Vacuum super insulated long-term hot water storage tank for solar heating Technology OFFER from Germany A Bavarian SME, specialised in steel and metal construction, offers an innovative hot water storage tank for solar heating, developed with a Bavarian research organsation. Super insulated by vacuum technology and micropowder, the heat insulation is 5-10 times higher compared to conventional water storage tanks, enabling a long-term storage for several months. They are interested in technical / commercial agreements to integrate the storage in projected or planned buildings or industry processes. |
Highly efficient triplet emitter for organic light emitting diodes (OLED) applications Technology OFFER from Germany Within a national research project, scientists of a German university developed dopants for organic light emitting diodes. The dopants are characterised by high quantum as well as high current efficiencies. Patent applications have been filed. A lab prototype is available. Industrial licensees are sought. |
Closed-loop system able to exploit waste biomass for power generation or cogeneration Business OFFER from Italy An Italian SME producing closed-loop systems able to exploit waste biomass for power generation or cogeneration is looking for commercial partners or distributors for a commercial agency agreement or a distribution services agreement. This company can provide installation support which includes custom design, installation works direction and commissioning. |
Distributors of welding and plasma cutting equipments needed Business OFFER from Italy An Italian company active in the field of designing, engineering and manufacturing of welding and plasma cutting is looking for distributors and agents of welding and plasma cutting equipments for commercial agency agreements and distribution services agreements. |
Capacity, know-how and long-time experience in special purpose machinery manufacturing, conveying systems and palletising and sorting technology offered Business OFFER from Germany A German company – a special purpose machinery manufacturer – is offering free capacity and long-time experience in new constructions or special construction according to customers drawing and complete solutions for several branches under manufacturing or distribution agreement. |
Enabling diamond-based technologies for multi-parametric cellular bio-sensing Technology OFFER from Italy An Italian University developed new nanotechnologies for the integration of electrical, optical and microfluidic components into a diamond-based platform. It enables an entirely new spectrum of multi-parametric stimulation and detection of bio-chemical responses from excitable cells in a bio-compatible, chemically inert and transparent environment. They seek partner for technical cooperation and/or R&D projects. |
Prototyping of diamond-based single-photon sources for quantum secure communication Technology OFFER from Italy An Italian University developed an activity aimed at overcoming a significant gap in quantum cryptography by prototyping deterministic, compact and efficient single-photon sources. To this scope, highly efficient deterministic single-photon sources are being developed in a hybrid technology based on single luminescent centers in diamond nanocrystals embedded in nanofabricated photonic structures.They seek partner for technical cooperation and/or R&D projects. |
New process for production of pure gold coating with a high level of hardness Technology OFFER from France A large French research center has developed and patented an innovative method of pure metal electrodeposition, in order to produce pure gold coating with a high level of hardness. It is now offering its know-how to industrial companies interested by developing a product using this technology (jewelry, electronics, medical applications…), through technological cooperation or licensing agreement. |
Production of biochar from biomass by hydrothermal carbonization Technology OFFER from Turkey A Turkish academic entrepreneur has developed a new process which enables, under mild hydrothermal conditions (150-200°C and max.10 bar), the conversion of waste biomasses into lignite-similar biochar with very low sulphur content and a higher heating value. The synthesized biochar is nano-sized (approximately 500 nm). The academic wants to find partners from related sectors who would be interested to use the new technology. The academic also seeks investors to commercialize this project. |
Modular containerized biomass power plant: ceramic heat exchangers needed Technology REQUEST from Italy Looking for a useful way to waste manure, wood chips, pruning of forest and fruit trees in small villages, farm or factories, Italian company implemented new technologies. A small 100kWe turbine and a 500kWt burner will be both containerized to form a plug&play system. It could be implemented with a cogeneration system to obtain maximum energetic result. The company seeks for a technological partner able to produce ceramic heat exchangers. |
A Spanish thermoplastic compounding equipment enterprise looking for collaboration Business OFFER from Spain A Spanish company involved in the R&D related with plastics, rubber and composites has industrial equipment for plastic compound production and wants to set up collaborations with companies in order to: -Act as a strategic additional location for the manufacturing of compounds for South European markets. -Act as an outsourced company, manufacturing compounds for third parties -Rent the facilities, for peak production |
