Source: EEN_EU
The brokerage event (one-to-one 20-minute pre-scheduled meetings) will target a wide range of companies, universities and researchers from all over Europe interested in sharing new project ideas and finding collaboration in Horizon 2020 programme.
- Advanced manufacturing and processing
- Advanced materials
- Biotechnology
- Climate action, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials
- Energy efficient buildings
- Europe in changing world - inclusive, innovative and reflective societies
- Factories of the future
- Food security, sustainable agriculture and forestry, marine, maritime and inland water research and the bioeconomy
- Green cars and e-mobility
- Health, demographic change and well-being
- ICT - Information and Communication technologies
- Nanotechnologies
- Secure societies - protecting freedom and security of Europe and its citizens
- Secure, clean and efficient energy
- Smart, green and integrated transport
- Space
Participation is free of charge.
Examples of Research Centers in the City of Ostrava
National Supercomputing Center IT4Innovations
part of PRACE Research Infrastructure. Excellent research in: HPC and embedded systems, flood simulations, traffic modelling, reactor fuels, crash tests, GCS braking system,
aerospace industry, medical surgery tools, 3D maps
Nanotechnology Centre
cooperation with industry through projects focused on materials, environment and waste. Research in: bio-nanotechnology, inorganic analysis, material testing, organic analysis and catalytical processes, technology and structure of nanomaterials
Specialized accredited laboratory
Energy Research Centre
accredited measurements and testing of boilers and other combustion equipment, measurements of harmful emissions, training and education of measurement technicians, Research in: combustion and gasification of solid fuels - especially biomass, equipment modernisation in general, energy
efficiency, and environmental protection. processes, technology and structure of nanomaterials
Regional Chamber of Commerce Moravia-Silesia
Eva Šimečková, Natálie Šitavancová
Tel.: +420 597 479 335, +420 602 429 609
Artikelen die interessant zijn voor u als innovatieve MKB ondernemer met een focus op innovatie, industrie, cleantech, en internationalisatie. De inhoud geldt als informatie, inspiratie en implementatie binnen uw onderneming. Articles for SME's to inform, inspire and related to innovation, cleantech, manufacturing and international business. This page is for inspiration, information and an invitation for you to get in contact with Dutch entrepreneurs and their network.
maandag 30 juni 2014
donderdag 26 juni 2014
Green tech industry meets creative industry at Green Industry Event
Bron: IPKW / kiEMT
Altijd al willen zien hoe de creatieve industrie en de maakindustrie elkaar (kunnen) versterken? Graag nodigen we u uit voor het vijfde Green Industry Event, met als thema Design & Technology. Het event vindt plaats op 10 juli van 14.00 uur tot 18.00 uur. Meld u nu gratis aan!
Het thema zal middels lezingen en presentaties vanuit verschillende invalshoeken worden belicht. Zoals u van ons gewend bent is er veel ruimte voor interactie en inspiratie. In de evenementenhal vindt u tal van voorbeelden van producten en processen waarbij design en technology elkaar versterken.
Klik HIER om u gratis aan te melden
Inspirerende sprekers:
Keynote spreker deze middag is Harry Starren, oud-directeur van De Baak en tegenwoordig voorzitter van de Federatie Dutch Creative Industries. In een inspirerende sessie plaatst hij het thema in perspectief en laat hij de urgentie van samenwerking tussen de disciplines zien.
Christiaan Holland, aanjager van innovatie en onderzoeker van de HAN en Gelderland Valoriseert!, laat op verrassende wijze zien wat er nu al in Gelderland gebeurt vanuit de combinatie van de twee industrieën.
Bedrijven, ondernemers, techneuten en ontwerpers laten in korte presentaties concrete ideeën en mogelijkheden zien van de samenwerking tussen design en technology. Als bezoeker kunt u bij vier van deze cases inspiratie opdoen, meedenken en netwerken. Degene die presenteert stelt vragen aan het publiek en u heeft als bezoeker de mogelijkheid zelf voorbeelden en oplossingen aan te dragen.
U kunt presentaties verwachten van onder andere:
Floris Schoonderbeek - Soullmate - Nedcam - Maramoja - Rubbershape - Judith Wiersema - Vorm-Vorm - StexFibers - Ho!Mulder - Solico
Deze lijst wordt nog aangevuld. Kijk voor het actuele overzicht op de WEBSITE van het event. Heeft u zelf een goed voorbeeld van een product of concept waarin ondernemers uit de creatieve industrie en de maakindustrie elkaar hebben versterkt, dan horen we dat graag. We geven ook hen graag een podium.
Vanaf 17.00 uur, na afloop van de verschillende lezingen en cases, is er uitgebreid de mogelijkheid om te netwerken. Daarnaast zullen matchmakers actief verbindingen leggen.
Praktische informatie:
Wanneer: donderdag 10 juli 2014, van 14.00 uur tot 18.00 uur (inclusief netwerkborrel). Inloop vanaf 13.15 uur.
Het gehele programma vindt u op de website van het event.
Waar: een voormalige productiehal op Industriepark Kleefse Waard (IPKW), Westervoortsedijk 73 in Arnhem.
Toegang: gratis
dinsdag 24 juni 2014
Nieuwe ontwikkelingen voor duurzaamheids subsidies en projecten in Nederland
Bron: RVO
Energie akkoord tweede tender:
In 2014 voert de Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland ( verschillende tenders uit voor de Topsector Energie in het kader van het Energieakkoord. Binnenkort gaan ook de tender Systeemintegratie en de Tender Demonstratieprojecten Energie Innovatie (DEI) open.
De DEI regeling vloeit voort uit de afspraken die in het Energieakkoord staan. Hierin is afgesproken dat er overheidsmiddelen beschikbaar komen voor demonstratie projecten gericht op versnelde commercialisering voor de export. Meer informatie over de tenders vindt u via onderstaande tabel per thema.
De tenders gaan open na Publicatie in de Staatscourant. Meer informatie is HIER te lezen.
Demonstratieprojecten Energie Innovatie:
Met de regeling Demonstratieprojecten Energie Innovatie (DEI) kunt u financiering krijgen voor demonstraties van producten, processen en of diensten. De eerste tender van DEI staat nu open. In aanmerking komen projecten die energie besparen, duurzame energie opwekken en of het gebruik ervan stimuleren.
Hernieuwbare bronnen die in aanmerking komen zijn wind en zonne-energie, aerothermische (warmte in de omgevingslucht), hydrothermische (warmte in het oppervlaktewater), geothermische energie en energie uit de oceanen, waterkracht, biomassa, stortgas, gas van rioolzuiveringsinstallaties en biogas. Binnen de regeling is het mogelijk om naast kosten voor demonstratie ook kosten voor industrieel onderzoek en experimentele ontwikkeling op te voeren, maar de omvang daarvan is gelimiteerd en is vooral bedoeld om tijdens de demonstratiefase nog aanvullend zaken te onderzoeken waar men tegenaan loopt. Voor een beschrijving van de subsidiabele kosten voor demonstratie, industrieel onderzoek en experimentele ontwikkeling kunt u de handleiding raadplegen. Meer informatie is HIER te vinden.
Energie akkoord tweede tender:
In 2014 voert de Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland ( verschillende tenders uit voor de Topsector Energie in het kader van het Energieakkoord. Binnenkort gaan ook de tender Systeemintegratie en de Tender Demonstratieprojecten Energie Innovatie (DEI) open.
De DEI regeling vloeit voort uit de afspraken die in het Energieakkoord staan. Hierin is afgesproken dat er overheidsmiddelen beschikbaar komen voor demonstratie projecten gericht op versnelde commercialisering voor de export. Meer informatie over de tenders vindt u via onderstaande tabel per thema.
De tenders gaan open na Publicatie in de Staatscourant. Meer informatie is HIER te lezen.
Demonstratieprojecten Energie Innovatie:
Met de regeling Demonstratieprojecten Energie Innovatie (DEI) kunt u financiering krijgen voor demonstraties van producten, processen en of diensten. De eerste tender van DEI staat nu open. In aanmerking komen projecten die energie besparen, duurzame energie opwekken en of het gebruik ervan stimuleren.
Hernieuwbare bronnen die in aanmerking komen zijn wind en zonne-energie, aerothermische (warmte in de omgevingslucht), hydrothermische (warmte in het oppervlaktewater), geothermische energie en energie uit de oceanen, waterkracht, biomassa, stortgas, gas van rioolzuiveringsinstallaties en biogas. Binnen de regeling is het mogelijk om naast kosten voor demonstratie ook kosten voor industrieel onderzoek en experimentele ontwikkeling op te voeren, maar de omvang daarvan is gelimiteerd en is vooral bedoeld om tijdens de demonstratiefase nog aanvullend zaken te onderzoeken waar men tegenaan loopt. Voor een beschrijving van de subsidiabele kosten voor demonstratie, industrieel onderzoek en experimentele ontwikkeling kunt u de handleiding raadplegen. Meer informatie is HIER te vinden.
Tweede ronde tender Solar Energy geopend:
Bedrijven en onderzoeksorganisaties met innovatieve ideeën voor (de productie van) zonnepanelen of de toepassing van zonne-energie in de gebouwde omgeving kunnen opnieuw in aanmerking komen voor subsidie uit de subsidieregeling Energie en Innovatie. De tweede tenderronde in 2014 van het TKI Solar Energy is zojuist geopend.
Het TKI Solar Energy organiseert, in het kader van de subsidieregeling Energie en Innovatie, in 2014 twee tenderrondes. Bedrijven en onderzoeksorganisaties worden uitgenodigd om projectvoorstellen, waarin nieuwe PV-technologieën voor (de productie van) innovatieve PV-cellen en –panelen worden ontwikkeld, in deze tenders in te dienen. Ook projectvoorstellen voor de ontwikkeling van innovatieve toepassingen van zonne-energie in de Gebouwde Omgeving (ZEGO) zijn van harte welkom. Meer informatie HIER.
Tender Demonstratieprojecten Energie Innovatie:
Met de regeling Demonstratieprojecten Energie Innovatie (DEI) kunt u financiering krijgen voor demonstraties van producten, processen en of diensten. De eerste tender van DEI staat nu open. In aanmerking komen projecten die energie besparen, duurzame energie opwekken en of het gebruik ervan stimuleren.
Hernieuwbare bronnen die in aanmerking komen zijn wind en zonne-energie, aerothermische (warmte in de omgevingslucht), hydrothermische (warmte in het oppervlaktewater), geothermische energie en energie uit de oceanen, waterkracht, biomassa, stortgas, gas van rioolzuiveringsinstallaties en biogas. Binnen de regeling is het mogelijk om naast kosten voor demonstratie ook kosten voor industrieel onderzoek en experimentele ontwikkeling op te voeren, maar de omvang daarvan is gelimiteerd en is vooral bedoeld om tijdens de demonstratiefase nog aanvullend zaken te onderzoeken waar men tegenaan loopt. Meer info is HIER te lezen.
