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For a full description of the proposals below, please click on the title. You will be directed to our website. Here you indicate your interest at the bottom of the full description.
System for storage and recovering energy of renewable sources based on liquid air Technology OFFER from Switzerland A company of Liechtenstein offers a liquid air system of accumulation, storage and recovering of electrical energy (sun, wind and conventional energy). It is based on a thermodynamic process and not a chemical conversion of substances. Therefore no contaminates are generated which implies no harm to human being or the environment. Applications are in industry, hotels and building blocks. Industrial partners sought for licensing out or joint venture. |
Optical system for contact-free measurement of coating or film thickness under real industry conditions Technology OFFER from Switzerland A Swiss SME has developed an optical system that allows contact-free measurement of e.g. coating or film thickness under real industry conditions. The system is suitable especially in case contamination of coating or substrate is problematic, e.g. food or medical packaging industry. The technology has been proven in many practical tasks, e.g. textile coating and film thickness measurement of plastic bottles. Partners from industry are sought for technical cooperation and commercial agreement. |
Polymeric nanoparticles for the preparation of medicaments for the treatment of cancer Technology OFFER from Spain An andalusian medical research group has developed polymeric nanoparticles for the preparation of medicaments for the treatment of cancer, preferably breast cancer. The antitumor efficacy studies in vitro have demonstrated a significant increase of antitumor activity of this drug when vehiculized through nanoparticles. The research group is looking for licensing agreements. |
Device for cleaning contaminated water surfaces like oil spills or jellyfish plagues Technology OFFER from Spain A Spanish SME has developed a device designed to collect oil spills and oily derivatives on seawater surfaces, to clean mud pools at refineries, and to clean beach shores of jellyfish plagues. Being more efficient than existing solutions it is also economic and has a small size. The company is looking for licensing or a joint further development. |
Protective cover for vertical axis wind turbines Technology OFFER from Spain A spanish research group has developed a protective cover for vertical axis wind turbines. With this cover the generator can operate at higher wind speeds and it protects the generator from strong wind gusts and bird strikes. The group is looking for licensing agreement (produce the device) or commercial agreements with technical assistance (consultancy from the reserach group). |
Technology and equipment of high-precision method for direct exploration of mineral deposits. Technology OFFER from Ukraine A Ukrainian geophysical company has developed and applies a technology for direct exploration of hydrocarbons with precision of 2m at the depth of 7km. Discovery probability is over 90%. Over 50 of practical project works have been accomplished. Company offer the investors and oil producing companies the works on the new deposits search as well as the operating hydrocarbon deposits production optimization. Partners are sought for creation of a joint venture; license agreement. |
Bionanoparticles for GSE24-2 peptide release. Technology OFFER from Spain Four public research organisations from Spain have developed a bionanoparticles of poly lactic-co-glycolic acid (PLGA) allowing encapsulation of peptide GSE25-2 (with telomerase activity) or pharmaceutical compositions, cosmetics and biotechnology containing them, for dyskeratosis congenita, Werner syndrome, Rothmund Thompson and in other diseases where is a damage in the DNA as ataxi telangiectasia treatment. They look for companies interested in licensing the technology. |
User-friendly platform to create own tourist, educational or treasure hunt apps. Technology OFFER from Iceland An Icelandic SME has developed state of the art user-friendly platform to create apps. Design and publish guides and games to be enjoyed on location, via Smart-Devices. The products have proven successful in Europe. The company seeks partners within the tourism & entertainment industry & educational institution for Joint Venture and Licensing Agreement to create treasure hunt games Apps and/or GPS Guides Apps. |
Small, Affordable, Retrofit Energy Saving Device for the Domestic and Social Housing Markets Technology OFFER from United Kingdom A Scottish SME has developed and patented a small affordable retrofit device, designed to reduce home energy bills by an average of 16%. The product is based on the principal of 'chopping'; it inserts ‘off' cycles in a heating controller's ‘on' cycles in such a way that the house is heated to the comfort zone but with less energy. Utility and energy retrofit companies are sought to supply the domestic and social housing markets under licence or commercial agreements with technical assistance. |
Developer and manufacturer of automobile shock absorbers sought Technology REQUEST from Germany Small German engineering company with a high reputation as expert in driving dynamics and vehicle suspensions is looking for a developer and manufacturer of shock absorbers for high-end saloon cars. Shock absorbers shall be developed and produced according to given specifications. The German company will assist in design and quality management. They are looking for a Turkish partner with R&D capacity for technical cooperation or commercial agreements with technical assistance. |