Slovak engineering company, engaged in development, manufacturing and sales of high-precision reduction gears is looking for producers of automation and industrial robotics Business OFFER from Slovakia A Slovak engineering company, engaged in development of high-precision reduction gears is looking for the producers of automation and industrial robotics to find a suitable usage of their high-tech products. They could be widely used in automation and industrial robotics, in the field of machine tools manufacturing, in the navigation and camera equipments, medical systems and in many other fields. They prefer licence and/or manufacturing agreement. |
Innovative reamer for sliding bearings and / or syntethic bushings Technology OFFER from Austria An Austrian SME has developed a patented reamer to rub out sliding bearings and / or syntethic bushings with a precision of H9 (according to ISO). Due to a track adapter the tool works more accurate and it also saves time compared to commonly used reamer with its connector pin for drilling machines. At the moment this reamer is mainly used in ropeway engineering and so the SME is looking for new fields of application (e.g. shipping industry) and technological partners for further development. |
Textile thermoelectric device for generation of voltage (Seebeck effect) and/ or temperature difference (Peltier effect) Technology OFFER from Germany A small German engineering company developed a textile thermoelectric device for the generation of voltage (Seebeck effect) and temperature differences (Peltier effect). The unlimited large area format, the good drapability and the insulating effect are the advantages of the device. The company is looking for research institutes for further development and industrial partners in order to develop new product applications and as license. |
Device of buildings' adandonment in case of emergency Technology OFFER from Greece A Greek inventor has developed an innovative system of buildings' abandonment in case of emergency. This invention refers to a mean of escape that operates only with gravity (the body's weight) as energy source. The inventor seeks for collaboration in license agreement or technical cooperation for his patent. |
Cost effective flood door for instant, remote control flood defence Technology OFFER from Netherlands A Dutch dam technology specialist offers a cost-effective flood defence system providing instant protection from flooding for objects at or below ground level. During floods it lowers automatically and immediately around openings at ground level in order to seal off head waters of up to 2 metres high. The company is looking for commercial agreements with technical assistance. |
Large area thin film deposition and substrate super-polishing Technology OFFER from Switzerland A Swiss SME, leading supplier of neutron optics, offers its extensive experience in applying sophisticated multilayer coatings, with extremely low roughness, on large areas. Advantages are the flexibility of the deposition process (different materials can be deposited with a homogeneous result) and the very large size of the possible deposition area. The partner sought is interested in coating of own parts, for corrosion protection, for optical properties or for collaborative research purposes. |
Continuously Variable Transmission (CVT) and Infinity Variable Transmission unit for automotive, light mobility (e-bike), windmill and cleantech Technology OFFER from France A French SME, specialized in the design of mechanical products dedicated to sustainable mobility, has developed a breakthrough innovative transmission device. The technology can be implemented to vehicles or any other machinery needing transmission device for main transmission, energy recovering system, auxiliary motors... The company would like to establish a long term partnership through a joint venture or a licensing agreement with industrial partner. |
Standalone solar powered multichannel sound system Technology OFFER from Germany A German company has developed a multichannel portable sound system for public spaces consisting of solar powered speakers on pillars. Each pillar can be assigned to a channel by special developed software for creating unique spatial soundscapes. The wireless LAN controlled sound pillars can be used for cultural events as well as individual compositions. The company looks for partners applying this technology in their fields of activity and technical cooperation to further develop the product. |
Cost effective rapidly deployable, high quality, temporary flood barrier for both rural and urban situations Technology OFFER from Netherlands A Dutch specialist in dam technology offers a cost effective rapidly deployable, high quality, temporary flood barrier for both rural and urban situations. The technology can easily be integrated in both rural and urban situations. The company is looking for commercial agreements with technical assistance or technical cooperation agreement. |
UV-C technology for disinfection of liquids (water), surface and air treatment Technology OFFER from Netherlands A Dutch SME specialist in the designing, validating and manufacturing of UV-C technology has developed a technology for the disinfection of water and surfaces. The company is offering a commercial agreement with technical assistance to companies with experience in water treatment that have UV knowledge. |
