donderdag 27 december 2012

Europees Parlement wil meer geld voor innovatieve MKB

Bron: Nieuwsbrief Agentschap NL
Het mkb wordt gezien als de motor achter innovatie in Europa. De kleine ondernemers zijn vaak bedrijven die meer risico’s willen nemen met innovatie en met gedurfde oplossingen komen. Speciale aandacht wordt gewijd aan het bevorderen van deelname door mkb’s.
MKB’s kunnen met name een rol vervullen bij het realiseren van innovatie door de resultaten van research naar de markt te brengen. Zij kunnen flexibel reageren op veranderingen en vormen een aanjager voor economische groei en nieuwe banen.

Deelname mkb aan Horizon 2020
Onder het Europese programma voor onderzoek en innovatie, Horizon 2020 wordt daarom extra aandacht gericht op het mkb. Het moet aantrekkelijker worden voor mkbs om deel te nemen aan de gezamenlijke researchprojecten en er komt een nieuw instrument speciaal voor het mkb.

Extra geld voor mkb instrument
Het Europees Parlement heeft nu voorgesteld om veel geld zeker te stellen voor dit mkb instrument. Daarin zal ruim 3 miljard Euro extra gereserveerd worden voor het aparte programma voor innovatie in mkb’s. Dit extra geld wordt gehaald uit de andere thema’s onder Horizon 2020. Onder deze thema’s kan het mkb deelnemen aan de reguliere onderzoeksprojecten en aan het nieuwe instrument voor het mkb.

Budgetverdeling Horizon 2020
Europese Commissie
(in miljoen Euro)
Europees Parlement
(in miljoen Euro)
I. Excellent science, of which 27.818 28.603
1.The European Research Council 15.008 14.302
2. Future and Emerging Science and Technologies 3.505 3.071
3. Marie Curie Actions 6.503 7.282
4. European research infrastructures 2.802 3.159
5. Spreading Excellence and Widening Participation   790
II. Industrial leadership, of which 19.780 21.321
1. Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies 15.080 13.863
2. Access to risk finance 4.000 3.510
3. Innovation in SMEs 700 3.948
III. Societal challenges, of which 34.736 32.815
Science for and with society   351
1. Health, demographic change and wellbeing 8.785 7.897
2. Food, agriculture, marine research and the bio 4.544 4.299
3. Secure, clean and efficient energy 6.327 7.370
4. Smart, green and integrated transport 7.443 6.054
5. Climate action, resource efficiency and raw 3.458 3.510
6. Inclusive, innovative and secure societies 4.179 1.492
7. Protecting freedom and security in Europe 1.843
European Institute of Innovation and Technology 3.194 2.895
Non-nuclear direct actions of the JRC 2.212 2.106
TOTAL 87.740 87.740

Meer informatie
Voor meer informatie over de deelname van Nederlandse mkb's aan Europees onderzoek en innovatieprojecten kunt u het rapport Nederlands mkb in KP7 downloaden.

Meer weten over Horizon 2020:

maandag 24 december 2012

Kennis elektrisch rijden beter toegankelijk voor ondernemers

Bron: Nieuwsbrief Agentschap NL

Het ministerie van Economische Zaken stelt in 2013 500.000 euro beschikbaar in 2013 voor ondernemers die op het gebied van elektrisch vervoer een nieuw product willen ontwikkelen, maar daar niet voldoende middelen of kennis voor hebben. Ondernemers kunnen dan een zogeheten ‘innovatievoucher’ krijgen; een tegoedbon waarmee een bedrijf naar een kennisinstelling kan stappen om expertise in te kopen. Agentschap NL voert de regeling Innovatievouchers elektrische mobiliteit uit.

Met de innovatievoucher wil het ministerie van Economische Zaken startende ondernemers in het midden- en kleinbedrijf (MKB) stimuleren meer gebruik te maken van de kennis over elektrisch vervoer bij kennisinstellingen.

“Ongeveer 100 startende ondernemers krijgen op deze manier de kans en de ruimte om te innoveren en zo een belangrijke bijdrage te leveren aan de verduurzaming van onze mobiliteit”, aldus minister Kamp van Economische Zaken.

Er komen steeds meer elektrische voertuigen op de markt en dat maakt elektrisch vervoer economisch interessant. Jonge startende ondernemingen spelen hierin een belangrijke rol. Zij zetten vaak nieuwe producten of diensten in de markt. Juist voor hen is het lastiger om geld vrij te maken voor de ontwikkeling van kennis over elektrisch vervoer. Kennis die wel aanwezig is bij kennisinstellingen zoals TNO, de TU Delft, de Hogeschool Rotterdam en de TU Eindhoven.

De regeling gaat open per 2 januari 2013, vanaf die datum kunnen aanvragen ingediend worden bij Agentschap NL. Meer informatie over de regeling is te vinden HIER.

Metaalbedrijf uit Vriezenveen actief in Nigeria

Bron: TC Tubantia, geplaatst op 17 december 2012

Jan Matel (links) en één zijn verkopers op de trap die naar Nigeria gaat. Foto: Frank Uijlenbroek

VRIEZENVEEN - Matel Metaal gaat op avontuur in Nigeria: "Dat land biedt Nederlanderse ondernemers ongelooflijk veel kansen", vindt Jan Matel (52), eigenaar van Matel Metaal uit Vriezenveen. Hij overweegt een vestiging te openen in Nigeria. Het staalbedrijf produceert momenteel een exclusieve trap voor een bedrijf in Nigeria.

Met hulp van Nigeria-expert Joop van der Vinne uit Vroomshoop bekijkt Matel de opties een vestiging te openen in dit West-Afrikaanse land. Van der Vinne is tien dagen per maand in Nigeria, dat volgens hem een gouden toekomst heeft. "Hier liggen ontzettend veel mogelijkheden voor Nederlandse bedrijven en dus ook voor ondernemers uit Twenterand", aldus Van der Vinne.