Development of a novel ultrasonically-enhanced fractionation technology for the production of wood waste and organic chemicals. Technology REQUEST from United Kingdom A UK research institute is seeking a partner to join their existing R&D project, which is aimed at developing a novel ultrasonically-enhanced fractionation technology to provide a bio-separation, intense physical pulping and reaction method for wood wastes, that can process forest floor residue and wood waste on location. They are seeking an industrial partner working in control systems for a variety of tasks, including designing and building an automated control system. |
Organic waste recovery device combining composting and methanization Technology OFFER from France A French technology-transfer center developed a patented device and process combining composting and methanization for waste recovery. The system can be used in a semi-continuous modus, is water-efficient and produces energy with little digestate. It is adapted to food processing industry and agriculture. The center is looking for builders/developers of methanization devices or manufacturers of methanization equipment, to test, adapt and install the device under a licensing agreement. |
Technological solution for exams generation and tests automatic correction Technology OFFER from Spain A Spanish SME has developed a complete technological solution to generate all kind of exams and automatically correct test exams based on hand writing. This solution is suitable for use in all kind of High Secondary Schools and University based Education. The company is looking for Educational related companies and partners in order to adapt, develop and deploy the solution in local markets (all languages are supported) by technical cooperation agreement. |
Method to perform static precise point positioning observations in global navigation satellite systems Technology OFFER from Spain A Spanish research group has developed a method to perform static precise point positioning observations in global navigation satellite systems. The procedure is able to perform them without using the classical ionofree phase combination. The group is looking for licensing agreements or joint further development of the method. |
Portable Audio/Video Streaming System Technology OFFER from Korea, Republic of A Korean SME has developed portable audio/video streaming system. It supports the surveillance system which makes it possible to communicate between manager and workers in the separate workplace. The system is used in the area such as power plants, military site, construction site, etc. It helps to monitor and control the workers in real-time, so that it reduces the working time. The company is looking for a partner for technical cooperation, manufacturing or commercial agreement. |
High-Tech adventure tour for new application areas Technology OFFER from Germany An innovative SME in the German Capital Area, specialized in software development and software application, has developed a software which can be used as technology base for creating and implementing digital location-based applications on Smartphone and Tablet Pc. The company is looking for licensees and partners for market adaption or further IT-software development primary in England, France, Spain and Italy. |
Chemical oxygen demanded (COD) and Nitrogen-removal from industry and domestic water Technology OFFER from Netherlands A Dutch company in waste water reuse and treatment has developed a system for COD and N-removal. This system consists out of an aerobic bioreactor combined with energy effective "up-flow air injection" membrane modules. In the bioreactor the breakdown of organic compounds under the use of oxygen by biological sludge is realised. The company is looking for a commercial agreement with technical assistance. |
Universal access to a transparent system of control for home care services for dependent people Technology OFFER from Spain A Spanish company has developed an application that controls all the resources involved in the home care services for dependent people, using advanced information technologies like mobile devices, web services and control panels, providing a universal access to the information for all the stakeholders involved in the health care services: users, families, companies and governments. Health care companies and governments are sought for commercial agreements or technical cooperation. |
Integrated surveillance system able to remote monitor of vital signs and risk factors. Technology OFFER from Italy An Italian SME has patented an integrated system for monitoring and remote control of alarm situations and risks for elder and disadvantaged people. The system permits the detection of environmental parameters (temperature, smoke, carbon monoxide, methane gas, flooding…) and health parameters (heart beats, respiratory rate, ECG Signal, body temperature, detection of mobility and/or fall, oximetry etc…). The company is looking for commercial agreements. |
PS-CIP-IEE-2013-10.1.1 Energy Efficiency: make it fun! Looking for an IT partner in Sweden with expertise in energy sector. Technology REQUEST from Spain A Catalan SME is preparing a proposal for IEE call: The project aims to spread a set of solutions for improved energy efficiency through the intelligent analysis of technical and sociological data applicable to different European countries. ee-Fun platform is a tool for electric utilities offered to their costumers to encourage them to save energy. They are looking for a Swedish IT partner with experience in application of IT tools to energy sector, especially in handling large sets of data. |
Software solution for effective mobile marketing and generation of mobile leads Technology OFFER from Bulgaria A small Bulgarian company has developed mobile application that enables businesses to reach, interact and attract clients nearby using the mobile channel. The key advantages include relevant location-aware notifications, precise and local targeting in real time and integration of click-to-action services. The company is looking for partners from EU countries interested for applying the software as leading solution for mobile marketing in their markets and/or participate in research projects. |