Recycled Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) / glass fibers composites Technology OFFER from Greece A Greek technological and development center has developed composite materials based on recycled Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) and glass fibers, both obtained from aircrafts insulation material. The company is looking for partners for technical cooperation and/or manufacturing agreement. |
Cement composites incorporating end-of-life aircraft insulation materials Technology OFFER from Greece A Greek technological and development center has developed lightweight cementitious materials incorporating recycled polyethylene (PET) and glass fibers, both obtained from end-of-life aircraft insulation materials. The company now seeks partners for manufacturing agreement and technical cooperation. |
Engineering and manufacturing of radomes and radar-transparent structural parts for maritime, security and communication markets Technology OFFER from Netherlands A Dutch SME has specialized knowhow in design, manufacturing and repair of radomes, composite antenna covers and reflectors. The company is originating from aircraft industry and is fully certified. Looking for partners in the maritime, off-shore, security and communication sector. Especially manufacturers of radar, antenna, parabolic dish antenna and/or sensor equipment, for joint development and/or cooperation of specialized high-end products with a high added value and low production volumes. |
Amine separation and catalyst recycling Technology OFFER from Germany Scientists at a German university invented a method for the separation of amines that are produced in a homogenous catalyzed processes that allow the re-utilization of the catalyst. The method is environmentally friendly as no salt loads are generated. The separation occurs under mild conditions and requires no high pressure apparatus. Industrial licensees are sought. |
Medium sized Italian terracotta pottery factory offers know-how, machines and equipments to establish a joint venture abroad. Technology OFFER from Italy Medium sized Italian terracotta pot factory offers know-how, machines and equipments to establish a joint venture abroad for the production of hand finished terracotta pottery. The forecast investment available is 1 ML€. The company has a wide range of 300 models of plaster moulds for pots in the traditional Mediterranean style. |
Laboratory microwave and ultrasonic equipment for plant extraction Technology OFFER from France A French SME has developed & patented a laboratory extractor device enabling plant extraction thanks to the coupling of microwave, ultrasounds and vacuum. This innovative technology allows many kinds of extraction with high efficiency and high concentration as essential oils, eco-extraction, active ingredients, vacuum and recycling solvent in thin layer. Commercial agreement with technical assistance and technical cooperation to further develop the solution are considered with industries. |
Recycling quarry sludge into expanded clay aggregates for the building industry Technology OFFER from France Waste as resource: the washing process of aggregates in the quarry industry generates a lot of sludge wastes. A French SME has developed and patented a new process enabling the valorization of these sludge wastes thanks to microwave technology; thus producing instead expanded clay lightweight aggregates for the building industry. Commercial agreement with technical assistance or technical cooperation is sought with entities of the quarry and building industries. |
Plasma treatment of textiles Technology OFFER from Germany A German SME, active in the sector of material processing, has developed a plasma treatment method for textiles. The technology improves quality and properties of textiles. Especially the characteristics of the surface can be altered to a different state, for example hydrophil or hydrophob. Textile fibres can be cleaned or prepared to absorb different chemical substances in a better way. The company is looking for partners interested in a technical cooperation and/or commercial agreement. |
High value-added recycling technologies for the minerals collected from fly ash Technology REQUEST from Korea, Republic of A Korean SME which recycles waste from a coal-fired power plant is seeking recycling technologies using physical separation techniques. Through this recycling process, the company wants to sort out 5 minerals (such as cenosphere, magnetite, and mulite, etc.) from fly ash by its grain size, shape and color as catering for the needs of customers. The company is interested in licensing agreement and technical cooperation. |
New technologies wanted to reduce resource consumption in retail units, data centres, industrial units and large office complexes. Technology REQUEST from United Kingdom A major UK corporation is calling for innovative solutions to assist them in reducing resource consumption across their UK properties. It is estimated that existing solutions have the capability of 25% reductions – but the Corporation is pursuing new solutions to make inroads into that “other 75%”. It is willing to trial new cutting edge innovations in its current estate which comprises in excess of 2,000 retail units, 300 large office buildings, 40 industrial buildings and 5 data centres. |
Polish SME, tarpaulin producer is looking for B2B partners Business OFFER from Poland SME from South-West of Poland established in 1998, tarpaulin producer is looking for potential business partners in need for a supplier of “covers” for various types of trailers, vehicles but also tents (or marques). Tarpaulins are made of plastic material suitable for heavy-duty use, accordingly to requirement. This SME would like to become a long term supplier. |