Matel knikt instemmend. Hij heeft het land inmiddels enkele malen bezocht met Van der Vinne om contacten te leggen met bedrijven uit dezelfde branche. "Ik zag daar dingen, waarvan ik dacht: dat kunnen wij Nederlanders veel beter." Het Vriezenveense bedrijf heeft dankzij de contacten van Van der Vinne inmiddels een paar offertes uitgebracht. "Wanneer we één van die projecten binnenhalen, hebben we de geplande omzet voor 2013 al bijna binnen. Onze medewerkers waren eerst nog wat sceptisch over Nigeria, maar nu krijg ik toch steeds vaker vragen over wanneer we er weer heen gaan en wie er mee mag. Bovendien zit ik er serieus over na te denken daar een vestiging op te zetten."

Het volledige verhaal staat dinsdag 18 december in de editie Twenterand van dagblad De Twentsche Courant Tubantia.

woensdag 19 december 2012

International co operation profiles from Enterprise Europe Network December 2012 #2

Find some of the latest profiles on Enterprise Europe Network for partnersearch, new business at your doorstep published second half of December 2012.

Enterprise Europe Network, with its 600 partner organisations in over 50 countries, helps companies find business opportunities across the European Union and beyond.

Some advantages are:
- Easy access to new technologies
- Less risk in developing new products or technologies
- Improve speed of development, time to market
- Shared co development on your expertise combined with other expertises external
- Finding relevant new contacts using the network and get introduced to it
- Get a warm introduction on the right level using personal contacts from the Enterprise Europe Network consultants

For a full description of the proposals below, please click on the title. You will be directed to our website. Here you indicate your interest at the bottom of the full description.

Rotary punching technology for fast and energy-efficient processing of metal profiles for dry wall construction or cable support systems
Technology OFFER from Germany
A German company offers rotary punching technologies for the punching of metal profiles in the drywall construction industry, or electric cable support systems. Compared to conventional (stroke-)punching systems, rotary punching allows for an increase in production speed, more flexible processing and reduced energy consumption and therefore lower unit-costs. Industrial partners involved in rollforming of construction profiles are sought for commercial agreements with technical assistance.

Deposition, coating and sandwiching of any “un-joinable” metals, carbides and plastics at high speed
Technology OFFER from United Kingdom
A UK start-up has progressed cold spray methods assisted by laser. Not only is the process faster and cheaper but more importantly, any metals and alloys tested so far fuse. Also, carbides and inorganics can be deposited or sandwiched onto plastics and other metals. This opens up limitless possibilities for high value surfaces in industrial manufacturing and elsewhere. European SMEs are invited for adaptation to specific needs, engineering but also R&D projects.

Swedish furniture designer offering licensees a cost-efficient way to manufacture tables
Technology OFFER from Sweden
A Swedish SME active in the design and creation of coffee tables is offering wholesalers and interior design firms active in the furniture industry a cost-efficient design approach to manufacture coffeetables. The company has an EU registered community design and is offering a licensing agreement to suitable partners who possess large networks in the furniture industry, including access to manufacturers of tables. Markets of specific interest are Germany, Italy, France and Benelux

Flexible Cryogenic Probe (68913)
Technology REQUEST from United States
A company in the USA serving a demanding international market invites proposals for a small, conformable pressure vessel used to freeze and defrost material on contact.

Innovative system to produce electric energy from Olive Mill Waste Waters (OMWW) and other types of biomass.
Technology OFFER from Italy
After many years, an Italian engineering company has developed and patented an easy, practical and inexpensive system, eco friendly, able to produce electrical energy using OMWW and other different types of biomass. The technology can be exploited to produce useful products, like polyphenols, that can be sold on the market. A business plan is available to verify potential investment. Joint Venture and commercial agreements with technical assistance are sought.

Heating regulator for solar energy technologies
Technology OFFER from Slovakia
A Slovak SME specialized in development of regulators designed to control the heating of water in household by solar energy is looking for partners for modification of existing regulators and/or development of new products in existing production line. The company is looking for partners for realization of all aspects of cooperation – RTD, projection of new products, production etc.

Analyser for specification of fibre length distribution
Technology OFFER from Slovakia
Small Slovak research institute developed an analyser for specification of fibre length distribution on the basis of conductivity measurements, which is suitable for measuring of different types of fibres derived from plant (vegetal) cellulose. The advantage over traditional methods is uniqueness of measurement approach as some analysers are using optical base. Company is looking for industrial partners interested in further development and research institutes for testing of new applications.

New energy saver for discharge light purpose
Technology OFFER from Slovakia
Slovak company specialized in electricity has developed an innovative technology for energy saving. The device provides optimization of power consumption in lightning system. The required level of light output is maintained while it minimizes the level of supplied power consumption. The company seeks a partner for commercial agreement with technical assistance.

Innovative technologies for industrial waste reuse or recycling
Technology REQUEST from Italy
An Italian company working in the waste management sector is looking for innovative technologies for industrial waste reuse or recycling. The company is interested in manufacturing or commercial agreements with technology developers

Stappen op stoeptegel wekt energie op

Gebaseerd op: Het Parool ( 15-12-2012)
Een voetstap omzetten in energie via een stoeptegel. Dat is geen toekomstdroom meer. De Britse uitvinder en industrieel ontwerper Laurence Kemball-Cook is het brein achter de uitvinding. De bewegingsenergie die vrijkomt door over de rubberen tegel te lopen, wordt opgeslagen en omgezet in elektrische energie. Daarmee kunnen bijvoorbeeld straten verlicht worden, zoals al werd gedaan tijdens de Olympische Spelen deze zomer.

De rubberen tegel is 45 bij 60 cm groot en valt direct op. Het oppervlakte zakt iets in wanneer iemand erover loopt. Afhankelijk van het gewicht zorgt een voetstap gemiddeld voor zeven watt kinetische energie. Het overgrote deel daarvan wordt opgeslagen, 5% wordt direct aangewend voor gebruikte applicaties. Hoe meer voetstappen, hoe meer energie.