Water control system for irrigation canals which reduces water losses by 10-20% Technology OFFER from Netherlands World wide, measurements of water levels and gate positions are mostly taken by human operators who write the measured values on a piece of paper and then enter them in a computer at the office. A Dutch SME developed an innovative and patented water control system to reduce water losses by 10-20% using a smartphone. The company is looking for commercial agreements with technical assistance with district water boards and construction companies active in irrigation canals/ watermanagement. |
New container for soft drink and alcohol mixtures Technology OFFER from Spain A Spanish company has developed a new container for soft drink and alcohol mixtures. Both liquids are separately contained in an aluminum canister of about 30 centiliters, which are mixed at the time to be consumed. The company is seeking partners to reach joint venture agreements or financial resources for jointly production of the new device. |
PS ICT PSP - Security for Website Administrators against Threats (SecWeb). Technology REQUEST from Spain A Spanish SME is preparing a proposal for ICT PSP Call 7 - Theme 4 (Objective 4.1: Protection of Websites against attacks). The project will benefit Website Administrators, especially Datacenters, by creating a powerful tool that will avoid the occurrence of security incidents, by providing preventive and proactive systems to minimize the risk of exploitation of Website vulnerabilities. They are seeking Web Application Firewall developers or manufacturer, Anti Malware/anti Virus Developers. |
Wireless technology for new generation intruder alarm systems Technology REQUEST from Italy An engeneering and manufacturing company based in the North-east of Italy, specialized in wireless alarm systems design and production, looks for new solutions in wireless communications to be used in central units and peripherals (sensors) aimed at protecting facilities for residential and commercial porpouses. R&D engineering firm with expertise in wireless communication is sought to develop and test the new technology in the frame of a technical cooperation/commercial agreement. |
Advanced software system for the entire control of water quality measurement networks allowing immediate hazard detection and response Technology OFFER from Germany A German company has developed an advanced software system for the entire control and management of automated networks of measuring stations currently applied to water quality monitoring. It facilitates the immediate detection of pollutions and hazards at the various measuring stations, instant warning and messaging as well as automatic sampling for lab analysis thus allowing fast tracing of the respective sources and the quickest possible response. Company seeks technical/commercial cooperation |
Expertise and know-how for the development of milk and dairy products Technology OFFER from Croatia University from Croatia has developed knowledge transfer in technology for the dairy industry enabling to increase quality of milk and the products manufactured from the raw milk. Through exchange of know-how they enhance knowledge of biochemical and microbiological research and analysis, and chemical, physical and sensory testing methods. The University is looking for commercial agreement with technical assistance with dairy products companies intrested intrested in developing new products. |
Automated Non-Destructive Evaluation (NDE) technology for Testing Welded Joints Technology OFFER from Italy Italian Research Centre developed NDE (Non-Destructive Evaluation) for testing welded joints for to plastic pipeline industry sector for gas, water and other applications. The method alleviates the risk of leaks and maintaining the quality of welded joints through inspection prior to service. It consists a phased array ultrasonic NDE procedure and equipment for welded joints. Technical cooperation sought for adaptation to specific needs and for Commercial agreement with technical assistance. |
Smart retail tag system - consumer digital footprint tracking, management and access to media Technology OFFER from United Kingdom South East UK SME has developed a system that enables consumers to access information from any physical environment via NFC-enabled smart posters/stickers/manuals applied in the retail environment. A cloud-based management service tracks consumer digital footprints and also allows over the air updates. The system offers an interactive, greener and more efficient experience to the consumer/retailer. Highstreet, DIY, furniture stores sought to test system and codevelop to fit their requirements. |
Innovative electronic instruments used in industrial and consumer electronic goods Technology OFFER from Poland A company from Western Poland offers innovative measurement instruments equipped with FPGA circuits (the most up-to-date and the latest technology solution which allow multiplying simpler minicomputers counting/measuring capacity and possibilities). The company is looking for financial resources and joint venture but is also eager to joint further development of the technology or to sell the licence for the products. Other types of Technical Co-operation are also desired (testing and adaptation) |
Construction system based on precast structures delivering cost-effective and eco-efficient buildings Technology OFFER from Belgium A Belgian SME, specialized in design consultancy for the construction sector, has developed an innovative and universal construction process based on assembling precast panels. This process offers a set of components which satisfy the requirements of Sustainable Development and eco-efficiency. It fits all types of passive buildings, from one to seven floors with a perfect thermal and sound insulation. The company seeks partners to transfer its know-how and to establish a licensing agreement. |