Polish SME door-handles producer is looking for distributors across EU Business OFFER from Poland SME from South-West of Poland established in 1995, producer of door handles is looking for potential business partners (wholesalers) in need for a supplier of door handles (various types and shapes) for in-door and out-door use. This SME would like to become a long term supplier upon cooperation agreement. |
Polish SME furniture and door forgings producer is looking for distributors across EU Business OFFER from Poland SME from South-West of Poland established in 1995, producer of forgings for furniture and door hinges is looking for potential business partners (wholesalers). The forgings – mounting elements are used to link furniture panels and doors. The offering SME is also producing various door hinges (indoor use). The SME would like to become a long term supplier upon cooperation agreement. |
Slovak company active in automatizated lines is offering manufacturing cooperation Business OFFER from Slovakia A Slovak company active in projection, production and delivery of complex solutions of automatizated lines for the transportation, manipulation, packaging and filling of various types of products is offering free production capacities and cooperation within manufacturing, outsourcing agreement or subcontracting. |
German manufacturer of components for biogas plants / livestock looks for distribution partners in France, Poland, Spain, Italy and Turkey Business OFFER from Germany A German manufacturer of pumps, mixing and separating technologies with applications in biogas plants and animal breeding (pigs and dairy farms) looks for companies from France, Poland, Italy, Spain and Turkey, who offer complementary products. The company is looking for distribution agreements and a service partner. The manufacturer has market experience from over 20 years in pumping and mixing within the agriculture business. Components are used in more than 1600 biogas plants. |
Polish welding company specializing in manufacturing all kinds of steel and aluminum constructions looks for cooperation offers. Business OFFER from Poland A small Polish company specialized in the individual production of all kinds of metal welding constructions (made from stainless steel, aluminium and/or other metals) is looking for international agreements regarding either manufacturing or subcontracting. |
A Swedish mechanical engineering company is looking for partners in the offshore industry. Business OFFER from Sweden A Swedish mechanical engineering company that combines professionalism and high quality with great flexibility is looking for partners in the offshore industry.The main manufacturing areas are welding, machining and assembly. The company are looking for partners and are offering subcontracting, mainly for the oil & gas, but also for the mine, pulp & paper and the transport industry, but also reciprocal production and manufacturing agreement. |
SME from Poland is looking for innovative renewable energy solutions to be implemented in Poland Business REQUEST from Poland Polish SME from Lower Silesia, a renewable energy broker, is looking for producers/suppliers of innovative solutions in the field of renewable energy interested in the Polish market, especially concerning implementation of their products/technologies. So far the Polish SME specializes in wind and solar energy. It is looking for a long-term cooperation under a distribution agreement. |
Flexible recovery process to convert waste oils into standard motor fuels. Technology OFFER from Netherlands A Dutch SME has developed a patented recycling/recovery process technology to convert waste oils into standard motor fuels. Feed can be sourced from industrial and shipping waste oil/water mixtures or residues, and pyrolysis oils from plastics and packaging materials. The company is looking for a waste management company/investor to build a plant in the frame of a financial agreement. |
Electrochemical regeneration of activated carbon saturated Technology OFFER from Spain A Spanish university has developed a new technology in order to regenerate activated carbons. The main advantages of this technology are: it can be used in situ and at room temperature and pressure. This technology can be useful in the following industrial sectors: pharmaceutical, waste recycling, drinking water, etc. The research group is looking for companies interested in this technology for license agreement or technical cooperation. |
The manufacturing company from South of Poland offers its drilling related products Business OFFER from Poland The company from South of Poland dealing with manufacturing of tools and spare parts especially for drilling equipment and machines is looking for subcontracting. |
A cost-effective procedure for the hydrolysis of the lignocellulotic biomass Technology OFFER from Spain A Spanish public research organisation has developed a new hydrolysis procedure for the lignocellulosic biomass which allows an effective valorisation of this raw material. The procedure consists on a pre-treatment for the dissolution of this solid material with ionic liquids and a separation step, followed by the treatment with acid reagents which releases the sugars from its structure. Companies interested in applying this procedure under a patent license are sought. |