Aan de tegel hangt wel een prijskaartje. De Canadese universiteit UBC becijfert dat een tegel 3.000 euro in aanschaf kost en dat dit in vijf jaar is terug te verdienen. Kemball-Cook zoekt met zijn bedrijf Pavegen naar investeerders. In ons land wordt gezocht via internet. Via de Facebookpagina van sponsor Johnnie Walker kunnen geïnteresseerden hun stem uitbrengen voor de stad van hun keuze waar de tegel moet komen te liggen.

dinsdag 18 december 2012

Cleantech bedrijven ondervinden problemen bij financiering innovaties

Bron:  Profnews gebaseerd op: Cobouw ( 13-12-2012)
Cleantech-bedrijven hebben problemen met de financiering van innovaties en projecten. FME, de brancheorganisatie in de technologische industrie, roept de overheid daarom op een startfinanciering te geven voor het Nationaal Fonds Energie Besparing.

Onderzoek van FME en het Wereld Natuur Fonds laat zien dat de cleantech-sector, die duurzame technologische producten, innovaties en concepten levert, veel groeipotentieel heeft. De Nederlandse cleantech-markt heeft momenteel een volume van 1,2 miljard euro. Dit kan tot 2020 oplopen tot 5,2 miljard euro. De sector moet dan echter wel een steuntje in de rug krijgen van de overheid. De huidige wet- en regelgeving wordt door ondernemers als een obstakel gezien. Volgens hen zijn er te veel ingewikkelde, tijdrovende procedures voor bijvoorbeeld de aanvraag van vergunningen.

De overheid zou verder de focus bij aanbestedingen meer moeten leggen op `total cost of ownership`. De sector ziet vooral een rol voor de overheid bij het aanjagen van investeringen in cleantech.

vrijdag 14 december 2012

spuitgieten met bio polymeren, cluster in wording met ruimte voor deelnemende bedrijven

Er is al veel gezegd over de ontwikkeling van biopolymeren. Inmiddels zijn vele materialen (door-)ontwikkeld en op de markt gebracht, maar toch worden ze nog weinig toegepast.

Status van biopolymeren in de spuitgietsector
Belangrijke oorzaak van het achterblijven van biobased kunststoffen in spuitgietproducten is de kostprijs van de grondstof. Deze ligt nog steeds hoger dan de gebruikelijke petrochemische alternatieven. Toch bestaan veel producten waarin biopolymeren een goede oplossing zouden zijn, ook als de grondstofprijs wat hoger is. Een verklaring hiervoor is dat door de snelle ontwikkelingen het niet goed bekend is wat tegenwoordig de mogelijkheden zijn.

Met name om deze tweede reden – de bekendheid met materiaaleigenschappen van de huidige biobased polymeren – is een cluster gestart van verschillende partijen in de keten:
- opdrachtgevers brengen een vraag in met een potentieel product
- grondstofleveranciers informeren over de nieuwst ontwikkelde grondstoffen
- spuitgietbedrijven analyseren de verwerkbaarheid van de nieuwste materialen
- ontwikkelaars denken mee in oplossingen voor eventueel product-technische uitdagingen

Cluster biopolymeren voor spuitgieten
Aan de cluster biopolymeren voor spuitgieten nemen tot nu toe de volgende partijen deel:
- Neopost - Drachten
- Medical 2 Market - Amsterdam
- 3D4Every1 - Zwolle
- Protyp - Neede
- Rodenburg Biopolymers -Oosterhout
- Colorex - Helmond
- T-M Kunststoffen -Enschede
- Pro Molding - Ypenburg
- Uw bedrijf?

Wat zit er in voor u:
- U krijgt kennis en inzicht in het spuitgieten van biopolymeren
- U leert van elkaar door ervaringen uit te wisselen
- U maakt onderdeel uit van een kennisnetwerk van bedrijven die geloven in een toekomst met biobased materialen

Deelprojecten kunnen individueel of in samenwerking met deelnemers worden uitgevoerd. In potentie bestaan mogelijkheden voor funding . Er kan eventueel gebruik gemaakt worden van een innovatievoucher regeling van de Provincie Overijssel bij open innovation centers voor het uitvoeren van onderzoek.

Data en locatie
De data en locatie voor de bijeenkomsten worden in overleg vastgesteld.
Deelprojecten kunnen individueel of in samenwerking met deelnemers worden uitgevoerd. In potentie bestaan mogelijkheden voor funding . Er kan eventueel gebruik gemaakt worden van een innovatievoucher regeling van de Provincie Overijssel bij open innovation centers voor het uitvoeren van onderzoek.

Deelname per bijeenkomst is € 50,-. Deze kosten worden besteed aan catering/buffetje aan het einde van de bijeenkomst.

Nationale innovatie programma
Deze cluster wordt uitgevoerd binnen de landelijke regeling voor Topketenimpuls en HTSM (Hight Tech Systemen & Materialen).

Meer informatie of deelname
Deze flyer is nog niet definitief. Voor informatie kunt u contact opnemen met:

Rik Voerman, 06 - 3419 0724
Olaf ter Haar, 06 - 5162 7373

donderdag 13 december 2012

Praktijk prestaties van warmtetechnieken bij huishoudens bekend

Bron: Nieuwsbrief

Hoe weet je of HR- en HRE-ketels, zonneboilers, warmtepompboilers en WTW-installaties hun energiezuinige beloftes ook echt waarmaken? Heel simpel: meet hoe ze zich in de praktijk gedragen.
Vanuit die gedachte startte ZON Energie in opdracht van Agentschap NL in 2010 de veldtest Warmtetechnieken.
ZON Energie meet de prestaties van genoemde technieken bij de mensen thuis.

VeldtestHoe krijg je meetgegevens uit al die huishoudens betrouwbaar in één centrale database? Een vraagstuk waar Zon Energie al 2 jaar hard aan werkt. De veldtest is nog niet afgerond, maar levert nu al veel inzichten op.