Nieuwe subsidie voor energiebesparing in sociale huursector:
Verhuurders van woningen in de sociale huursector kunnen vanaf 1 juli 2014 subsidie aanvragen voor het nemen van energiebesparende maatregelen.
Minister Blok van het ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties stelt daarvoor een subsidiebedrag beschikbaar van 400 miljoen euro. De Stimuleringsregeling energieprestatie Huursector (STEP) komt voort uit het Energieakkoord. De regeling en de voorwaarden zijn vandaag in de Staatscourant gepubliceerd.
Om in aanmerking te komen voor STEP, investeert de verhuurder van een woning in energiebesparende maatregelen. De energiebesparing moet een verbetering opleveren van het energielabel van ten minste drie stappen. Voor een woningcorporatie geldt daarbij dat de woning minimaal energielabel B bereikt, voor andere verhuurders geldt dat de woning na renovatie minimaal energielabel C heeft. De genoemde energielabels na renovatie sluiten aan bij het Convenant Energiebesparing huursector. Verdere informatie HIER.
Minister Blok van het ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties stelt daarvoor een subsidiebedrag beschikbaar van 400 miljoen euro. De Stimuleringsregeling energieprestatie Huursector (STEP) komt voort uit het Energieakkoord. De regeling en de voorwaarden zijn vandaag in de Staatscourant gepubliceerd.
Om in aanmerking te komen voor STEP, investeert de verhuurder van een woning in energiebesparende maatregelen. De energiebesparing moet een verbetering opleveren van het energielabel van ten minste drie stappen. Voor een woningcorporatie geldt daarbij dat de woning minimaal energielabel B bereikt, voor andere verhuurders geldt dat de woning na renovatie minimaal energielabel C heeft. De genoemde energielabels na renovatie sluiten aan bij het Convenant Energiebesparing huursector. Verdere informatie HIER.
dinsdag 17 juni 2014
Bijeenkomst Road 2 China & Hong Kong op 1 juli 2014
Als MKB ondernemer wilt u vooruit, wilt u groeien. De enorme groeimarkten in Azië, zoals China, wekken daarom vast uw interesse. De kansen zijn wellicht groot, maar welke risico’s loopt u? Azië is ver weg en u weet niet wat u er kan verwachten. Hoe begin je met het zakendoen in en met Aziatische landen? Is het wel de moeite waard om er klanten te zoeken, er naar toe te gaan? Want.. hoe zit het met de veiligheid van uw intellectueel eigendom? Hoe vindt u en communiceert u met ondernemers in China? Hoe lang duurt het voordat u de relaties hebt opgebouwd die nodig zijn om zaken te kunnen doen? Hoe gaat u om met de andere cultuur van het zakendoen? Zijn er voordelen, zoals lagere belastingen, waar u van kunt profiteren?
De vraag die bij mij opkomt: hebt u wel eens aan Hong Kong gedacht? Deze regio van China heeft een heel bijzondere positie en fungeert al tientallen jaren voor bedrijven, ook veel Nederlandse, als gastvrije toegangspoort voor Azië. Hier valt relatief snel zaken te doen, staat een volwassen dienstensector klaar om u te ontzorgen, is het belastingregiem uiterst gunstig en bieden de vele beurzen een prima podium om laagdrempelig uw kansen te verkennen. Ook in eigen land kunt u rekenen op hulp en advies van het ledennetwerk van de Hong Kong Kamer van Koophandel in Nederland.
Veel MKB ondernemers gingen u al voor en niet zonder succes!
De Kamer van Koophandel doet niets liever dan u faciliteren om uw kansen te pakken. Daarom nodigen wij u graag uit voor de middagbijeenkomst die we op 1 juli 2014 organiseren samen met de Hong Kong Kamer van Koophandel in Nederland.
Wij hebben een inhoudelijk sterk programma neer kunnen zetten met sprekers uit Nederland, België, het Verenigd Koninkrijk én Hong Kong met onder meer een inspirerend praktijkverhaal van Identity Games International, dat zowel produceert als verkoopt in China.
’s Avonds kunt u desgewenst aanschuiven aan het jaarlijkse Hong Kong Establishment Day Dinner, dat voor de eerste maal in Rotterdam zal plaatsvinden. Daar kunt u uw ideeën aan tafel direct spiegelen aan collega’s die er al actief zijn. (let op: aparte registratie en registratie).
Voor uitgebreide informatie over het programma en het aanmelden gaat u naar
Wij zien uw aanmelding voor deelname graag tegemoet!
Met vriendelijke groet en wellicht tot ziens op 1 juli 2014.
De vraag die bij mij opkomt: hebt u wel eens aan Hong Kong gedacht? Deze regio van China heeft een heel bijzondere positie en fungeert al tientallen jaren voor bedrijven, ook veel Nederlandse, als gastvrije toegangspoort voor Azië. Hier valt relatief snel zaken te doen, staat een volwassen dienstensector klaar om u te ontzorgen, is het belastingregiem uiterst gunstig en bieden de vele beurzen een prima podium om laagdrempelig uw kansen te verkennen. Ook in eigen land kunt u rekenen op hulp en advies van het ledennetwerk van de Hong Kong Kamer van Koophandel in Nederland.
Veel MKB ondernemers gingen u al voor en niet zonder succes!
De Kamer van Koophandel doet niets liever dan u faciliteren om uw kansen te pakken. Daarom nodigen wij u graag uit voor de middagbijeenkomst die we op 1 juli 2014 organiseren samen met de Hong Kong Kamer van Koophandel in Nederland.
Wij hebben een inhoudelijk sterk programma neer kunnen zetten met sprekers uit Nederland, België, het Verenigd Koninkrijk én Hong Kong met onder meer een inspirerend praktijkverhaal van Identity Games International, dat zowel produceert als verkoopt in China.
’s Avonds kunt u desgewenst aanschuiven aan het jaarlijkse Hong Kong Establishment Day Dinner, dat voor de eerste maal in Rotterdam zal plaatsvinden. Daar kunt u uw ideeën aan tafel direct spiegelen aan collega’s die er al actief zijn. (let op: aparte registratie en registratie).
Voor uitgebreide informatie over het programma en het aanmelden gaat u naar
Wij zien uw aanmelding voor deelname graag tegemoet!
Met vriendelijke groet en wellicht tot ziens op 1 juli 2014.
vrijdag 13 juni 2014
International co operation profiles from Enterprise Europe Network from the second half of June 2014
Find some of the latest profiles on Enterprise Europe Network for
partner search, new business at your doorstep published second half of June 2014.
Enterprise Europe Network, with its 600 partner organisations in over 50 countries, helps companies find business opportunities across the European Union and beyond.
Some advantages are:
- Easy access to new technologies
- Less risk in developing new products or technologies
- Improve speed of development, time to market
- Shared co development on your expertise combined with other expertises external
- Finding relevant new contacts using the network and get introduced to it
- Get a warm introduction on the right level using personal contacts from the Enterprise Europe Network consultants
For a full description of the proposals below, please click on the title. You will be directed to our website. Here you indicate your interest at the bottom of the full description.
Enterprise Europe Network, with its 600 partner organisations in over 50 countries, helps companies find business opportunities across the European Union and beyond.
Some advantages are:
- Easy access to new technologies
- Less risk in developing new products or technologies
- Improve speed of development, time to market
- Shared co development on your expertise combined with other expertises external
- Finding relevant new contacts using the network and get introduced to it
- Get a warm introduction on the right level using personal contacts from the Enterprise Europe Network consultants
For a full description of the proposals below, please click on the title. You will be directed to our website. Here you indicate your interest at the bottom of the full description.