Pneumatic crystallization platform Technology OFFER from Spain A Spanish public research organization has developed a microfluidic platform-based chip that allows multiple reactions and crystallizations in parallel and easily monitor both the diffusion of reactants and their reactivity. The mechanism is based on the configuration of multiple channels that have semipermeable portions and act simultaneously as a valve. Industrial partners are being sought to exploit the existing know-how through a patent license agreement. |
A technology of a vertical flow mixer is offered Technology OFFER from Poland A scientists from North West Poland has developed a flow mixer with a vertical mixing element. The mixer is intended for mixing liquids, particularly multi-phase systems, as well as for conducting kinetic driving. Further tests, measurements, development and implementation are needed. Commercial and technical cooperation agreements are sought. |
Control Systems Design & Engineering Services Technology REQUEST from Netherlands A Dutch SME is developing a 3D-printer for high speed and high volume manufacturing of industrial mechanical components as an economically and technically viable alternative to classic machining technolgies. The company is looking for theoretical design expertise in non-linear, closed loop, control systems under a research services and/or cooperation agreement. |
A Canadian company with technical experience in the wide liquids filtration field. Interested in partnership with representatives and/or distributors with suitable technical and marketing abilities Business OFFER from Canada A Canadian company with technical experience in the wide liquids filtration field ( producing automatic scraper strainers, pressure vessels - available in carbon steel, stainless steels, monel and fiberglas for regular, aggressive or viscous fluids) is interested in a partnership with representatives and/or distributors with suitable technical and marketing abilities. The pressure vessels meet US and European engineering codes. |
Italian company specialized in LED lighting technologies is looking for distributors and commercial agents Business OFFER from Italy The italian company designs and produces Solid-state lamps with LED technology for Street, industrial and large areas lighting 100% Made in Italy and commercializes high efficiency products for indoor solutions. The company is looking for distributors and commercial agents. |
An innovative eco-friendly technology for utilization of porous pavement Technology OFFER from Korea, Republic of A Korean SME whose business is related to protecting and preserving natural environment has invented an innovative technology to utilize into making eco-friendly porous pavement for restoration of eco-environmental space. It is much firmer and more stable than concrete. It can also effectively protect natural environment with customized size and price. The firm is seeking a partner for a licensing agreement, joint venture, or a commercial agreement with technical assistance. |
Producer of hydraulic cylinders and components Business OFFER from Bulgaria Producer of hydraulic cylinders and components offers wide range of cylinders (single-acting cylinders, double-acting cylinders, telescopic cylinders) designed for different types of machines. The company looks for agents and offers subcontracting services and as its production capacity is more than 250 000 cylinders per year it can provide its customers with significant quantities. |
Disposable medical dishes made of cellulose Business OFFER from Poland A Polish company offers disposable medical dishes such as kidney dish, male urine bottle and bowl for washing the patient. The company uses cellulose pulp in the production process. The dishes are dedicated to use at medical and nursing entities. According to individual needs the company is able to manufacture any other open shape. The company would like to establish a long-term cooperation through the means of a distribution service agreement and is also interested in being a subcontractor. |
Energy efficiency and sustainability expertise offered for international design projects in the built environment. Business OFFER from United Kingdom A combination of sustainable building practice, master planning and energy efficiency expertise coupled with language skills and cultural insight is offered by a UK SME for collaboration as a subcontractor on housing and commercial construction projects. Such projects may well be urban housing and commercial projects in Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS -former Soviet Union) countries, Eastern Europe and beyond. |
A Lithuanian company specialises in up-to-date logistic solutions, logistics services and freight forwarding (expedition). The company offers trade intermediary, subcontracting activities and transport/logistics services. Business OFFER from Lithuania A Lithuanian company specialises in up-to-date logistic solutions, logistics services and freight forwarding (expedition). The company offers trade intermediary, subcontracting activities and transport/logistics services. |
A company in Lithuania is offering transport and logistic service. Business OFFER from Lithuania A transport and logistics company in Lithuania is offering transport and logistic service. |
A Lithuanian company providing logistics services, offers its services of freight forwarding and delivery of chemicals, machinery and other goods, and can act as a distributor for other companies. Business OFFER from Lithuania A Lithuanian company providing logistics services, offers its services of freight forwarding and delivery of chemicals, machinery and other goods, and can act as a distributor for other companies. |