HR-ketels, HRE-ketels en warmtepompboilers gedragen zich behoorlijk voorspelbaar. Op dagbasis is er een sterke lineaire relatie tussen verbruik van cv warmte en tapwater met de benodigde energie input. In de meeste gevallen komen de praktijkwaarden aardig overeen met laboratoriumtesten.
Lees het volledige persbericht en het rapport over de resultaten van de veldtesten op de website van AgenschapNL.

woensdag 12 december 2012

Duurzaam polyurethaan cluster zoekt nog enkele deelnemende bedrijven

Polyurethaan kent een grote verscheidenheid in verschijningsvormen. In veel gevallen heeft het een uniek bestaansrecht verworven, onder andere (maar niet alleen) dankzij de extreme slijtvastheid en het grote bereik waarbinnen eigenschappen kunnen worden gestuurd. De markt vraagt tegelijkertijd steeds vaker naar duurzamere PU-oplossingen.

Cluster Duurzaam Polyurethaan
Aan de cluster Duurzaam Polyurethaan nemen tot nu toe de volgende partijen deel:
Herikon - Almelo
Unipro - Haaksbergen
Dunlop Hevea - Raalte
Kreunen kunststoffen -  Lochem
• Uw bedrijf?

Het doel van de cluster Duurzaam Polyurethaan is om in de gehele levenscyclus van polyurethaan de meest verduurzamende maatregelen te treffen. Daartoe wordt gekeken naar:
• Het toepassen van bio-gebaseerde grondstoffen, en de validatie van materiaaleigenschappen
• De toepassing van bio-afbreekbre formuleringen, en de validatie van materiaaleigenschappen
• De mogelijkheid tot de-polymerisatie of andere hoogwaardiger (her-) verwerkingstechnieken

De aanpak van deze cluster is als volgt:
• Samenstelling van een groep waarin de vereiste kennis of kennissen aanwezig zijn
• Het houden van een brainstorm om de beste kansen met de huidige stand der techniek te bepalen
• Het houden van vervolgbijeenkomsten om deelprojecten op te zetten

Deelprojecten kunnen individueel of in samenwerking met deelnemers worden uitgevoerd. In potentie bestaan mogelijkheden voor funding . Er kan eventueel gebruik gemaakt worden van een innovatievoucher regeling van de Provincie Overijssel bij open innovation centers voor het uitvoeren van onderzoek.

Deelname per bijeenkomst is € 50,-. Deze kosten worden besteed aan catering/buffetje aan het einde van de bijeenkomst.

Nationale innovatie programma:
Deze cluster wordt uitgevoerd binnen de landelijke regeling voor Topketenimpuls en HTSM (Hight Tech Systemen & Materialen).

Meer informatie of deelname
Deze flyer is nog niet definitief. Voor informatie kunt u contact opnemen met:

Olaf ter Haar, 06 - 5162 7373
Rik Voerman, 06 - 3419 0724

maandag 10 december 2012

Windesheim studenten zoeken MKB voor scenarioplanning opdracht

Bent u een middelgrote MKB ondernemer die ervoor open staat om zich bij zijn visievorming te laten prikkelen door een groep frisse bedrijfskunde MER studenten? Misschien kunt u samen met een groepsproject Scenarioplanning van Hogeschool Windesheim een leuk traject opstarten.
Dit groepsproject heeft een doorlooptijd van 20 weken en begint eind januari 2013. De bedrijfskundestudenten zitten vlak voor hun afstudeerfase en worden begeleid door een docent. Ze werken volgens de methodiek van scenarioplanning en leveren aan het eind een advies met een frisse blik op.

Op staat een korte toelichting op scenarioplanning:

Doelgroep: middelgrote bedrijven/organisaties met 50 tot 250 medewerkers die open staan voor de inzet van een studententeam en die externen durven te betrekken bij hun visie- en strategievorming.
Heeft u als ondernemer belangstelling voor deze mogelijkheid, neem dan contact op met mijn collega John Bakker van Syntens in Meppel.

vrijdag 7 december 2012

Winnaar WTC Twente Export Award 2012 vertelt. . . .

Het bedrijf PM-Aerotec uit Hengelo is de winnaar van de World Trade Center Twente Export Award 2012. De prijs werd gisteravond tijdens de Business Meets Twente uitgereikt door Jeroen Roodenburg, ambassadeur voor Bedrijfsleven & Internationale Samenwerking van het Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken. De jury prees het bedrijf vanwege de exportstrategie en co-engineering projecten in het buitenland.

PM-Aerotech (voorheen Tecnovia van den Akker), gevestigd in Hengelo, heeft recent een succesvolle doorstart gemaakt als onderdeel van PM Bearings en is producent van metalen precisiecomponenten en gespecialiseerd in het vervaardigen van technisch hoogwaardige modules, assemblages en eindproducten in kleine series ondermeer voor de defensie- en vliegtuigindustrie. Het bedrijf gebruikt het reeds bestaande internationale netwerk van moeder PM Bearings om toegang te krijgen met PM Aerotech tot bijvoorbeeld de defensie-industrie in de Verenigde Staten en opkomende Aziatische landen. Met een combinatie van eigen verkopers en uitgekiend dealernetwerk worden nieuwe klanten bereikt.

Trotse winnaar, directeur Herman Lüth, nam de prijs in ontvangst. “Morgen staan we op een belangrijke beurs en daar zal de award een prominente plek krijgen. Voor PM Aerotec is het winnen van de Export Award ook een mooie manier om meer naamsbekendheid te krijgen in de regio in verband met de te verwachten groei en het aantrekken van personeel”.

Na afloop van de uitreiking van de export award 2012 zijn winnaar PM Aerotec uit Hengelo, CEO Herman Lüth, en Freerk Faber, directeur WTC Twente geinterviewd in de Tafel van Twente. HIER kunt u de uitzending bekijken:

woensdag 5 december 2012

International co operation profiles from Enterprise Europe Network December 2012

Find some of the latest profiles on Enterprise Europe Network for partnersearch, new business at your doorstep published december 2012.

Enterprise Europe Network, with its 600 partner organisations in 50 countries, helps companies find business opportunities across the European Union and beyond.

Some advantages are:
- Easy access to new technologies
- Less risk in developing new products or technologies
- Improve speed of development, time to market
- Shared co development on your expertise combined with other expertises external
- Finding relevant new contacts using the network and get introduced to it
- Get a warm introduction on the right level using personal contacts from the Enterprise Europe Network consultants

For a full description of the proposals below, please click on the title. You will be directed to our website. Here you indicate your interest at the bottom of the full description.

