Source: Invitation from Octrooicentrum Nederland / Agentschap NL
Seminar “Patents & Innovation”
Thursday May 10, 2012, 9.00 – 15.00 h
High Tech Campus Eindhoven,
Conference centre "The Strip", room "Curie"
The workshop is particularly aimed at entrepreneurs, managers and project leaders involved in technical innovation. Innovation processes involve various stages from conception to business. Each stage has its own approach as regards to protection of intellectual property. When a patent application is filed, you need to make decisions in the patent life cycle in order to obtain the protection desired. Another important issue in innovation is finance. How do you finance the technological development, the market, and last but not least the intellectual property that comes with it?
By participating in this workshop, you will:
- Gain insight into the patent lifecycle;
- Learn what should be done with regard to patent protection, in each stage of innovation, ranging from strategic analyses, invention disclosure, patent filing to freedom-to-operate evaluation;
- Be able to make the right decision at the right time, and obtain (cost )effective deployment of your patent portfolio.
- Learn what government subsidies are available for financing innovation;
- Gain insight into how private banking may aid in financing innovation.
The workshop will be conducted by qualified patent attorneys of AOMB and financial consultants of Rabobank. Language of the workshop will be English. Handouts will be available for all participants.
9.00 Coffee and registration
9.30 Opening
9.35 'Patents & Innovation' presented by AOMB, Arie van der Krans
10.15 ‘Subsidies’ presented by BIQE, Jos Weterings
11.00 Coffee break
11.20 'Managing patents', presented by AOMB, Francis-Paul Janssen
12.30 Lunch
13.30 'Financing Innovation', presented by Rabobank Teckle Team, Michel Ziekman and Rob van Dijck
14.15 Afterthoughts and closing
14.30 Drinks
15.00 End
Costs: Free of charge (incl. lunch)
Registration: Until May 4th, 2012, (Register early, the number of participants is limited)
Route: A route description and campus map can be found here
Registration & information:
AOMB Intellectual Property Consultants,
Mrs. Marielle Vincent, +31 40 293 1611,, or at (Please, indicate: “Workshop Patents & Innovation”)

Artikelen die interessant zijn voor u als innovatieve MKB ondernemer met een focus op innovatie, industrie, cleantech, en internationalisatie. De inhoud geldt als informatie, inspiratie en implementatie binnen uw onderneming. Articles for SME's to inform, inspire and related to innovation, cleantech, manufacturing and international business. This page is for inspiration, information and an invitation for you to get in contact with Dutch entrepreneurs and their network.