Find some of the latest profiles on Enterprise Europe Network for partnersearch, new business at your doorstep.
Enterprise Europe Network, with its 600 partner organisations in 50 countries, helps small companies find business opportunities across the European Union.
Some advantages are:
- Easy access to new technologies
- Less risk in developing new products or technologies
- Improve speed of development, time to market
- Shared co development on your expertise combined with other expertises external
- Finding relevant new contacts using the network and get introduced by it
Some new profiles:
Reference: 20120222014, Country of Origin: Germany
A German company specialised in creating interactive apps and eBooks (ePub3) for children is looking for cooperations with publishing houses and film studios in order to develop interactive apps and eBooks based on children's films and books. The company is interested in co-production agreements as well as acting as subcontractor. It also offers marketing services for the developed products. The company is also open for joint venture activities and licensing agreements. MORE
Reference: 20120206025, Country of Origin: Germany
A German SME, located in Berlin, is offering an online service for the monitoring of energy consumption in private households. The company wants to extend the scope of the implementation of their software tools. They are therefore looking for cooperation partners that are interested in acting as trade intermediaries. Furthermore they are looking for the exchange of experiences with energy efficiency experts across Europe. They are as well interested in cooperation partners that are willing to integrate the company's services and technologies into their own projects. MORE
Reference: 20111212009, Country of Origin: Italy
Italian company specialised in industrial waste water treatment and electrical energy production from biomass plants, is looking for commercial partnership. Trade intermediary partners (distributors, agents and representatives), joint venture agreements and outsorcing activities are requested. MORE
Reference: #68124-EEN-US, Country of Origin: United States
A large US company is looking for proposals to synthesize novel aryl phosphate compounds for evaluation as possible anti-wear additives for jet engine oils. They are interested in licensing, product acquisition, proof of concept leading to scale up to manufacturing, joint development, supplier agreement. MORE
Reference: 12 IT 54V8 3O8R, Country of Origin: Italy
Some Italian companies are looking for partners to present a project in the theme 1–Objective 1.1 Smart urban digital services for energy efficiency. The project idea the consortium deals with the proposal to validate a system for monitoring and control the energy savings of the urban public buildings (heating, lighting, conditioning) and of public outdoor lighting using innovative management and control algorithms. They are seeking industrial, academic partners and public administrations. MORE
Reference: 12 TR 99PB 3O6W, Country of Origin: Turkey
A Turkish SME with experience in Mobile Applications for iOS and Android platforms, Custom Solutions Development, Database and Data Communication Protocols is looking for partners for a EUREKA / Eurostars project. The project aims to develop a stand-alone multiplexer which can be integrated into data infrastructures of companies without any changes to existing applications or hardware. The potential partner is expected to work on database driver development. More
Intelligent Energy – Europe programme (IEE) funds
The Intelligent Energy – Europe programme (IEE) funds 3 different types of activities:
Projects pioneering sustainable energy ideas in practice; products&services procured to meet the needs of the EC and/or the EACI; and the ELENA financing facility to mobilise funds for investments in sustainable energy at local level. Three financing streams:
- Funding projects.
The majority of the programme's budget goes to funding projects across the EU that support and promote energy efficiency and renewable energy. Funds can be used to cover up to 75% of the project's costs. Applicants have to respond to a call for proposals setting out their project idea and plan. Calls are published annually. The eligibility, selection and award criteria are set out clearly in the call documents. Find out more about how to apply.
- Procurement of products and services.
Procurement is used to obtain any studies and services the European Commission or the EACI need to achieve the objectives underlying the IEE Programme. The EACI subcontracts services to private companies and organisations via calls for tender. The services required and the criteria for applicants are detailed in each call for tender. Find out more about IEE calls for tender issued by the EACI or the EC..
- ELENA Financing facility for cities & regions.
ELENA (European Local ENergy Assistance) is a technical assistance facility that makes funds available to cities and regions across the EU that are investing in sustainable energy. ELENA covers a share of the cost for technical support that is necessary to prepare, implement and finance the investment programme, such as feasibility and market studies, structuring of programmes, business plans, energy audits, preparation for tendering procedures. ELENA is run by the European Investment Bank (EIB) and the KfW Group.