Fluid distributor for heating system
Technology OFFER from Germany
A German inventor has developped a patented solution to reduce components in heating systems. Significantly lower energy costs can be achieved. This confirms the long-term testing of the prototypes. He is looking for a partner for the marketing authorisation and the realisation of a serial product.

New generation of Intervertebral Disc prostheses
Technology OFFER from United Kingdom
A UK university has been developing the new generation of Artificial Disc Replacement (ADR) having negative Poisson’s ratio. Ground work research based on modelling of the Spine disc and a range of vertical/lateral motions and displacements have been investigated. These have resulted in a unique disc design with provisions to avoid current problems associated to ADR. Medical device companies as well surgeons/hospitals or clinics to develop and test this unique product are sought.

Flame retardant (FR) Water-Based Acrylic Polymer for Textile and Paint Industry
Technology OFFER from Israel
An Israeli SME has developed a flame retardant water-based acrylic polymer for various applications, mainly in textile & paint industry. Advantages over those on the market include environmental friendliness, transparency, easy incorporation in various materials, good compatibility & pH-stability etc. Looking for licence and commercial agreement with technical assistance, as well as for technical cooperation.

Novel Trivalent aluminum conversion coating process with corrosion resistance-including for aerospace alloy 2024
Technology OFFER from Israel
A well known Israeli Private Company with a background in metal finishing, maintenance, industrial cleaning and metal working chemicals field and its applications is offering a new trivalent aluminum conversion coating process with corrosion resistance-including for aerospace alloy 2024. The company is looking for technical cooperation, commercial agreements with technical assistance, licence & Joint venture agreements.

Wet Wipe Packaging
Technology OFFER from Israel
An Israeli SME has developed a new package suitable for wet wipes. Advantages over current packagings include its small weight and cost efficiency in several aspects. The company is looking for cooperation with strategic partners in licensing, joint venture activity, commercial agreement with technical assistance & technical cooperation.

An innovative synthesis of highly pure & homogeneous nanodiamonds
Technology OFFER from Israel
An Israeli SME has developed an innovative process for manufacturing nanodiamond powder. Advantages over that on the market include high purity of the product, green & cost-effective process for its fabrication (instead of polluting & dangerous detonation). The offered applications: fine polishing, coatings, lubricant additives, polymer reinforcement, bio-medical research etc. Searching industrial and R&D partners to exploit unique nanodiamond features for improval/strengthenig their products.

High performance control systems for complex industrial challenges and scientific research projects.
Technology OFFER from Netherlands
A Dutch SME offers control systems for industrial processes, wind energy turbines and smart grids. The technology includes a Nonlinear Model Predictive Controller (NMPC) and a Learning Feedforward controller. The company looks for commercial agreements with technical assistance to implement the controllers in the industry and renewable energy market. Next to it the company wishes to be involved as subcontractor for complex industrial challenges and scientific research projects.

PS: FP7-KBBE-2013-7 – Saving water and energy for resource-efficient food processing
Technology REQUEST from Germany
A German research centre is coordinating a project proposal aiming to identify, quantify and develop equipment/processes that achieve a remarkable reduction of resources by using an innovative resource-efficient beverage processing chain. Academic and commercial partners with expertise in parts of the whole production chain (life cycle analysis, modelling, beverage chain operations) in the food industry and relevant suppliers are sought.

Design of New Generation Strains of Industrial Yeast
Technology OFFER from Slovenia
A Slovene research institute has developed a new method for designing improved industrial yeast strains which contain genetic elements responsible for specific desired traits, and at the same time are not limited by the presence of inhibitory genetic elements. The institute is looking for partner interested in industrial contract research on novel yeast strains (biofuel, beer and wine production, yeast cell factory), licence agreement or technical cooperation.

URGENT PS - Industrial partners sough for FP7 proposal: Responsible Research and Innovation approaches in industrial contexts
Technology REQUEST from Spain
Andalusian Public Body is coordinating a PP7 proposal focused on Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) taking account pioneering activities and views in the RRI domain by the Business Community. They look for Large companies or Companies Assotiations belonging to Research & Innovation intensive sectors and highly sensible to the risk factors as Transport, Security, Defense, Nanotechnology, Biotechnology and Health and with knowledge or interest to incorporate RRI concepts its organization

Glass processing technology
Technology REQUEST from Poland
SME manufacturer in the north-eastern Poland is looking for glass processing technology for grinding, drilling and cutting. Manufacturer is looking for a low-cost solution, which does not require organizational changes in the company. Technology should be fully developed and ready for use.

Nitrogen Oxide (NOx) emission reduction in heavy duty engines
Technology OFFER from Austria
An Austrian SME offers an innovative technology for the reduction of Nitrogen Oxide (NOx) in diesel and gas engines for application in ships and other large engine operated vehicles. The technology is designed to improve efficiency and reduce emissions, does not require the use of an additional reaction medium and tank and can be combined with other methods to reduce fuel consumption. The company seeks partners for joint further development and market access.

Catalytic degasification technology
Technology OFFER from Germany
The German company has developed a technology for an emission free recycling of organic waste resulting in high calorific gas, oil and coke. A cooperation partner is sought for further development and support with regard to industrial introduction to suitable markets.

Ultra-efficient electricity generating wind turbine structure
Technology OFFER from United Kingdom
A London based company has developed and patented an ultra-efficient wind turbine structure, which accelerates wind onto the blades resulting in increased efficiencies at both low and high wind speeds. The company is looking for a strategic partner for further development of a scaled up prototype in order to fully commercialise units for wind power generation. Strategic Alliance/Joint Venture Agreements, License Agreements, Engineering and Technical consultancy interactions are sought.

Reusable apparatus for containment of improvised explosive devices
Technology OFFER from United Kingdom
A UK based SME has developed a patented explosion containment system for use in military applications. The company wishes to develop this technology for use in airports and other situations where suspect devices need be quickly contained. Any subsequent blast will be rendered less hazardous through the containment of fragmentation and safe exhausting of waste gases. The company is seeking partners for joint further development and joint venture agreements.