Floor heating using underfloor warming cables Business OFFER from Czech Republic A Czech company specialised in underfloor heating systems offers a complex solution for floor heating which can be used in houses as very safe and efficient way of heating. The company is seeking companies working in construction sector which can use this underfloor heating systems under a distribution service agreement. |
Wind pump with generator for electricity production Business OFFER from Czech Republic A small Czech producer of renewable technologies offers a wind pump for combined usage of wind energy, water pumping and electricity production. Potential applications of the wind pumps are in distant areas where there is no source of water or electric energy. The company is seeking distributors active in the field of renewable energies or specialists in water supplies as well as farmers. |
Customised heating controllers Business OFFER from United Kingdom A UK SME has developed a range of heating controllers which can be customised to meet the varied requirements of the heating industry. The controllers are designed for the electronic control and monitoring of under-floor and solar thermal heating systems. The company is seeking partners who can either use the products offered or represent the company in European markets. They are also interested in developing similar products and manufacturing on a sub-contract basis for European companies. |
Environmental monitoring solutions seeks new distributors in Europe Business OFFER from United Kingdom A UK based SME specialises in the design and manufacture of Gas Detection and Alarm Systems for safety and environmental monitoring applications. They provide oxygen depletion systems, oxygen enrichment systems, carbon dioxide monitoring systems, carbon monoxide gas systems and brown field landfill gas detection monitoring systems. The company are looking to establish new distribution agreements in Europe. |
Self-regulated heating cables and boards for these cables are sought Business REQUEST from Czech Republic A Czech company dealing in heating systems is looking for the producer of self-regulated heating cables and boards for its placement. Potential application field is in houses and especially their underfloor heating systems. Manufacturers of the solutions are sought under the commercial agreement with technical assistance. |
Innovative solar hybrid water system Technology OFFER from Macedonia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of A Macedonian company, experienced in the field of renewable energy, has developed innovative Solar Hybrid water system for energy savings up to 100%, for heating/cooling, hot water and production of own electricity. The company, offering this innovative product, is interested to find potential partners for technical cooperation agreements. |
Biodegradable polymer composites for consumer goods manufacturing Technology OFFER from Ukraine A Ukrainian university has developed biodegradable polymer composites composed of polyolefin added with various plasticizers and a biodegradable polymer. All composites are able to be transformed using conventional plastic industry techniques. Various objects can be manufactured for different fields of application such as building and chemical industry, agriculture (agrochemistry) etc. Industrial partners or research institutes are sought for technical/research cooperation and license agreement. |
A Dutch company offers a low risk, low cost entry on the Chinese market for OEMs Business OFFER from Netherlands A Dutch supplier of technical parts and assemblies to the industry offers a low risk, low cost entry on the Chinese market combined with local production facilities for European technical original equipment manufacturers (OEMs). |
Dutch company is interested in meeting partners for production of innovative stainless steel orbital welding equipment Business REQUEST from Netherlands A Dutch company has developed an orbital welding tool that can be used on location or in the metal workshop, that has an automated welding cycles and inspection function. The company is interested in meeting partners that could assist in the final development of this orbital welding product from prototype to production. The company is interested in meeting partners who are active in welding equipment manufacturing or specialized machine construction, or welding of innox steel piping products. |
Durable Cylindrical Solar Cell Module Technology OFFER from Korea, Republic of This institution has developed a Solar cell module which as the cylindrical solar cell module is an exterior material; this technology can be applied to building integrated photovoltaic cells. Therefore with this technology, can be expected an increasing energy efficiency, also showing good appearance at the same time. This institute of energy research is looking for the partners who are interested in Licensing agreement. |
Monitoring solution for large scale photovoltaic plants Technology OFFER from Slovenia Slovenian SME specialized in integration of electrical and mechanical appliances, security, access control and multimedia is offering solar plant supervisory system. The system is easy to implement and has an excellent price performance ratio. Company seeks partners, SMEs, large companies; photovoltaic designers, engineering, procurement and construction companies to use, implement and marketing the system. They are prepared for collaboration on commercial agreement with technical assistance. |
Methodologies for the transformation and storage of energy and renewable energy Technology OFFER from Italy An Italian Research centre carries out researches aimed at developing and promoting innovative energy processes and technologies with a higher efficiency and a lower environmental impact. Starting from the study of the synthesis procedures and material properties, activities are carried out through the realization of components and devices, their applications to stationary and mobile systems and field demonstration of efficiency and impact. The Institute offers technical cooperation. |
An advanced production technology of small structural elements for use in medicine and industry made with nanomaterials in a single process cycle Technology OFFER from Poland A Polish scientist offers a new nanotechnology enabling production of pre-designed small structural components. The technology allows to produce an individual component that has competitive properties compared to already used equivalent elements. Produced components can be used in various fields of medicine and industry. License agreement is sought. |
Plug & Use Technology for a solar hot water system with forced circulation and fully industrial assembly Technology OFFER from Austria An Austrian company developed a solar thermal system which integrates all components of a solar hot water system in the solar thermal collector. The technology significantly reduces the costs of solar hot water systems and brings them to an industrial level. Furthermore the full benefit of the entire solar system can be reaped by a partner company acting as manufacturer of the master system. The system is a fully developed All-In-One solar hot water technology with plug and use features. |
Characterisation and treatment of agroindustrial waste for biogas production Technology OFFER from Spain A Spanish technology-based company working in the environment field is specialised in agroindustrial waste management through anaerobic digestion. The technology developed by the company is able to optimise the management of by-products for biogas production. The company is looking for technical cooperation agreements for the adaption and implementation of its technology in agrofood companies with waste management problems. |
Photocatalysis and double ionization technologies for air purification Technology OFFER from France A French SME, based in the Greater Paris Region, offers two technologies helping to purify air in confined spaces: photocatalysis and double ionization. The SME is looking for partners to integrate these systems / technologies in their global solution in the fields of transportation and building, possibly in the form of a commercial or technical or licence or joint venture agreement. |
A Method for microfabrication of a capacitive micromachined ultrasonic transducer comprising a diamond membrane Technology OFFER from Turkey A Turkish academician has an invention, which relates generally to capacitive micromachined ultrasonic transducers (CMUTs), particularly to those comprising diamond or diamond like carbon membranes and a method of microfabrication of such CMUTs, wherein the membrane of diamond or diamond like carbon is attached to the substrate by plasma-activated direct bonding of an interlayer of high temperature oxide (HTO). |
A microwave oven with rotation drums Technology OFFER from Turkey A Turkish Academician has an invention which heats food volumetrically by electromagnetic radiation and microwave energy. The studies performed on microwave applications revealed that there are non-uniformities in temperature distribution and hot – cold spots developments inside foods. The academician is looking for license or commercial agreements with technical assistance. |
Acoustics code library Technology OFFER from Cyprus A Cypriot SME has developed an Acoustics code Library, the first library to offer a software code (.dll) which enables acousticians developing their own software application to apply multiple methodologies in solving acoustical problems on a unified platform. The SME seeks partners for License and distribution agreements and technical or research cooperation agreements. |
PV modules outdoor characterization and solar radiation forecast Technology OFFER from Italy An Italian research team has developed an innovative approach in outdoor monitoring of PV (photovoltaic) modules of various technologies especially organic photovoltaic. The team has also expertise in solar radiation forecast for PV plant energy prediction using Artificial Neural Networks. The research group is looking for research collaboration with other groups (centres or SMEs) to exchange of data and tests in different laboratories. |
On site monitoring and dynamic simulation to improve energy efficiency and thermal comfort in buildings Technology OFFER from Italy An Italian research team has developed a relevant expertise in dynamic simulation of various kind of buildings with the aim of designing new energy efficient buildings and proposing valuable solutions for existing buildings retrofit. The group takes particular care in the calibration phase of the dynamic model using in situ measurements. The team is looking for researching groups (R&D Centres and SMEs) interested in their expertise for a research cooperation agreement. |
Czech company specialized in the area of power factor correction, power quality monitoring, energy efficiency, energy consumption etc. is looking for business cooperation and distributors in Japan Business OFFER from Czech Republic Producer of advanced automatic power factor controllers, power quality analysers, portable data loggers, power meters for distribution automation, industrial automation and energy management systems looking for business partners and distributors on Japanese market. |
Smart system for assembly and adjustment applied on lens and housing headlight Technology OFFER from Spain A Spanish company has developed an automatic system to adjust the position in space of a lens headlight, using a reference point system (RPS) of the housing headlight as reference system. This system is integrated in a compact control machine and should be used in the assembling phase. The company is looking for developers and manufacturers of lighting technology for automotive industry in order to reach manufacturing agreements. |
Protection system for vertical geothermal probes Technology OFFER from Italy An italian laboratory has developed an innovative way to install geothermal probes in the ground consisting in a protection system for geothermal probes that prevent them from damage. It allows to easily inspect, maintain and eventually replace the probe in case of malfunction over time. It is looking for industrial partners in the field of geothermal heat pump and probes installation for license agreement and commercial agreement with technical assistance. |
New welding torch with fume extraction Technology OFFER from United Kingdom A North West UK University has designed and developed a light weight welding torch with an inbuilt fume extraction facility. This has the advantage over all other extraction methods in that the extraction occurs in the exact area of fume production every time. The developer now offers an opportunity for a suitable partner to be involved in further development under a commercial arrangement and exclusive licensing rights. |
Method for simultaneous determination of anion and cation content in water samples through Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectroscopy (ICP-AES) Technology OFFER from Spain A Spanish research group has developed a method for simultaneous determination of anion and cation content in water samples through inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP- AES) analytic techniques. The main advantage of this method is the reduction of time for processing the analysis, only one step is needed, instead of the three usual steps. The method is also easy to be automated. Partners interested in the commercial and technical development of the system are sought. |
Unique and Innovative Rodent Control Trap Technology OFFER from United Kingdom A UK based SME has developed a rodent control device which is environmentally friendly and has the lowest environmental impact and toxic load of all rodenticide products. The device attracts a rodent to the device where an infrared sensor is triggered, as it moves further into the device a second sensor activates a spray of toxin and penetrant onto its back which kills the rodent within 10 hours. The SME now seeks further technical cooperation and is offering a license agreement |
High purity natural Zeolite filter media (clinoptilolite) for enhanced water treatment applications. Technology OFFER from United Kingdom A UK company offers a natural Zeolite high purity Clinoptilolite filter media that delivers superior filtration (<5 micron) at 3 to 4 times higher flow rates than conventional sand or multimedia. Significant savings in terms of capital and operational costs are also achievable and the product is suitable for virtually any application in the water and wastewater treatment industries. Full technical support is offered for both agents and end user customers |
Technology for bioethanol production from wood waste by acid hydrolysis Technology OFFER from Romania A Romanian research institute has developed and patented a technology for obtaining bioethanol from wood by acid hydrolysis of cellulose. The Romanian research institute is looking for biofuel production companies, in order to develop, validate and introduce the new technology into production, under license agreement and commercial agreement with technical assistance. |