System integration for electric vehicles and development of torque vectoring for all-wheel electric drive Business REQUEST from Slovenia A Slovenian company, specialized in system integration for electric vehicles like scooters and urban electric cars and for development of torque vectoring for all-wheel electric drive, is looking for investors or strategic joint venture partners for further development of torque vectoring. The company also offers subcontracting services in system integration for electric vehicles. |
UK company is looking for a subcontractor in Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary and Romania who can laminate foam to fabric Business REQUEST from United Kingdom A UK company, specialised in laminating foam to fabric for the automotive industry, is looking for a subcontractor in Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary and Romania who can laminate foam to fabric, and in particular using the 'flame lamination' process. |
Novel electric wheel drive applicable to any wheel type Technology OFFER from Germany A German inventor has developed a novel wheel rim drive. It is simply constructed but allows to work as an electric drive for any kind of wheel type. Thus, the product covers a wide range of applications, including hybrid drive and four wheel drive systems. It can easily be used for cars and light vehicles but also in powerful vehicles such as trucks. The inventor is looking for a manufacturing partner, interested in a commercial agreement with technical assistance or a manufacturing agreement. |
New and second hand auto parts for foreign partners Business OFFER from Lithuania An experienced Lithuanian company, specialized in selling original, non - original and second hand auto parts, is looking for trade intermediary. The company can offer good quality products and prompt delivery. |
Precise metal and plastic processing and machining Business OFFER from Poland A company from Western Poland specialised in precise metal and plastic processing and machining is looking for agents and distributors of their products as well as is eager to become a subcontractor for parts of joint projects. |
Novel ergonomic dynamic posture seating system for passenger vehicles Technology OFFER from United Kingdom A UK inventor has developed a novel concept for a tilt / lean seat for passenger vehicles such as cars, aeroplanes and trains. The concept promises greater driver alertness, a healthier seating position for a wide range of body sizes, improved crash resistance and the potential for the driver to dynamically integrate control of the vehicle into the movement of the seat. The company wishes to find partners for joint further development. |
Romanian company manufacturing heat exchangers for industrial and auto applications is looking for trade partners and is offering its services as subcontractor Business OFFER from Romania A Romanian company specialized in the manufacture and trade of heat exchangers (radiators, intercoolers, oil radiators, filters, HVAC units, air to air radiators), for industrial and auto applications, and metal parts and welded structures is interested in extending its business; therefore it is looking for trade partners and is offering its services for subcontracting/outsourcing activities. |
Vehicle collision warning system for use in driver behaviour monitoring and sat-nav products Technology OFFER from United Kingdom A South East UK automotive safety systems SME has developed an innovative vehicle collision warning system for the measurement of the distance to the vehicle in front, in any lane, by processing visual information. Businesses developing or applying systems in the fields of insurance telematics, sat-nav, and collision warning systems are sought to license the technology to improve their products. Businesses who may be able to commercialise the technology as a stand-alone product also sought. |
Turkish company manufacturing bicycles is looking for partners for joint venture collaboration with suppliers of bicycle parts for bicycle production and assembling. Business OFFER from Turkey A Turkish company which has 38 years of experience in manufacturing bicycles is looking for partners for joint venture collaboration with suppliers of bicycle parts for bicycle production and assembling. |
A Polish manufacturer of electric snowmobiles is looking for agents and distributors Business OFFER from Poland A Polish company from Lower Silesia has started producing electric snowmobiles with a completely new technology and a number of innovative solutions. As a result, the electric snowmobile produced by the company is more competitive than the classical one (petrol-fueled). The company is looking for agents and distributors. |
Italian company specialized in the field of mechanical precision workings (in particular precision metal parts like bolts, screws) is looking for agents/sales representatives. Business OFFER from Italy Italian company specialized in the field of mechanical precision workings is looking for agents/sales representatives. The company produces precision metal parts like bolts, screws and pipe fittings according to customers’ drawings or sample. Products are designed in order to meet the requirements of the automotive sector, the electronic sector, the household appliances industries and the sub-marine equipments. |