Production of industrial carbon, oil, gas and steel by recycling the scrap tyres and scrap rubber
Technology OFFER from Croatia
A small Croatian company in collaboration with German partner has developed patented recycling procedure for extracting of high quality raw materials such as carbon, oil and steel from waste such as old tyres and steel-rubber compounds. Advantage of technology is that process is almost energy independent. The company is searching for potential industrial partners interested in joint venture, investment, or commercial agreement with technical assistance.

Process for the Removal and Recovery of Non-ferrous Metal Coatings from Steel
Technology OFFER from Ireland
An Irish based process plant design specialist has developed a process to remove non-ferrous coating for example zinc coatings from galvanised steel, typically scrap steel. The steel to be de-galvanized is submerged in a molten salt. The zinc melts off the steel and collects as molten zinc below the molten salt and can be decanted. The developer is seeking technicaL collaboration with companies already involved in de-galvanising and offers license agreements.

Efficient drum dryer technology and equipment to process fibrous low-density products, such as grass, straw and lucerne to produce pellets and bales to apply as animal feed.
Technology OFFER from Netherlands
A Dutch SME offers drum dryer and process technology to dry grass, straw and lucerne to produce pellets and bales to apply as animal feed. The technology is specially designed to process long fibrous products that is for animal feed. The company is looking for partners (licence and manufacturing agreements), like agriculture equipment manufacturers and agriculture/feed companies/cooperatives to implement this technology.

New machine which cuts in water and in plasma at one time
Technology OFFER from Poland
A medium sized company from the Lower Silesia in Poland manufactures machines for shape cutting. The company has developed a innovative machine for cutting in black steel, stainless steel or aluminium. The main advantage of machine is that it uses in one time two technologies of cutting: the plasma and the water. This solution enables short processing time and lower energy consumption in the manufacturing process. The company is looking for partners for technical co-operation.

Technology for production of a portable pneumatic device for throwing rescue/life-saving line based on a unique pneumatic valve
Technology OFFER from Russian Federation
An SME from St. Petersburg, developer and manufacturer of quick-action valves, developed a pneumatic line-throwing gun based on it. Due to the developed technology, line thrower has a low recoil that allows shooting from a shoulder, reduced dimensions and a big range of launch. The device has all national certificates and meets the international requirements to special equipment used in navigation. The company looks for partners to set up a production abroad under a licensing or J-V agreements.

PS – FP7-OCEAN-2013: Bioelectrochemical sensor for hydrocarbons detection in coastal areas
Technology REQUEST from Spain
A Spanish research group is looking for partners for the next FP7-OCEAN-2013 call. The main objective of this proposal is the development of bioelectromechical sensors for determining hydrocarbons concentration in sea waters. A microbial fuel cell will be optimized through the development of a new thermochromic sensor. Academic Institutions and SMEs from different fields (Materials science, Biology, Engineering, Electrochemistry, Analytical chemistry, Environmental science) are sought.

Heat Scavenging Technology
Technology REQUEST from United Kingdom
A London based multinational company is searching for tried and tested heat scavenging technology (TRL 6) that can take heat out of a system environment and convert it to power. The company is interested in licensing the technology.

Recycling technologies for photovoltaic panels
Technology REQUEST from Greece
A Greek SME active in glass production is looking for sustainable technologies to recycle photovoltaic panels. The Greek company is interested to find partners in recycling technologies of photovoltaic panels in order to conclude a commercial agreement with technical assistance.

Design, engineering and manufacturing of aluminum bicycle frames with special demands
Technology REQUEST from Netherlands
A Dutch company is focusing on high-end electric transport bikes for the consumer market and professional use. The aim is to introduce these products on the European market in 2013. The company is looking for engineering expertise and production facilities for development of aluminum bike frames to fulfill the expected market demand. Joint further development is sought with a partner with experience in engineering and preferably also access to production facilities of welded aluminium components

Innovative aero-hydro kinetic turbine applicable for electricity generators
Technology OFFER from Bulgaria
A Bulgarian company with 20 year of experience in engineering has developed an innovative aero-hydro kinetic turbine. The turbine is designed for electricity generators. It allows low difference between the water levels at which it is able to operate. The company seeks joint-ventures, manufacturing agreements, and financial resources with companies interested in the implementation of this invention.

Innovative technology for direct production of carbon-containing adsorbents, soot, charcoal-catalysts applicable in the chemical industry, metallurgy, energy, food industry, medicine and pharmacy sectors
Technology OFFER from Bulgaria
A Bulgarian research institute with more than 20 years of experience in carbon related R&D has developed an innovative technology applicable for direct production of carbon-containing adsorbents, soot and charcoal-catalysts. The method is ecological and is characterised by low energy consumption. The research unit seeks technical cooperation and manufacturing agreements with companies interested in the implementation of this invention.

Advanced Multi-Feed Gasification Reactor
Technology OFFER from United Kingdom
A London based SME has developed an advanced gasification technology which can be used with multiple feed types. The innovation technology is based on a molten metal reactor giving it great advantages over systems that apply energy intensive oxygen plants. The SME is seeking organisations in the waste management and energy sectors to license and co-develop/operate the system further for their specific needs.

Next generation of small diameter narrow vascular prosthesis
Technology OFFER from United Kingdom
A UK university has been developing the next generation of narrow (<6mm) vascular prosthesis. Ground work research based on theoretical modelling of the tube structure and flow parameters of simulated blood has been investigated. This has resulted in a unique vascular design with provisions to avoid current problems associated to narrow vessels. Medical device companies as well surgeons/hospitals or clinics to develop, test and promote this unique product are sought.

PS FP7 – Photovoltaic panel manufacturer sought for a project to develop a replicable innovative solution to improve energy and resource efficiencies within factories in Europe.
Technology REQUEST from United Kingdom
An East of England research organisation is developing an FP7 proposal under the FoF.NMP.2013-1 - Improved use of renewable resources at factory level call. An industrial partner is required to complete the consortium. A company that is active within the field of Photovoltaic Panel or Solar Thermal manufacture is sought to provide the systems for a demonstration site.