A Polish company is searching for a partner able to provide a technology for the transformation of waste to energy Technology REQUEST from Poland A Polish company specialises in approaches and techniques for shredding, especially in wastes of the electronic industry. The SME is currently searching for a partner able to provide a technology for the transformation of waste to energy, fuels, and other useful materials, with particular focus on environmental quality and sustainability. The company would prefer a commercial agreement with technical assistance or a technical cooperation for further development. |
Seeking technology for adding value to wood ash Technology REQUEST from Romania A Romanian SME with activities in waste management is seeking new technology for adding value to wood ash. The company is interested in technical cooperation, research cooperation agreements or commercial agreements. |
Seeking technology for adding value to municipal waste water sludge Technology REQUEST from Romania A Romanian company with activities in waste management is seeking novel or new technology for adding value to municipal waste water sludge. The company is interested in technical cooperation or research cooperation agreements. |
Direct power charging solution sought: photovoltaic panel – electric bicycle Technology REQUEST from France A French SME, specialized in the selling & hiring of electric bicycles for touristic and urban mobility purposes, is willing to find a solution to charge bike battery directly from photovoltaic panels. Without any need of power inverter, therefore always in direct current (DC). Solution already in the market is sought for commercial agreement with technical assistance. |
An Ukrainian company specialized in electronic and electrical products, LED lighting, testing equipment manufacturing is looking for trade partners (agents, representatives, distributors) and/or a partner to create a joint venture in Ukraine. Business OFFER from Ukraine Ukrainian company specialized in manufacturing of gas detectors, LED lighting, electroheating boilers and GPS monitoring devices is looking for trade partners (agents, representatives, distributors) for selling the products at European and other markets and/or a partner to create a joint venture for projection, production electronic and electrical products. |
Modernly designed movable toilet system Business OFFER from Croatia A Croatian manufacturer offers a newly designed modern movable toilet system with high degree of autonomy and company is looking for distributors, investors and possible joint venture. |
Looking for Integrators interested in outsourcing turnkey manufacturer of Advanced Multidisciplinary Equipment/Systems Business OFFER from Israel An Israeli company is an experienced turnkey manufacturer of advanced multidisciplinary equipment /systems. They are especially professional in manufacturing, assembling & integrating the accurate linear systems. Looking for integrators of projects to offer the necessary manufacturing work to perform & to use the company manufacturing abilities in the partner - integrator's final product / project. |
A Turkish company operating pneumatic automation and conveyor systems is looking for joint venture opportunties Business OFFER from Turkey A Turkish company operating pneumatic automation and conveyor systems is looking for joint venture opportunties in automation systems and offering subcontracting activies in mechanical engineering works of automation and conveyor systems. |
The Czech company is looking for partner working in the field of alternative sources of electric energy Business REQUEST from Czech Republic The Czech company is looking for partner (company or institution) working in the field of alternative energy, primarily focusing on development of wind turbines up to 10kW. The company develops, produces and applies alternative sources of electric energy Company´s preffered countries are: Sweden, Finland, Russia, United Kingdom and Benelux. The company is looking for a joint venture. |
Surface treatment of polymeric textiles products by low-cost plasma technology at atmospheric pressure. Technology OFFER from Czech Republic Czech Research team has patented technology which allows activate and modify the surface properties of textile products by using action of electric plasma. The technology can be operated in-line in ambient at speeds up to 600 m/min.; the process is simple, continuous, cost effective, fast. The technology is environmentally friendly and safe for human body. The research group is looking for both companies and research teams for further development and commercialization of the technology. |
Offering New Process Technology for Setting up Biodiesel Facility by Using Cavitation Method Technology OFFER from Turkey A Turkish R&D focused company well versed and deeply experienced in environmental friendly and clean technologies has developed a unique process for setting up Bio-diesel facilities by using cavitation method. The process offers high quality product in short process time. They seek signing licencing and / or technical cooperation agreements with potential partners. |
Patents for sale - vacuum super insulation panel and other technologies. Technology OFFER from United Kingdom A UK SME has developed an innovative way to form metallic structural edges to vacuum insulation panels (or other devices that need a thermal break) that is not only light and strong but has significantly higher insulation properties than alternative designs. This coupled with special manufacturing processes enables an exceptionally long life product to be created for a very wide range of temperatures. Purchasers are sought for the array of patents underpinning this technology. |
Cloud-based Optimization Solutions for Industry Technology OFFER from United Kingdom London-based university spin-out providing 'Optimization-as-a-Service'; a one-stop-shop for state-of-the-art optimization algorithms giving immediate access to cutting edge technology that enables more intelligent use of compute resources and produces smarter, faster solutions to complex problems. The new technology enables business to apply the smartest algorithms to optimizations such as workforce scheduling, vehicle routing, product formulation, network planning and many others. |
Conversion of pulsed laser radiation into continuous wave-radiation for applications in metrology, photovoltaics, photometry, UV radiation metrology and reflectometry Technology OFFER from Germany A German research institute has developed a solution for the conversion of pulsed laser radiation into continuous wave -radiation which allows reference and transfer standards to be calibrated with reduced measurement uncertainty in fields as important as, e.g. photovoltaics, photometry, UV radiation metrology, and reflectometry. To date, significant measurement uncertainty shares have been caused by insufficient radiation powers provided by conventional systems. The institute offers licenses. |
Small wind turbine of innovative design Technology OFFER from Greece A Greek SME, active in renewable energy, is offering a completely new design for small wind turbines. The turbine has been designed from scratch and surpasses effectively all difficulties that other conventional designs carry. The Greek company is looking for licence agreement or commercial agreement with technical assistance. |
Innovative model on micro wind turbine Technology OFFER from Italy An Italian SME has developed a micro wind turbine model (vertical axis) which can be also used under water. The model has been validated during an aerodynamic simulation by "OpenFoam" software tool. Collaborations and/or partnerships with companies is searched in order to improve the implementation in the market: manufacturing and technical cooperation is needed. |
Logistic optimization and territorial modeling Technology OFFER from Italy An Italian Laboratory analyzes, develops and manages models and customized solutions for the optimized management of territorial problems concerning any activity requiring vehicle routing, monitoring or territorial modeling. It is looking for manufacturing and logistics companies and also local governments for license agreement and technical cooperation. |
New system to weld bituminous membranes combined to specific components. Possible applications in photovoltaic, building sector. Technology OFFER from France A French SME specialised in the manufacturing of welding tools has developed a new bituminous membrane welding technology. It offers to co-lead specific development of this technology and is looking for partners to develop new applications. Possible applications in photovoltaic, building sector. The French SME is looking for partners wishing specific development for other applications under the form of a technical cooperation or a commercial agreement with technical assistance. |
Support with prototyping and manufacturing of lightweight structures, in bonded aluminium in particular Technology OFFER from United Kingdom A UK sports cars manufacturer has a long history and a broad IP portfolio in building lightweight structures. In particular, they are leaders in structures in bonded aluminium. The business is open to develop automotive collaborations while also looking to develop relationships across other market sectors, offering engineering, prototyping, manufacturing in low and high volumes. Manufacturing, services and technical cooperation agreements are being sought. |
Performance simulation tool for concentrated solar power systems Technology OFFER from Italy An Italian research team, dealing with software applications in renewable energy field, developed a software tool that perfectly fits the need to measure and analyse the performance of solar receiver systems. The group is interested in finding companies or engineers willing to implement the simulation tool within the plants they are designing, through technical cooperation agreements. |
Characterization of material behavior replicated in a virtual (finite elements) model. Technology OFFER from Italy An Italian spin-off company, with specialized know-how on material and manufacturing processes, offers a technology for materials characterization able to reproduce their behavior with a finite elements model using CAE (Computer-aided engineering) software. The company is interested in technical and commercial cooperation with industrial companies and research institutes. |
Atmospheric processes simulation chamber for air pollution measurements, environmental studies and development of new instrumentation Technology OFFER from Spain A Spanish research and innovation center specialized on environmental issues, has designed and developed one of the largest research facilities to study and monitor atmospheric chemical processes and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) degradation. The centre wants to share the acquired knowledge on monitoring environmental issues, by establishing a technical cooperation agreement or a commercial agreement providing technical assistance, with partners working on environment and chemical fields. |
E-waste segregation, recycling, metal recovery & refining Technology REQUEST from India The Indian company is into fabrication, synthetic fibre, woven goods, CFL lamps, aluminum caps for lamps/bulbs. It is looking for joint venture or licensing collaboration in the areas of e-waste collection, segregation, recycling, metal recovery & refining, heat generation from burning technologies. Waste will be obtained locally in India and if necessary imported. Any waste/effluent generated during the process shall be treated to make them harmless for disposal. |
Industrial Manufacturing, Material and Transport Technologies Technology REQUEST from India The Indian company located in Gurgaon, Haryana, is into manufacturing of plastic parts & assemblies to reputed Automobile OEMs (4 & 2 wheelers). The company wants to have new technology introduction in Plastic parts to enhance their existing product range as per the needs of Indian market. Therefore, they are interested in Technology tie-ups/ Joint Venture. |
Technology to recycle rubber wastes of different polymer basis Technology REQUEST from Spain A Spanish company working in the environment field is specialised in waste management and sewage treatment. The company is interested in acquiring a technology to recycle rubber wastes of different polymer basis such as ethylene propylene, nitrile, polychloroprene, natural rubber, etc. The company is looking for manufacturing agreements or commercial agreements with technical assistance for the implementation of such a technology for rubber wastes recycling. |
A Swedish SME is looking for a production partner for their medical film dressing including an innovative adhesive. Technology REQUEST from Sweden A Swedish SME has developed an adhesive that decreases the adhesion force by exposure to light. The company is now searching for production partners that could produce the company's products made with the adhesive. The requested partner should be involved in adhesive production within the medical industry today. The company is looking for partners to set up a manufacturing agreement and subcontract the manufacturing of the medical films. |
Recovery of biomass in agricultural districts Technology REQUEST from Italy An Italian SMEs working in supporting services for forestry, searches partners to implement a project related to Systems for Micro-Biomass for Agriculture. The project concerns the recovery of biomass in rural districts for production (co-generation) of electricity and thermal energy on a tiny scale. The aim is to provide the farms with energy through the exploitation of residual biomass from farming practices. Collaboration required is research cooperation agreement. |
Improvement of the energy performance of ancient fireplaces Technology OFFER from Italy An Italian association of companies specialized in design, production, installation, cleaning and maintenance of traditional biomass combustion has developed solutions to requalify and put in use, through energy rehabilitation, valuable ancient chimney and fireplaces in historical buildings. The association is offering its know-how for technical cooperation – testing of new application and adaptation to specific needs – and commercial agreements with technical assistance. |
Wet processing machine for micro crushing of biogas-substrates to improve efficiency and operating costs Technology OFFER from Germany A German company with 50 employees is specialised in environmental technologies. To crush, defribrate, grind, mix, homogenize and feed wet and mostly organic materials a unique machine was developed, field tested and now adopted to biogas plants. It increases the efficiency, i.e. higher outcome of gas and less digestate. Biogas plant operators and industrial partners are sought to integrate the technology in their equipment and processes through commercial agreements with technical assistance. |