Efficient fuel cells Technology OFFER from Macedonia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Researcher from Macedonia have developed and patented a special type of fuel cell. The construction of the cell provides utilization not only of electrical but also of heat energy which is created during the reaction between hydrogen and oxygen. The cost of the fuel cell is lower compared to already existing on the market, because it does not use electrodes of noble metals, but electrodes of non-ferrous metals. The possible type of cooperation involves research cooperation agreement. |
Intelligent virtual assistant for natural language conversation Technology OFFER from Slovenia Slovenian researchers have developed a virtual assistant platform that answers questions textually and orally in a natural language on the web site. The research institute is looking for partners interested in licensing the technology. |
A fireplace or chimney insert for water heating with self-regulating water temperature capability Technology OFFER from Slovakia One of the Slovak technical universities engaged in energy efficiency technologies has developed a device of the fireplace or chimney insert for water heating with self-regulating water temperature suitable mainly for households. The university is looking for license agreement or commercial agreement with technical assistance. |
Ubiquitous care system to support Independent Living Technology OFFER from Slovenia Slovenian researchers have developed a care system for the detection of abnormal short-term events (such as falls), mid- and long-term events, such as unexpected behaviour that may be related to a health problem in elderly. Researchers are looking for companies interested in licensing the invention and technical cooperation. |
Software solutions for public transport (bus and rail) Technology OFFER from Germany A small German company developed an order management, localization and disposition software solution for railway freight traffic, which allows effective planning incorporating personnel data, route circumstances as well as local rules and regulations. The company is mainly looking for railway companies with an in-house IT department or distributors interested in licensing and localizing the software solution. |
Self pressurised air rotor cooling system wankel type rotary engine Technology OFFER from United Kingdom A UK SME has developed a new generation of rotary engine power units. This patented engine utilises a pressured air rotor cooling system. It delivers high power, is light, clean, and efficient and demonstrates very low levels of vibration in operation. The company seeks industrial and research partners interested in licensing, joint venture, manufacturing, technical co-operation or commercial agreement with technical assistance and financial resources. |
Multi-bandpass filters for spectrometry and multispectral imaging services for tailored application Technology OFFER from France A French SME proposes the design and manufacturing of customized multispectral filters including multi-bandpass filters and Custom Bayer Matrices for pixelized detectors. This technology can then be used in different applications such as medical care instrumentation, environment surveillance, process control etc. The company is looking for a technical partner to develop tailored applications in various domains. |
A German SME offers innovative lubricants that reduce friction and increase energy efficiency of industrial machines and wind turbines Business OFFER from Germany A German SME develops, produces and sells special lubricants that reduce friction and increase the energy efficiency as well as the lifetime of industrial machines and wind turbines. The company is looking for agencies, representatives or distributors in Europe, India and USA. |
A French producer of load banks is looking for Italian distributors Business OFFER from France A French SME designing, manufacturing and renting load banks for testing and maintaining electrical power systems is looking for Italian distributors. |
Manufactured parts for fold away trailer Business REQUEST from United Kingdom A North West UK company seeks manufacturers or partners to help scale up production of their innovative fold away trailer and reduce manufacturing costs. They seek manufacturers in the metal components and plastic reinforced textiles sectors to either supply component parts, fully assemble in a commercial arrangement or manufacture the whole under a licence agreement. |
Seeking Sales Agents for bespoke Automatic Identification and Data Capture (AIDC) systems Business OFFER from United Kingdom A UK company specialising in providing bespoke Automatic Identification and Data Capture (AIDC) systems, in particular Identity and Tracking via technologies including barcodes, QR codes, Radio Frequency Identity, Near Field Communications and finger biometrics is seeking Sales Agents in France, Germany, Italy, Spain and Turkey |
Distributors for agricultural transport production are sought Business OFFER from Lithuania An experienced Lithuanian company, specialized in production of agricultural transport, is looking for trade intermediary and offers its subcontracting activities. The company offers high quality of the products, fast production time and competitive prices. |
Romanian company specialized in whole/retail sale of auto parts and accessories, is offering distribution services. Business REQUEST from Romania Romanian company specialized in distribution and retail sale of auto parts and accessories like clutch facings, brake linings rolls and rivets is offering distribution services for manufacturers of similar products. |
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