PS FP7-KBBE.2013– Valorising bio-waste in the wine production chain
Technology REQUEST from Italy
An Italian SME operating in research on crop production, including the wine production chain is looking for research institutes and SMEs experienced in bio-waste processing and re-use (wine production). The project will aim to convert raw materials coming from the wine production chain into bio-products and bio-energy. The research institute would share knowledge and research approach while SME will be responsible for development and testing activities during project development.

Central receiver evaluation and optimization system.
Technology OFFER from Spain
An Andalusian Technology Center working on the continuous research for lower costs and energy efficiency and performance improvement of these energies, offers joint exploitation and development of central receiver evaluation and optimization software. The software is continuously under development for the optimization and/or evaluation of various parameters of central receiver tower plant. The center is interested in technical cooperation agreements.

FP7-PEOPLE-2013-IAPP: Modelling and optimisation of low-temperature waste heat recovery for sustainable manufacturing
Technology REQUEST from United Kingdom
A UK university is seeking a food and drink (or similar) processing company, SME preferably, that is interested to incorporate heat recovery technologies into its manufacturing process, to upgrade low-temperature waste heat for other process stages or space heating/cooling, to join its consortium for the call FP7-PEOPLE-2013-IAPP. The project aims to model the heat exchange of the industrial process and optimise the energy use, location, size and cost of the heat recovery technology.

E-crystallization method: Prototype for making crystal seed machine
Technology OFFER from Finland
A small Finnish company offers method for electrically controlling crystallization process with high voltage electricity. It can be used in drug formulation or other industries where cristallization of ingredients is needed. Prototype exists for demo. The SME is seeking licensing partners in pharma or collaboration with research institutes having expertise in high voltage instrumentation and crystallization for further development.

Development of New Binders for Composite Material made from a specific food waste stream.
Technology OFFER from United Kingdom
A UK London-based company is looking for industrial or academic partners to work with them to jointly further develop their process to make biocomposites from a used, dried food waste stream. The company has recognised the social and environmental benefits of using this food waste as a raw material and is looking to improve their current product through the development of new binders.

Novel technology to convert waste heat from flue gases into electrical energy
Technology OFFER from United Kingdom
A UK based SME has developed a new technology that converts low temperature waste heat from flue gases into electrical energy. The technology uses no additional energy and therefore does not increase carbon emissions. The company is seeking partners with flue gas waste heat for joint further development across Europe.

Composite slabs from polymer waste for paneling
Technology OFFER from Latvia
A Latvian company has developed technology for production of composite slabs from thermoplastic waste for paneling of outer walls of buildings. The company offers the technology for implementation to building materials producers or waste management companies.

Wind power plant based on vertical axle
Technology OFFER from Slovakia
A small company from western part of Slovakia, active in the field of energy production, is offering a special type of wind power plant based on vertical axle. Technical solution does not need bearings, so there is minimum maintenance and higher efficiency. Partners are sought for the development of further applications and to exploit the existing know-how (License agreements or Commercial Agreement with Technical Assistance).

Innovative pure aluminium coating on e.g. casted component
Technology REQUEST from Denmark
Danish company working with high quality decorative anodized aluminium surfaces is interested in technologies that would make it possible to make a decorative anodized surface on e.g. a casted aluminium component. The main idea is to cover the casted surface with a pure aluminium layer with a thickness of 10-20microns - technology could be PVD, but cheaper alternatives are of highest interest. Preferable the technology is almost ready for market, however the company is willing to do some tests

Technology of production of nodal mesh fencing
Technology REQUEST from Poland
A Polish company is looking for a modern production technology of nodal mesh fencing that allows for the production of a mesh width of the gusset to 2000/2500 mm and a length of 50 m to 100 m, or the maximum number of longitudinal wires of a diameter of 1.6 to 2.5 mm and the wire stress suitably from 2.0 to 3.0 mm is 25 or 27 knots. A Polish company is interested in signing license agreement , with adaptation to specific needs, technical consultancy.

An advanced circuit board plotter
Technology REQUEST from Poland
A Polish company active in ICT and smart technologies is looking for a technology or an in-house production line to produce prototypes and small batches of printed circuit boards. The technology must enable the company to produce PCBs and be flexible in terms of introducing modifications to prototypes. The SME is looking for a technology already available on the market and ready for purchase. The company is most interested in commercial cooperation with technical assistance.

SURF-FORLIFE - biosurfactant to limit colonization and growth of microbes on heating ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC) systems
Technology OFFER from Italy
Pharmaceutical department of an Italian University tested the use of biosurfactant to limit colonization and growth of microbes on different materials such as polystyrene and medical grade silicone to prevent medical device-related infections. They are looking for companies producing heating/cooling system technologies, particulate air filters, coating technologies for jointly developing biosurfactants coating methodologies and a model HVAC system equipped with biosurfactants treated materials.

Highly efficient technology for the production of high value solid bio-fuel from woody biomass
Technology OFFER from Netherlands
A Dutch company has developed a highly innovative, efficient and flexible process for the torrefaction of biomass. For the actual torrefaction step, they designed and engineered a unique torrefaction process. The company is looking for a technical cooperation or commercial agreement with technical assisstance with partners who aspire to convert low value biomass and from forestry and agricultural operations into high value, solid biofuels.

Technology OFFER from Sweden
A Swedish SME is offering a Pre-Combustion Fuel Catalyst that is independently verified by EPA and CARB recognized laboratories to reduce fuel consumption, greenhouse gas, black smoke, cancer causing volatile organics and elemental carbon. The product is used in the area of transportation support for cleaner environment and lower fuel consumption. The company is looking for international partners for licence agreement, technical cooperation and/or commercial agreement with technical assistance.