Innovative solar powered environmental friendly modular e-vehicle Technology OFFER from Serbia A small Serbian company developed solar powered electric vehicle in the category of ultra-light vehicles intended for outdoor mobile sales of frozen and refrigerated products. Advantages over conventional products include its zero emissions, fully automated mobile sales duration, modularity and complete design solution. The company seeks industrial partners, research institutes and companies, interested in joint venture to design new light vehicle concepts for personal/passengers mobility. |
Innovative anti hail rocket propelling charge production from military wastes Technology OFFER from Serbia A Small Serbian company specialized in the production of the propelling charge of the anti hail rocket using military waste material (PC-AR). It has been fully researched, tested and confirmed in practice. Advantages over existing propelling charge of the anti hail rocket are 40% lower price, 12% higher quality, and prevention of environmental pollution from burning military waste. The company is looking for partners for licensing and technical cooperation agreement. |
Highly efficient heat exchangers for more energy efficiency in baking industry and other industries working with high temperatures Technology OFFER from Germany A German company has developed an exhaust gas heat exchanger made of high grade stainless steel for waste gas heat recovery. It reduces the process operating costs and provides heating for surrounding areas. The company is looking for commercial agreement with technical assistance with the representatives of the baking industry and other industries involving high flue gas temperatures. |
Innovative device for delivering water Technology OFFER from France A French SME has developed an innovative system for delivering water. Thanks to an automatic process based on preprogrammation, the technology is a user-friendly tool that enables water savings. Developed as a home automation system, it can also be adapted for the agricultural water processes. The SME is seeking manufacturers involved in the water supply industries. Different agreement possibilities could be explored such as technical cooperation or manufacturing agreement. |
Belgian SME offers innovative condition monitoring solutions for roadside service stations Technology OFFER from Belgium A Belgian company offers autonomous, continuous, advanced condition monitoring solutions for roadside service stations, including cathodic protection setups, leak detection, spill monitoring and other operational and safety-related issues. The company intends partnering with local players involved in the construction or operation of service stations via commercial agreements with technical assistance or technical cooperation agreements. |
Remote monitoring solutions for cathodic protection systems of buried or underwater structures Technology OFFER from Belgium A Belgian SME offers autonomous, continuous, advanced condition monitoring solutions for cathodic protection setups of buried or underwater structures. It can be off-the-shelf or specifically engineered & can contain all relevant parameters for all types of buried/underwater structures, incl. reinforced concrete. The company seeks commercial or technical cooperation agreements with local players involved in project engineering and construction of structures such as pipelines, tanks,bridges etc. |
Innovative Electric Heating Textile suitable for many different application fields. Technology OFFER from Italy An Italian PMI developed a multi-layered textile which produces thermal energy with electricity, using the so-called 'Joule Effect'. The materials used, combined with a particular textile construction and modern finishing techniques, permit a highly efficient and versatile heat production, suitable for many applications: for sustainable constructions, road transport, industrial heating, healthcare articles, and much more. Technical cooperation with technical assistance is searched. |
Innovative multi-functional pet hygiene device for animal waste clearance Technology OFFER from United Kingdom A UK SME based in the Midlands has developed and brought to market a pet and animal waste cleaner. This innovative device is designed for domestic pet use at home in the garden to clear animal waste more efficiently and hygienically. The UK SME is also developing a second product designed for dog walkers and environments outside the home. The SME is seeking partners to license this technology and partners who can help access new markets in Europe via further trials and testing |
Technology of smart VRLA battery charger designed to work properly with the batteries in photovoltaic systems and with inverters Technology OFFER from Poland A Polish company operating in the area of ??photovoltaics and new technologies related to energy efficiency has developed an intelligent photovoltaic VRLA (Gel, AGM) battery charger which cooperates with the standard type of photovoltaic on-grid inverters. The company expects partners for further product development or commercial agreement with technical assistance. |
A method for producing paste for removing paints, adhesives and persistent dirt Technology OFFER from Poland A scientist from Poland developed a method of producing a paste for removing paints, adhesives, and persistent dirt. The gel-consistency paste removes dried stripping paint and adhesives from any surface. The paste doesn't contain any strong organic solvent and after using it the surface can be washed with only water. Long term manufacturing agreement is sought. |
Aerobic Granular Biomass technology for the Treatment of Municipal- and Industrial wastewater Technology OFFER from Netherlands A large Dutch engineering consultancy service provider has developed a sustainable and cost-effective biological wastewater treatment technology that purifies water using the unique features of aerobic granular biomass.The company is offering a license agreement to partners with a track record in wastewater treatment and know-how of biological wastewater treatment. |
Low enthalpy geothermal heat pump with nonstandard probes for residential heating Technology OFFER from Italy A company in North East of Italy has developed a new residential heating plant that exploits low enthalpy sources using heat pumps that permit the construction of ZED (zero energy development) buildings, that without CO2 emissions and the use of fossil fuels. This technology is suitable for new residential builds as well as on renovation of existing structures. Companies operating in the construction sector are sought for licensing and commercial agreements with technical assistance. |
Temporary bio-sourced road paint Technology OFFER from France A French SME has developed and patented a temporary bio-sourced road paint. The paint is environmentally friendly as it is 97% made of natural components bio-based and biodegradable. The company is looking for industries interested in licenses. |
Italian company specialised in Cold Plasma surface treatments for synthetic and natural rubber is looking for partners. Technology OFFER from Italy Located in the South of Italy, the company is specializes in the provision of cold plasma technology solutions for industries and research laboratories. The main products are customized industrial plasma processes for modifying the surface of materials and not-standard plasma-reactors (sale and service). The group is particularly skilled in scaling-up surface-modification plasma processes and reactors in collaboration with the academic group of plasma chemistry of the University of Bari. |
Model Predictive Control System for Large Buildings Technology OFFER from Czech Republic Department of the Czech University has developed an innovative method for achieving reduced energy consumption by using Model Predictive Control System (MPC) in order to control heating systems with slow thermal dynamics in large buildings. Combined with off-the-shelf hardware components (sensors, etc.) the system enables reduction of energy consumption between 5 and 40% in comparison to the long-term average. The University department is looking for licensees. |
Ground breaking aircraft engine technology. Technology OFFER from United Kingdom A UK SME has successfully developed an aircraft engine with high power to weight ratio capable of using either standard diesel or jet A1 fuel. This engine has been successfully flight tested. Engine manufacturer partners are now sought to enable sufficient units to be made and tests carried out for aviation certification leading to commercialisation. Join venture or license agreements will be considered. |
Cost-effective base and sealing layers for waste disposal sites, brownfield sites and fallow land Technology OFFER from Germany A small German company (SME) has developed a product from waste materials, which makes it possible to create sealing and base layers for waste disposal sites and brownfield sites, as well as to cover flat foundations of steep disposal sites and landfills. Production of the layers is cost-efficient. Owners or operators of landfill sites or contaminated land, interested in restructuring for building purposes or other new uses are sought as well as engineering offices for technical co-operation. |
Technical cooperation in treatment and analysis of powder Technology OFFER from France A French company specialised in contract micronization, analysis and treatment of ultrafine powders is offering technical cooperation agreement. |
Fixing system (ball joint) for any cylindrical rod allowing easy angular and depth adjustments Technology OFFER from France French research institute has a multidisciplinary and systemic approach to 3 domains: water, environmental technologies and land. Their invention relates to a device for fastening an elongated cylindrical device on a flat surface with any possibility of radial, axial and angular adjustments in an easy movement by a single block and a single nut. They are looking for licensing agreement, technical cooperation or research cooperation agreement. |
Fluid compact heat exchanger with separate control of the flow and the heat transfer Technology OFFER from France A French university has developed an innovative device enabling simultaneously 2 functions in a decoupling manner: heat exchange & fluid flow. It also leads to significant intensification of heat transfer. Industries are sought for license agreement or R&D collaboration (possible EU funded) for fluid thermal exchanger or temperature control of components in building, electronics, microelectronics, medical, food and chemistry. Embedded systems are also considered in transport (including space). |
Thermo-mechanical digestion of biogenous refuse Technology OFFER from Germany A German SME, active in the machine tools area, has developed a technology for thermo-mechanical digestion of biogenous refuse. The system is a well-tried and successful system and gives the end-product special properties thanks to which a wide range of qualitatively different products can be made. The company seeks partners from the industry for Manufacturing agreements, Commercial agency agreements with technical assistance and/or Technical cooperation agreements. |
Low-cost fibre spraying module for renaturation of industrial areas Technology OFFER from Germany A German SME from the machine tools sector has developed a low-cost technology for horticulture, landscaping and renaturation with three steps: Mixing - wetting - blowdown of the fibres onto the requested surface. Substrates can be sprayed on the soil via a patented procedure. The company seeks industrial partners to find out new application fields and for a Commercial agreement with technical assistance, Technical cooperation agreement or a license agreement. |
Liquid Helium ISO Containers (tanks) manufacturing technology Technology REQUEST from Korea, Republic of A Korean SME specializing in building storage tanks for liquefied gas is looking for a company which designs and manufactures stationary and portable storage systems for liquid helium (L-He). The firm has a technology to build different types cryogenic tanks above -200 degree Celsius. The firm wants a licensing agreement and technical cooperation to extend their cryogenic portfolio to liquid helium. |
A Polish company specialized in the production of metal furniture is looking for technology of cutting, punching and bending elements made of metal sheets. Technology REQUEST from Poland A Polish company specialized in the production of metal furniture is looking for a technology of sheet metal components production. The sought line should produce workpieces of different shapes and dimensions which at a later stage will be joined by welding. The company is looking for partners for commercial agreement with technical assistance. |
Polish company looks for a supplier of sapphire coating on the 32’’ glass Technology REQUEST from Poland Polish company specialized on building high performance electronic appliances is searching for a partner / supplier who will deliver sapphire coating on 32’’ glass. The company is also interested in cooperation with a company who can offer a comparable protective coating made of any other optional material - required transparency should be at least 90%. A company is sought for a commercial agreement with technical assistance or technical cooperation in case of specific adaptation. |
A Polish company specialised in metal furniture production is looking for a technology of surface preparation and powder coating. Technology REQUEST from Poland A Polish company specialised in metal furniture production is looking for a technology of surface preparation and powder coating. A sought for technology should allow for cleaning of flat and spatial elements. The whole process should be as short as possible with a minimum of maintenance. The company is looking for partners for commercial agreement with technical assistance. |
Italian company manufacturing complete exhaust systems for cars and industrial vehicles looks for representatives in the USA Business OFFER from Italy Italian company manufacturing complete exhaust systems for cars and industrial vehicles looks for representatives/retailers in the USA, able to provide also the after-sales service to the customer, all over the U.S. market. Suitable representatives and dealers should not be cooperating with potential competitors. |
Efficient method of generating heat and electricity from agricultural waste Technology OFFER from Serbia Serbian R&D team developed an efficient method of generating heat and electricity from agricultural waste. It is a furnace for the combustion of biomass hay bales, with automatic fuel feeding which enables an efficient combustion process. The system uses agricultural waste in standard bales form from fields to create thermal energy. It can be used for the production of electricity. The R&D team is looking for a partner for further development of technology and/or licence agreement. |