Universally rechargeable RFID/NFC transponder to monitor environmental parameters Technology OFFER from Germany A spin-off from a German university has developed a universally rechargeable RFID/NFC transponder with an advanced standby mode. The transponder is suitable for RFID (radio-frequency identification) and NFC (near field communication) applications. The company offers technical cooperation or consultancy, marketing and commercialization activities. Moreover, partners with interest to integrate the technology as part of a system solution to monitor environmental parameter are sought. |
Total security technology for data in the cloud Technology OFFER from Netherlands A Dutch company offers a secure cloud technology in wich companies can regain control of their digital work. The technology encrypts all data before they leave the device on their way to the cloud. It is the only technology offering a total security solution for securely accessing, storing and sharing data in the cloud. The company is looking for license agreements. |
Novel in-app telecom solution that sends information about the potential customer who is responding to an ad on his mobile device. Technology OFFER from Israel An Israeli start-up company has developed an innovative in app telecom solution which increases the monetization of advertising apps and improves lead generation. The technology, installed within mobile advertisement apps, sends information about the potential customer who is responding to an ad that they have seen on their mobile device. The company is seeking joint venture and technical cooperation with mobile advertising companies and app developers. |
New procedure for the elimination of printed ink from plastic film Technology OFFER from Spain A Spanish research group has developed a new process for the elimination of printed ink from plastic films used in flexible packaging without using any kind of organic solvent. As a result, a pure, high-quality ink-free product is obtained, for recycling in a wide variety of applications. The technology has been tested successfully in different plastic materials and is viable for solvent and water based inks. Companies for a licensing agreement and technical cooperation are sought. |
Electricity production by microbial cultures Technology OFFER from Spain A Spanish research group has reached an innovative way for electricity production by microbial growth, which could be very useful in different biotechnological applications. This procedure benefits from an undesirable by-product such as the metabolic heat generated by microbial fermentations. The technology is tested at laboratory scale. A patent has been applied for but not granted yet. The researchers are looking for biotechnology companies for the exploitation of the technology under license |
Innovative products obtained by new technologies in metal processing. Technology REQUEST from Poland A small Polish company specialized in metal processing is requesting a transfer of a new technology allowing to produce innovative products. The company wishes to purchase a license and/or establish partnerships for the manufacture and commercialization of innovative solutions. The technology requested should be fully developed. |
A semi-submersible sea vehicle for tourism or inspection purposes Technology OFFER from Greece A Greek construction company presents an innovative boat design concerning a semi-submersible sea vehicle. This boat is bringing a new kind of service for tourism or inspection purposes, which has no other competitive proposition. The Greek company is looking for joint venture agreement with companies interested in co-developing and commercializing this boat, or companies interested in commercial agreement with technical assistance. |
An innovative tele-control keyboard application Technology OFFER from Greece A Greek SME has developed an innovative tele-control keyboard application which allows the user to control the system’s mouse pointer using the movements of his head and also use a “virtual keyboard” instead of the standard keyboard device. The user can type text through the virtual keyboard of the application and control any other running application or game. Technical cooperation with European IT SME is sought for testing the new application. |
New Magnetic In-Tube Solid Phase Microextraction device Technology OFFER from Spain A Spanish research group has developed a new in-tube solid phase microextraction device based on magnetic microfluidic principles. This analytical instrument is useful for high sensitivity quantification, particularly organic compounds, thanks to its improved extraction efficiency. The technology is totally developed and available for demonstration. A patent has been applied for but not granted yet. The researchers are looking for enterprises to license the technology. |
New software solution for gas stations Technology OFFER from Germany A small German company specialized in system integration developed a solution for the oil industry based on a specific java technology. The software consists of different modules for the diversified fields of activity in the oil industry. One module supports the customer database, billing card and gas station administration, including processing refueling operations at automatic gas stations. The company is looking for partners interested in license agreement or technical cooperation. |
Universal roof panel for standard photovoltaic modules Technology OFFER from France A French company has developed a universal support for standard photovoltaic modules, which is ready to install and can replace conventional industrial, commercial and agricultural roofs. This invention offers a solution for new buildings and for the renovation of old ones. |