Procedure for obtaining metal nanoparticles and their use in Raman Spectroscopy
Technology OFFER from Spain
Andalusian Researches have patented a procedure for obtaining metal nanoparticles from salt solutions using their metal cations, such as silver, gold, copper, aluminium and palladium salts, for their use in the manufacture of sensors for the detection of organic compounds of the calibre of pesticides, by means of Raman spectroscopy. They are interested in a patent license agreement and technical cooperation.

Heat level thermoelectric generator
Technology OFFER from Czech Republic
Small Czech company developed Heat level thermoelectric generator witch functionality is similar to the thermo-electric couple however it is considerably more efficient when converting heat to electricity. It is possible to combine it also with photovoltaic, wind or water power plant to improve its efficiency. The company prefers Licensing or Commercial Agreement with Technical Assistance but is also open for other types of collaboration.

Mass production process of bifonctional particles for Hight tech applications – Janus particles
Technology OFFER from France
A South west France technology center proposes a new process to modify any conductive object to form a Janus particle (dissymmetric) with new possible applications. The center is looking for technology partner and is open for license agreement.

Toll manufacturing of flammable solvent based, water based and high viscosity formulations
Technology OFFER from France
A French SME, with large experience in organic formulations, is specialized in toll manufacturing of solvent based and high viscosity formulations, as well as water based emulsions. For the moment, company's products are mostly used in automotive or adhesives markets. The company seeks partners for technical cooperation to jointly develop new formulations, manufacturing agreement or commercial agreement with technical assistance in chemicals or cosmetics sectors

Fibre separation made of stillage from bioethanol production of second-generation
Technology OFFER from Slovakia
Slovak research institute developed a technology for separation of fibrous phase from aqueous suspension of stillage, working on basis of centrifuging under optimal separation conditions. Advantage is low spatial and temporal requirements for separation. Technology can be used by production of bioethanol, in food or paper industry. Company is looking for industrial partners interested in further development and testing of new possibilities of separation on mixed types of devices, as decanters.

Technology for gas analyses in biogas plants
Technology OFFER from Germany
A German SME has developed robust and low cost biogas analysis sensors and measuring system for the controlling of processes in biogas plants. With this sensor technology it is possible to measure in-situ and real time O2, CH4, H2, CO2, O2/CO2 and Ethanol/Methanol (for biofuels) in bioprocesses. The company is looking for industrial/academic partners for technical cooperation and/or commercial agreements with technical assistance.

Design and construction of pilot and demo plants and special test equipment for the energy and process sectors
Technology OFFER from Netherlands
A Dutch company specialised in designing and realising customer specific installations, machines and equipment for R&D purposes, is looking for partners active in the (sustainable) energy, chemical and process sectors for a commercial agreement with technical assistance. It offers a complete portfolio for the design and realisation of pilot and demo plants and special test equipment installations and is specialized in difficult process conditions (high temperature, pressure and aggressive media)

Alpha stirling hybridisation of V-shaped car engines for use as heat engine in solar applications
Technology OFFER from Netherlands
A Dutch startup offers technology for hybridisation of a alpha stirling motor with a V-shaped car engine for use as a heat engine in solar applications. The company is looking for technical cooperation with a automotive company (with in house engine production capabilities) or an engine manufacturer to produce a road worthy prototype for this technology. The startup is founder from a long history in energy, utilities and solar applications.

Harmonisation system for selling the electricity obtained from transmission networks based on energy storage for the heating purpose.
Technology OFFER from Poland
A small Polish company has developed harmonisation system for selling the electricity obtained from transmission networks. This solution bases on energy storage for the heating purpose makes possible to optimise and harmonise market by building a network of customers that store electricity for heating purposes. Advantages of this solution are its simplicity, low cost of installation, and the ability to connect to other energy sources. The industrial partners for license agreements are sought.

Programmable temperature converter
Technology OFFER from Slovakia
A Slovak SME specialized in development of programmable temperature converters used for converting a signal from thermocouple into the normalized current signal (4 ÷ 20 mA) is looking for partners for modification of existing converters and/or development of new products in existing production line. The company is looking for partners for realization of following aspects of cooperation – RTD, projection of new products, production etc.

Fast freezing dishes technology
Technology REQUEST from Macedonia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of
Macedonian company has developed a new technology for production of following ice product: - Ice dishes, - Ice bottle coolers - Ice glasses The ice products can be used for special occasions, parties, cocktails, etc. The final products are transparent and very well decorated. The company aims to make shorter freezing time of dishes, so it is looking for partners with sophisticated freezing technology for technical cooperation.

No emission high-performance hydrogen steam engine for generators and marine engines
Technology OFFER from Belgium
A Brussels-based inventor has developed a no-emission high-performance hydrogen steam engine. The technology is ready for pre-production and the invention is protected by a patent application. This offer concerns 2 main sectors: manufacturers of generators of all sizes and manufacturers of marine engines. The inventor is looking for partners interested in license agreements and further development.

Soil sampling solution with multiple probes
Technology OFFER from Croatia
University from Croatia has developed rotary probe assembly for simultaneous taking of multiple soil samples (from 2 to 16 single probe samples), and a single probe being used within the rotary probe for uses in Agricultural and Environmental sampling. Present invention includes a sample collection container, intended for simultaneous taking of an average soil sample. University is looking for licensing partner and joint further development.

New process for methane generation from waste
Technology OFFER from Italy
An Italian research company offers a new waste to energy process based on thermochemical cycle able to convert any organic compound into Methane and heat. The technology can be applied to small quantities of waste (organic materials) in the order of 0,5 to 3 tons/day, that is well suited for small towns, industries and hospitals waste and energy production needs. Industrial partners are sought for further development and testing.

Helicopter transmission system for rotor drive
Technology OFFER from Belgium
A Belgian SME is developing a new helicopter drive system. This system uses low pressure compressed air to drive a set of contrarotating turbines that are installed in the rotor. This system greatly simplifies the mechanical drive of the helicopter and uses no tail rotor. A prototype is available for demonstration. The company welcomes technical cooperation, joint venture partners, partners for license agreement, commercial agreement with technical assistance.

Cleantech & MVO related links

Enterprise Europe Network - Automotive

Enterprise Europe Network - Energy