Special cardboard boxes manufacturing technology Technology OFFER from Italy An Italian engineering firm with an outstanding international experience, based north of Milano, has developed a bag insertion device for the production of special use cardboard boxes (eg. hospital waste collection). Industrial partners are sought, interested in testing current/ new applications and establishing technical cooperation. |
Natural sorbents for a quick and correct environmental cleaning-up of liquid pollutants Technology OFFER from Italy A small Italian company has developed and produces handcrafted absorbent for recovery of liquid pollutants, hydrocarbons and oils, poured into surface waters or on roads, pavements and all types of terrain. The product, made with natural substances, is patented. The company is interested in technical cooperation, such as testing of new applications and adaptation of its product to specific needs, and in commercial agreement with technical assistance. |
Sensitive laser power thermal sensor for equipment manufacturer and R&D applications Technology OFFER from Switzerland A Swiss company offers thin and highly sensitive sensors for laser power measurements, laser beam positioning and characterization. They are suited for determining the average power of short-pulse systems where photodiodes are less precise. The sensors measure power (1uw – 25W) from DUV to MIR lasers with a higher linearity/homogeneity than photodiodes and are cheaper in large quantities. Wanted are laser system manufacturers and distributors with specialized knowledge in laser applications. |
New automated process for Micro machining of 3D parts by electrical discharge Technology OFFER from France A French institute has developed a new automated process which allows the machining of complex forms by electrical discharge, with a high resolution and a high aspect ratio. The complex forms are created from numerical CAD (computer-aided design ) files.The automated process is easy to use and allows a low cost process and compatible with all conductive materials. Industrial partners are sought for licence agreement or technical cooperation. |
A method of enriching and/or isolating a target cell population from a suspension of cells Technology OFFER from Germany A technology transfer office in Germany (Bavaria) represents a known German university. Scientists of its medical technology center made an invention that allows the isolation and/or enrichment of target cells in fluid samples even at low concentrations such as circulating tumor cells in blood in high quantity and quality. They are looking for licensees. |
Maltese company that developed filament winding machinery offers customized industrial glass reinforced plastic [GRP] products and services Technology OFFER from Malta A Maltese SME specialises in manufacturing glass reinforced plastic (GRP) products such as storage tanks, pipe lines and fittings, roof floorings, swimming pool coping and balcony cornices and handrails. This company is offering its technical expertise to industrial partners who require: - Technical assistance in filament winding processes; - Manufacturing expertise during the development of tailor-made projects; - Assistance in developing innovative products. |
One hand fixing system for cables to aluminium profiles of solar and power systems- distributors wanted Business OFFER from Germany A German SME active in the development and sales of fixing systems is searching for distribution partners for their unique one hand fixing system for cables. The system is suitable for the fixture of cables to aluminium profiles of solar and power systems as well for the fixture of cables in walls during building renovation. The German Company is searching for distribution partners. |
Holistic energy management services Business OFFER from Greece Greek energy services company expert in the delivery of energy efficiency improvement measures and energy conservation, is looking for commercial and scientific cooperation with other energy services companies, energy suppliers, consulting companies and universities. The company is looking for a representative or agent for its products & services. |
A Turkish company specialized in mainly suspension, equipment and cooling systems is looking for partners and willing to cooperate with them for reciprocal distribution. Business OFFER from Turkey A Turkish company specialized in mainly suspension, equipment and cooling systems, spare parts, electrical and CAN control systems of vehicles and units, lift systems, electric fuel pumps operating in the field of technological and design of a task is looking for partners. The company is located in industry site and founded in 2011 as an engineering and R&D company. Company is willing to cooperate with partners for reciprocal distribution. The company is also interested in joint venture. |
Innovative technology for the water proofing & protection of cement-based surfaces Technology OFFER from Greece A Greek technological SME has developed an innovative technology for the waterproofing and protection of cement-based surfaces. The company has taken advantage of the unique properties of nanotechnology to invent clever materials to be applied for the waterproofing and protection of cement surfaces, mortar, grout, stucco and natural or artificial stone. The company now seeks partners for technical cooperation, license agreement and commercial agreement with technical assistance. |
Technology to transform plastic and rubber wastes into diesel Technology REQUEST from Spain A Spanish company working in the environment field is specialised in waste management and sewage treatment. Since the company produces annually big amounts of plastic and also rubber wastes, it is interested in acquiring a technology able to transform them into diesel. The company is looking for manufacturing agreements or commercial agreements with technical assistance for the implementation of such a technology for plastic and rubber wastes recycling. |
A Croatian company specialized in industrial engineering is looking for trade intermediary services and subcontracting opportunities Business OFFER from Croatia A Croatian company specialized in industrial waste engineering management (recycling stations), engineering of construction machinery, automobile industry, pharmacy, etc., is looking for trade intermediary services - distribution, and subcontracting opportunities. |
A Turkish conglomerate seeking innovative technologies in waste to energy to be applied in Turkey Technology REQUEST from Turkey A Turkish conglomerate seeks new technologies in waste management and waste to energy concepts for applications in Turkey. The technology is requested to be already on the market. The technology shall be new to the Turkish market and convenient to be applied in Turkish standards. The company is open to sign Joint Venture and License Agreements as well as technical cooperation agreements. |
Fine particle filter for wood-fired combustion systems Technology OFFER from Germany A German company has developed a technology that filters dust emissions that occur during the combustion of wood (wood pellets or wood chips). The filter holds back up to 90 % of the fine dust particles. The company offers commercial cooperation with technical assistance to companies using wood-fired combustion systems. |
Formable light weight metal sandwich material using steel, aluminum, stainless steel, etc. is offered by a Swedish SME. Technology OFFER from Sweden A Swedish SME has developed a light, thin and formable metal sandwich. Products made from sheets of metals can by this solution be lighter. The weight of solid can be reduced with 50 %, still with the bending stiffness intact. A benefit compared to other sandwich materials is that this solution can be processed in conventional metal forming methods and tools. The company is searching for partners that would like to set up a manufacturing, subcontracting or technical cooperation agreement. |
Recycling of drilling emulsions and lubricants Technology OFFER from Germany A German SME, active in the machine tools area, has developed a technology for on-site recycling of drilling emulsions and lubricants from metal processing. The separation of lubricants, emulsions, chips and metal sludge, respectively, is achieved by using a mobile, low-weight separator equipped with skimmers and pumps. The SME seeks partners from the industry for a license agreement, Commercial agreements with technical assistance, manufacturing agreement or a technical cooperation agreement. |
Photovoltaic modules, cells and wafers Business OFFER from Korea, Republic of An SME has developed a photovoltaic module provided in a solar power generation system. They are looking for partners who are interested in commercial agency agreement in solar power modules, cells, wafers. |
Solar-powered compacting bin and waste management solutions Business OFFER from Korea, Republic of An SME has developed a solar-powered compacting bin and waste management solution. They are looking for partners interested in product license agreement. |
Complete educational module and moulding machine for short-term training and re-training in plastic injection moulding technology Business OFFER from Hungary The unique electrically driven injection moulding machine developed by a Hungarian small enterprise, which can be put into operation at any place, provides production with low operational cost. The company is looking for manufacturing, technical co-operation and services- commercial agency agreement opportunities with universities, secondary and higher educational institutions and production companies for further growth. |
Innovative small device and sensor technology suitable for the design and development of mobile, personalised kits based on open Hardware (HW) Technology REQUEST from Greece Greek company with expertise in software (SW) development for web and mobile application is looking for an innovative small personal device or sensor technology, based on open hardware (HW) solutions (like Arduino or Raspberry pi), that could be used in conjunction with mobile HW kits and other development platforms. The company is looking for a manufacturer of small devices and sensors in order to conclude a technical cooperation agreement or a commercial agreement with technical assistance. |
A power optimizing technology for a 25% increase in the energy efficiency of photovoltaic system Technology OFFER from Korea, Republic of A Korean start-up company has developed a power optimizing technology for Photovoltaic system, which can remedy mismatch problems frequently happening in the traditional system. By exploiting the power electronics, Semiconductor, and wireless communication technologies, the system help increase the energy efficiency up to 25%. The firm is seeking a partner for a licensing agreement, technical cooperation, joint venture, manufacturing agreement or commercial agreement with technical assistance. |
Greek company specialised in the construction and renovation of buildings looks for partners Business OFFER from Greece Greek company specialised in construction and renovation of buildings with energy conservation equipment and materials seeks trade intermediaries in order to expand its services abroad. Moreover, the company could offer franchise, subcontracting as well as outsourcing activities. |
German manufacturer of premium CNC-turning and -milling parts is looking for joint venture/ company acquisition in Poland or Czech Republic Business OFFER from Germany The German supplier of machining, premium CNC-milling and turning parts and whole devices for different industrial sectors is looking for joint venture partners or for company acquisition in the following fields of activity: machining, assembly of CNC-turning and -milling parts and assembly of whole devices and systems. They are looking for partners in Poland or in the Czech Republic. |
German producer of composite parts in the high-end range is looking for partners Business OFFER from Germany The German company deals with the design, the analysis and the manufacturing of composite parts in the high-end range for automobiles, airplanes, boats and wind-energy plants. Their goal is to find customized solutions for their applications through optimization of geometry and design. They use high strengths fibres not only for design but also for heating of the moulds and other components. The company offers subcontracting, reciprocal production, joint venture and requires trade services. |
UK 'complete solution' energy management company is looking to partner with facilities management companies, large commercial asset portfolio owners and managers, and energy hardware manufacturers Business OFFER from United Kingdom A UK company specialising in ‘total solution’ energy management, combining web and mobile software, hardware and managed services is seeking to co-operate with facilities management companies, large commercial asset portfolio owners and managers, and energy hardware manufacturers. The company is offering the following opportunities: -Franchise agency agreement -Joint venture agreement -Outsourcing agreement -Subcontracting |
Seeking manufacturers of Solar Photovoltaic cell with strong technical knowledge Business REQUEST from India An Indian company in the field of process automation, dealing in Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) Instrumentation. Currently they are looking to diversify in solar power generation. The company is looking for a tie up with a technically competent and commercially economical Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Cell manufacturer. The type of partnership expected is commercial agency agreement, distribution services agreement, services agreement or franchise agency agreement. |
Innovative lead sulphide removal method from low-grade molybdenite Technology OFFER from Korea, Republic of A Korean institute of geoscience and mineral resources has developed a new method of removing and recovering lead sulphide that is contained in low-grade molybdenite (Mo). This technology removes volatile sulphides of lead, indium, zinc, bismuth and more by evaporation while maintaining molybdenite. They are looking for industry partners or research institutes interested in forming licensing agreements or joint ventures to co-develop the innovation. |
Technology for cutting of stone, metal, glass, ceramics, plastic Technology OFFER from Poland A Polish SME has developed a precise, Computerized Numerical Control (CNC) controlled device for cutting with stream of water. The company is looking for partners from industry. Partners are sought for commercial agreements with technical assistance. |
