Find some of the latest trade profiles on Enterprise Europe Network for agents, partners, distributors at your doorstep published June 2012.
Enterprise Europe Network, with its 600 partner organisations in 50 countries, helps small companies find business opportunities across the European Union.
Some advantages are:
- Easy access to new technologies
- Less risk in developing new products or technologies
- Improve speed of development, time to market
- Shared co development on your expertise combined with other expertises external
- Finding relevant new contacts using the network and get introduced by it
Business Offers:
FR150200-03-20120221053 French company specialised in distribution of carpets in France is looking for new carpet suppliers in Belgium and will offer them trade intermediary services as a distributor
UK150147-01-20120220011 A UK company is looking for European distributors for its large range of industrial vacuum cleaners.
PL150282-05-20120217012 A Polish company specialized in the wholesale and the retail business of the products for agricultural and horticultural production, wishes to be an agent, offers subcontracting activities and is looking for joint venture partner.
HU150225-03-20120217021 A Hungarian company specialised in software development is seeking for distributors to represent their on-line services. Trade intermediary services therefore are required, and franchise and joint-ventures are also possible.
BG150325-04-20110720019 A Bulgarian company experienced in provision of services in legal, financial & real estate fields is looking for partners from the EU countries. The company offers trade intermediary services, outsourcing activities, establishment of joint venture with foreign companies.
DE150226-01-20110720021 German tax advisory company offers a complete package of services related to taxes, accounting, payroll administration. The company is looking for a Polish cooperation partner in order to support together German clients in Poland and Polish clients in Germany in tax and accounting issues.
Business Requests:
UK225410-01-20110720032 A UK company that provides a web-based remote monitoring telemetry, control application would like to appoint value added resellers (VARs) who are systems integrators, able to distribute this equipment and systems across the EEN.
RU000003-03-20110630008 A Russian company specializing in development automation systems for portable trade and other software for cell phones is looking for trade intermediary services and joint venture creation.
ES150205-04-20110627021 A Catalan company founded in 2003 specialized in the development of IT solutions, has developed a self-service, agile Business Intelligence (BI) software that analyzes unlimited volumes of data instantly, with light server. They are looking for new distributors (VARs specialized in Business Intelligence Solutions mainly) in the whole Europe to become resellers partners and add value to their customers with the Catalan company solutions.
RS225341-04-20110619001 Medium sized Serbian company, specialized in printing and publishing activities, is looking for trade intermediary and is offering reciprocal production cooperation.
LU225381-01-20101104060 Luxembourg company, active as an engineering company in the field of bioenergy in the areas such as planning, commissioning and operating of biogas plants, offers its services as subconstractor.
If you are interested in any of the above mentioned profiles, please do not hesitate to leave me a message. Contact will be established through the Enterprise Europe Network with the company behind the profile, free of charge and commission.
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