New Fuel Cell Opportunities and Insights
The upcoming 2015 Fuel Cells and Hydrogen call for proposals will support projects in "Energy" and "Transport" to the tune of €112 million across around 15 topics. If you are interested in this funding source but do not know how to get started with European opportunities, things just got easier. That is because a tried and tested approach to getting involved is to reach out to previous project partners and coordinators. And you will now find the latter more easily in the new project database that covers FP7 projects funded by the "Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking" (FCH JU). Check it out HERE!
Applicant Training at the 5th PEFC and H2 Forum
Every summer, during three stimulating and intensive days, the European Fuel Cell Forum transforms Lucerne into the capital of fuel cells and hydrogen – in 2015, from 30 June to 3 July. Read more HERE!
The European Fuel Cell Forum
Michael Spirig founded the European Fuel Cell Forum AG (EFCF) together with Olivier Bucheli in 2011. Both are engineers, long-time members of the fuel cells and hydrogen (FCH) community and actively support concrete applications of sustainable technologies. Read more
During a Conference: Coffee or Partnering Event?
Meeting the right people at conferences or exhibitions is not always easy. There are things one can do—mainly based on previous experiences and habits—and there are things that just happen—call it luck, serendipity or intuition. So what is the best and most effective thing to do? Find out HERE!
Fuel Cell - automotive Events
- 09 JUN 2015: Horizon 2020: Infoevent on Energy and ICT at Hochschule Rapperswil (HSR) Organiser: Euresearch St. Gallen
- 16 JUN 2015: Horizon 2020: We Can Do It! Organiser: Euresearch Head Office
- 26 JUN 2015: World Collaborative Mobility Congress (WOCOMOCO) Matchmaking Event. Organiser: Enterprise Europe Network
- 30 JUN 2015: H2020: Applicant Training for FCH, Energy and Mobility Calls. Co-organiser: Euresearch Head Office / European Fuel Cell Forum AG
- All other events