An advanced mechanism allows very precise beveling of metal sheets Technology OFFER from Poland A Polish company active in production and design of cutting machines developed, patented and introduced advanced mechanism based on digitally controlled servo-drives and precise transmissions. With a low tolerance of clearance this allows for very precise beveling of metal sheets during one process. The company is looking for partners from industry sector. The task to be performed by the partner sought is implement the technology within manufacturing of commercial agreement. |
Modular design of rigs’ drilling tools Technology OFFER from Macedonia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of A Macedonian inventor offers an improved and more cost effective solution for rigs’ drilling tools (pipe and stabilizer). The solution is based on an innovative modular design of the tools that enables less manufacturing and operational costs as well as improved technical properties. The inventor is searching for producers, research organizations and engineering companies for technical cooperation, manufacturing agreement, commercial agreement with technical assistance or license agreement. |
Seeking for repellent and anti-fingerprint treatments for metal products. Technology REQUEST from Italy An Italian company specialized in the manufacture of iron and steel, as sub-contractor, is looking for dirt-repellent and anti-fingerprint solutions (processes or materials). The company is looking for partners to perform Licence or Technical Cooperation Agreement. |
Polish SME specialized in optimization of solid fuel combustion looking for business partner to become sole sales agents for innovative product for increasing of firewood’s heating power Business OFFER from Poland Polish SME specialized in the field of optimization of solid fuel combustion has developed special technology (powder additive) increasing of heating power of firewood. The additive is designed to be used with all kinds of firewood. The additive increasing firewood’s heating power up to 35%. Polish SME would like to establish a relationship with entities interested in becoming sole agents / sale representatives. |
Leading Rubber Components Manufacturing company in India seeks collaboration/joint venture with foreign companies to manufacture molded rubber products. Business REQUEST from India Need partners who excel in designing and compounding of rubber parts. Looking for business partner from Europe who is in a similar line of business. The company wants to collaborate with them in designing and manufacturing railway parts and use their technical expertise and R&D facilities to develop new molded rubber products |
Remediation equipment technology for soil Technology OFFER from Korea, Republic of A Korean SME specializing in environmental remediation offers a new technology for remediation and sort of rocks and contaminants from on site excavated soils. It supports fast, reliable, cost efficient and safe work. By operating drilling and sorting process as well as chemistry scattering, it perfectly works to destroy contaminant quickly and safely at minimum cost. The firm is looking for a partner for a joint venture, manufacturing agreement or commercial agreement with technical assistance. |
Green varnish for eco-friendly steel pipes Technology OFFER from Korea, Republic of A Korean SME specializing in manufacture of varnish for steel pipes is offering a new varnish manufacturing technology for eco-friendly steel pipes. Because the firm is using environment-friendly raw materials to make varnish, it is not classified as carcinogens. For this reason, it offers workers a healthy work place and is helpful for protecting environment. Also, it is economical since it dries faster than conventional varnish. The firm is looking for a licensing agreement. |
Eco-friendly Zinc Metal Separator Technology OFFER from Korea, Republic of A Korean SME engaging in the steel industry has developed an innovative technology for an eco-friendly zinc metal separator. The technology makes it possible to separate original zinc from zinc compounds. The zinc metal separator is more cost-effective and environmental-friendly than current existing ones. Therefore, it is surely a competitive technology in the zinc recycling field. The company is looking for a licensing agreement with European companies. |
Controlled synthesis of high-quality, monolayer graphene Technology OFFER from Spain A new method to grow monolayer graphene, which also allows its control, has been developed by researchers from a Spanish university.This innovative technology, based on Chemical Vapour Deposition (CVD), includes the design of a new reactor to carry out such process, and allows the growing of high quality monolayer and bilayer graphene on copper and silicon, suitable for electric and electronic applications. Industrial partners are sought for further development, license and financial agreement. |
Technology for the production of wind power stations blades for the performance range of 20 kW with a steady wind flow; 50 kW with unstable flow of wind changing on gust winds. Technology OFFER from Slovakia Slovak SME has developed an innovative wind turbine. Designed shape and profile of the blade is the main innovative benefit of this offer.The company is looking for a partner for commercial agreement with technical assistance. |
Innovative, cost-effective Wastewater Treatment / Wastewater Pond Technology for new plants and for corrective maintenance of old wastewater plants Technology OFFER from Germany A well established, worldwide operating company from Germany is offering its' patented wastewater technology and is looking for European partners within their regional wastewater market to build or re-build wastewater treatment plants - biological treatment for domestic, municipal and industrial wastewater. The offered services include complete plant design / re-design, references and know-how transfer. Partners are sought for technical and commercial co-operations / joint ventures / licensees |
Production partner to produce spoilers for lightweight trucks Technology REQUEST from Sweden A Swedish SME has developed a spoiler kit that decrease the fuel consumption for lightweight trucks. They are now searching for a partner that could improve the design for one part of the kit and then become a production partner for the whole spoiler kits. A technical cooperation agreement, a manufacturing agreement or an outsourcing agreement would be suitable. |
Serbian company offering consulting, project management and intermediary services in water industry and waste water industry. Business OFFER from Serbia Serbian company offering consulting services and project management in water industry and waste water industry is offering to be a foreign company's intermediary for projects in Serbia, north Africa, former Soviet Union and ex-Yugoslavia. The company is also offering its services for subcontracting. |
Optimum control of substrate blend and operation in anaerobic co-digestion Technology OFFER from Spain A Spanish university has developed a method for optimizing control of anaerobic digesters in terms of biogas production, gas quality and digested quality. The system can simultaneously deal with the anaerobic codigestion of a mixture of two or more organic waste, such as animal manure, waste from the biodiesel industry, etc. The controller maintains the anaerobic process under both stable and maximum capacity operation by acting on the dilution rate. The university seeks a licence agreement. |
Innovative technology for cleaning plastic waste without water Technology OFFER from Germany A German SME is developing and constructing machines with an innovative technology for cleaning plastic waste without water. Acceleration and impact forces inside the design effect paper to break down and contamination to be spun off from plastics. The technology affords plastic recycling without water and is already available on the market. Partners are sought for tailored solutions within the framework of technical cooperation agreement. |
Looking for a method to control and regulate the spread of the Asian predatory wasp (Vespa Velutina) Technology REQUEST from Spain A Catalan SME is looking for a methodology to control and regulate the spread of the Asian predatory wasp (Vespa Velutina) in Europe. They are looking for any partner interested in a research cooperation, technical cooperation, license or comercial agreement with technical assistance. |
Downdraft table suitable for standard and ATEX (ATmosphères Explosives) filter cartridges Technology REQUEST from Spain Spanish industrial vacuum company is looking for a downdraft table suitable for standard and ATEX (ATmosphères Explosives) filter cartridges. The technology sought must be ready for grinding aluminium, titanium, carbon fiber and magnesium, materials with dust risk of explosion. The company is looking for commercial agreements with technical assistance. |
Norwegian ceramics producer seeks providers of kiln furniture Technology REQUEST from Norway The Norwegian company manufactures tableware in vitro porcelain for professional kitchens. As their products are of differing shapes and sizes, the firing process can be challenging and several types of kiln furniture is required to support the products under firing. The company is seeking reliable suppliers of various types of kiln furniture, some might be "off the shelf"-products while others must be developed specially for specific products. |
Innovative solutions to measure moisture in energy and waste treatment processes Technology REQUEST from France French company active in energy and environment sectors is looking for innovative solutions to measure moisture in its operation processes. It's a challenge to optimise the processes in energy sector and in biological waste treatment. Collaboration is sought for license agreements, technical cooperation, commercial agreement with tecnical assistance or services agreement. |
A romanian company specialized in other transportation support activities offers transport / logistic services to European Union countries Business OFFER from Romania A romanian company specialized in other transportation support activities offers transport / logistic services to European Union countries |
A French SME is seeking partners to manufacture and distribute a new bike device Business OFFER from France A French SME is looking for manufacturers and/or distributors for its innovative all-in-one bike device : luggage rack + mudguard + lock + bike stand. |
German box body manufacturer for mobile food shops is seeking French partners for the distribution of its products Business OFFER from Germany This German company is an experienced manufacturer of car bodies for commercial vehicles, in particular box bodies for the mobile selling of food (fish, diary products, pizza) and is seeking partners for distribution (agent/dealer) in France. The company produces parts and interior (furniture) for the box bodies in-house and delivers customised solutions. It delivers box bodies either on chassis frames or on trailers. The company offers Commercial agency and/or Distribution service agreements. |
A German research institute is looking for research partners for a European research project about the force traceability within the meganewton range Technology OFFER from Germany A German research institute is taking part in a 3-year research project funded by the European Metrology Research Programme (EMRP). The research project was launched due to the increasing demand to measure high nominal forces up to 30 MN, or even higher in various industrial applications. The German research institute is looking for a research cooperation agreement with other research partners for joint ventures, technical collaboration and research cooperations. |
Novel system for variable speed control of a vehicle using GPS technologies Technology OFFER from Spain A Spanish SME has patented and successfully tested an innovative device based on GPS technology to be embedded in the electronic board for the car engine management.The solution works according to three stages or parameters: GPS (position), Road Speed Limit (electronic board) and driver decision (car speed). The entity is interested in a licensing agreement & tech cooperation with automobile industry to assume full product development phase in collaboration with the Spanish entity. |
Romanian company specialized in growing energy willows is searching for trade partners Business OFFER from Romania |
A Welsh SME that is a leading vehicle safety product specialist installer within the commercial vehicle sector is seeking distributors and potential commercial agency partners Business OFFER from United Kingdom The company supplies visual and audible sensor technology designed to detect obstacles on all sides of the vehicle, together with an extensive range of safety devices. All products are manufactured to the highest standards and supplied with a comprehensive warranty. They are seeking distributors and potential commercial agency partners in Belgium, Germany, Luxembourg, Netherlands and Spain. The company are also developing boat detection systems for launching and docking. |
A Polish company is offering its services in the port, logistic and human resources areas Business OFFER from Poland Company from North West Poland is specialized in port services and in solving of the human resources issues of their customers. Company offers services such as: loading and unloading ships, carriages, containers, trucks, specialized works related to fixing the load in the holds of ships, barges, pontoons, carriages – also heavy and oversized ones. Long term services agreements and subcontracting services are offered. |
A Polish company is offering ships loading services without cranes Business OFFER from Poland Company from North West Poland is offering comprehensive services in scope of loading and unloading ships all over Europe. Services and distribution services agreements are offered. |
Logistic Full Service Provider looks for alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages and complementary products manufacturers from DK, SE, FI and NO who want to export to Germany Business REQUEST from Germany A north-eastern German logistic service provider for alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages and complementary products intends to enlarge its foreign business for incoming products. The company offers the full range of logistic services and is looking for producers from Denmark, Sweden, Finland and Norway. |
Electronic wheel truing assistant for spoke wheels (bicycles, motorbikes, etc.) Technology OFFER from Spain A Spanish inventor has developed an electronic device to help in the truing of wheels made with spokes. It makes the truing process a task so easy that anyone without any previous knowledge can do it. It automatically analyses the state of the wheel and gives easy instructions to do the truing of the wheel. It can also evaluate the flatness of the disk brakes. The inventor is looking for companies interested in license agreements. |
Flexible data acquisition and control system for service and maintenance operations of heavy equipment machinery Technology OFFER from Finland A Finnish company is offering a new way to build distributed data acquisition and management for heavy equipment. This solution allows an effective and reliable maintenance and service status monitoring of distributed fleet of machines. The company seeks service providers and operators in the field of machine asset and maintenance management distribution who have clients requesting to improve and optimize their fleet asset management. |
Aerogel Blankets Offering The Best Thermal Performance of any Solid State Insulation Technology OFFER from United Kingdom An established Scottish SME offers its expertise in the development of fabricated aerogel blankets for new and existing applications. Aerogel represents the very best thermal performance available of any solid state insulation material and can be used in applications from construction to transport to railways. The company wishes to work in technical cooperation with research or industrial partners looking for new approaches to solve their thermal bridging issues. |
A Serbian company specialized in development, production and installation of equipment for gas distribution is looking for trade intermediary services and joint venture creation. Business OFFER from Serbia A Serbian company specialized in development, production (gas network equipment, measurement and regulation stations) and installation of equipment for gas distribution is looking for trade intermediary services (commercial representative, distribution agent), and joint venture creation. |
Simulation/optimization models and methods for decisional problems for logistics, transportation and urban mobility systems. Business OFFER from Italy An Italian research group, with expertise in optimization and simulation based methods and techniques to address problems, mostly in the field of logistics and transportation, is looking for partners who are interested in establish a services agreement. |
A Slovak logistic company offering logistics and transportation services on time in Slovakia and the neighbour countries Business OFFER from Slovakia The company has free warehousing facilities 50 km from Bratislava, and offers complete logistic services (3PL): warehousing, cargo handling, packaging, custom clearance and transportation. The company is looking for partners, who need a reliable local distribution base for the Slovak market or the nearby countries. |
Nanodiamonds Use in anti-wear treatment for friction pairs Business OFFER from Israel An Israeli SME specialising in developing nanodiamond appplications offers the nanodiamond anti-wear compounds for finishing treatment of friction pairs. The offered compounds are highly efficient to treat engines, pumps, compressors, gear boxes, bearings and other friction pairs. Looking for manufacturers of industrial lubricants, distributors, agents, representatives for marketing offered treating solution for friction parts and created qualitative lubricants. |
Spontaneous dispersion and network arrangement of carbon nanotubes in polymer composite materials. Technology OFFER from Spain A Spanish chemistry research institute and a German polymer company have jointly developed an additive for polymer nanotube composites allowing for the formation of a network of carbon nanotubes at microscale. This specific arrangement of well-dispersed filler was shown to survive thermoplastic processing. These composite materials show improved physical features at lower filler loading, thereby preserving its plasticity. Partners are searched for licensing and technical cooperation. |
Innovative Platform Canopy for Railway and Metro Stations Technology OFFER from United Kingdom A London-based company has developed an innovative and unrivalled platform canopy product in the rail transport industry that has no current competition in the market and offers the advantage of being able be constructed at any time day or night, meaning reduced cost, shorter installation programs and less passenger disruption. The UK company is looking for opportunities with companies that have a ready knowledge of their own countries rail and metro systems. |
Public transportation guide and transportation schedule applications Technology OFFER from Turkey An IT company from Turkey specialized in transportation software has developed a new web based navigation system to help people who use domestic transportation to reach their destination easily.The company also developed a mobile application of this new system.This Turkish IT company is looking for partners from transportation sector and geographic information system(GIS) sector to test and adapt new applications and is interested in further development of the applications. |
Request for Review of Technology for Avionics Manufacturing Unit Technology REQUEST from India The division of an Indian Avionics company is interested in a partner to perform a technical review of the existing facilities of the Indian company and suggest improvements with new technologies for replacement or augmentation and also suggest/prepare a technology road map for the future. |
Open source software platform for automotive sector and several hardware architectures Technology OFFER from Italy An Italian company, focused on car infotainment systems and software for automotive, developed an advanced build environment allowing to create personalized GNU/Linux distributions. This platform provides a lot of different components, software and libraries to manage all the automotive protocols. It can be used both on systems with high performance hardware and with limited resources. Partners sought are automotive companies for licensing, commercial, research or technical cooperation. |
Innovative web-based application for the mobility management Technology OFFER from Italy An Italian company has developed a web-based application for the mobility management. It has a dual function: it gives the mobility manager the chance to manage the enterprises’ mobility and the employees the chance to find alternative methods for travelling by receiving commuting information updated in real time. Partners sought are companies and local authorities interested in sustainable ways of transport for licence and technical cooperation agreements. |
Expertise in Vehicle Chassis/Body (Cars), Battery/Motor Manufacturer, Auto Parts, Composites/CFRP sought Technology REQUEST from India An Indian SME has designed Electric Motorcycle, Electric 4 wheeler cars, Battery Chargers. The SME aims to research and develop Future Generation Electric Vehicles of varying sizes and markets. The company is seeking R&D cooperation related to Vehicle Chassis/Body (Cars), Battery/Motor Manufacturer, Auto Parts, Composites/CFRP. |
Innovative suspension device with four degrees of freedom Technology OFFER from France Two French research institutes have developed an innovative suspension device for vehicles with four degrees of freedom allowing to damp horizontally a vehicle. They are looking for an industrial partner to build up a prototype at scale 1:1 and to market an all-terrain vehicle with higher performance. They are seeking manufacturing and/or licence and/or financial agreements |
Austrian company looking for trade intermediaries for water treat treatment plants Business OFFER from Austria The Austrian company is specialised in basic and detailed engineering of water treatment plants. The Austrian company is interested in two different collaborations. First of all the Austrian company is looking for new business partners which are interested in their individual engineering solutions for water treatment plants. Secondly the Austrian company is looking for new business partners which are interested in trade collaborations for innovative products and components for water treatment |
A Turkish company specialized in manufacturing hydraulic cylinders for various applications is looking for distributors. The company is also ready to serve itself as a subcontractor and hear about serious joint venture ideas in this field Business OFFER from Turkey A Turkish company specialized in manufacturing hydraulic cylinders for various applications is looking for distributors. The company is also ready to serve itself as a subcontractor and hear about serious joint venture ideas in this field of activity. |
A Turkish consultant company advising companies and foreign investors on supply chain management, eco-efficient transport is looking for partners. Company offers logistic supports and is interested in joint venture. Business OFFER from Turkey A Turkish consultant company advising companies and foreign investors on supply chain management, eco-efficient transport and logistics management, policy making, energy and fuel management, collaborative network development and sustainable procurement is looking for partners. Company offers logistic supports and is interested in joint venture and/or reciprocal subcontracting agreements. Selling the company is also on the table. |
French SME, supplier of forklift spare-parts, seeks agents worldwide Business OFFER from France A French SME is specialized in supplying equipments for forklifts and handling machines. It is looking for trade agents worldwide to commercialize its products. |
Fibre producer company is looking for distributors Business OFFER from Turkey A Turkish company which is specialised in cotton, polyester and nylon fibre production that is used in knitted fabric, t-shirt, socks, home textile, swimsuit etc. is looking for distributors. |
Software solutions to analyze and optimize vehicle fleets which include electric vehicles Technology OFFER from Germany A German SME has developed software solutions to analyze and optimize the disposition of electric vehicles in a given fleet. Furthermore, they provide support for mid- and long-term strategic and economic fleet planning regarding electric vehicles and provide an opportunity to manage hybrid fleets and charging stations economically and efficiently. The SME is looking for a partner interested in a technical co-operation, a research co-operation or a Joint Venture. |
Spanish company specialized in arranging transit visa and providing meet & assist services for crew passengers is looking for Japanese ship-owners corporations to establish a service agreement. Business OFFER from Spain Spanish company specialized in arranging transit Visa and providing Meet & Assist service for crew passengers is offering Visa On arrival and additional port services to Japanese ship-owners corporations. |
A Macedonian company specialized in the field of agricultural products, mainly fruits and vegetables offers transportation and logistics services. Business OFFER from Macedonia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of A Macedonian company specialized in the field of agricultural products, mainly fruits and vegetables offers transportation and logistics services. |
UK based SME offers marine fuel testing and quality control services for ship owners, managers and marine fuel purchasers. Business OFFER from United Kingdom A UK SME provides fuel testing and quality control services for the marine industry . The testing ensures that heavy fuel oil products being offered as marine fuels are truly within the agreed specification, providing the ship owner with independent information for commercial, legal and operational protection. The company is looking for long term partner clients such as ship owners, managers and marine fuel purchasers, those who require fuel analysis, working together via a services agreement. |
Weather & Wave forecasts: Global vessel routing services for commercial shipping and yachts Technology OFFER from Greece The technology provides operational weather and wave forecasts to ensure proper routing and constant support for vessels anywhere in the world based on state-of-the-art atmospheric and sea numerical modeling. The information provided mainly consists of: Wind Speed, Significant Wave Height and Direction, Swell Height and Direction, Mean Wave Period and Direction, Sea Currents and Visibility. Additional information and data can be provided according to the needs of the client. |
A Cypriot company specialized in shipping and logistic is looking for trade partners. Business OFFER from Cyprus A Cyprus based company, established in 2009, operating in the field of shipping and logistics (containers and groupage shipping) is looking for trade partners to co-operate in logistic services and cross trade processes in Europe and beyond. |
A Polish company specialized in production of high quality spare parts and components for locomotives, passenger cars, EMU and rail buses is looking for a trade collaboration with foreign agents and distributors. Business OFFER from Poland A Polish company active in field of developing, manufacturing and supplying high quality spare parts and components for locomotives, passenger cars, EMU and rail buses is looking for a trade collaboration with foreign agents and experienced distributors. |
Romanian manufacturer of decorative ceramics is looking for distributors Business OFFER from Romania A Romanian manufacturer of decorative ceramics: pots, vases, candlesticks, garden ceramics looking for trade intermediary services to distribute the Romanian products abroad. |
Technology to support decision making process in collision situation for maritime ships' navigators is offered. Technology OFFER from Poland The company from North West Poland offers an unique system that supports decision making process by navigator in a collision situation. The tool is complementary to the navigational equipment of the ship. The company is looking for a partner, which would like to implement the offered technology in its navigation system. Technical cooperation agreement is offered. |
Greek logistics and transport company offers its trade intermediary services to SMEs (producers, distributors) abroad Business OFFER from Greece Greek leading company, specialized in the fields of logistics and transport, offers its services to SMEs (producers, distributors), in terms of a distribution service agreement. |
Turkish trade company of all automotive garage/ workshop equipments seeks pumps and cylinders. Business REQUEST from Turkey Turkish company specialized in trading of all automotive garage/ workshop equipments, seeks pumps and cylinders mainly from European distributors. |
An Italian company specialized in distribution of innovative and enviromentally friendly packaging and transport solutions Business REQUEST from Italy An Italian company, specialized in distribution of innovative and environmentally friendly packaging and transport solutions, is offering itself for trade intermediary services (distributor) and joint venture with other similar companies. It's interested to distribute exclusively in Italy, by its own representative network, innovative and eco-friendly systems for warehousing, transportation and "palletizing" the goods on pallets. |
Contact information: 088 444 0 777 |
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