International co operation profiles from Enterprise Europe Network No. 4
Find some of the latest profiles on Enterprise Europe Network for partnersearch, new business at your doorstep.
Enterprise Europe Network, with its 600 partner organisations in 50 countries, helps small companies find business opportunities across the European Union.
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Procedure to obtain Biodiesel from oils with high fatty acid concentration using poly-styrensulphonic acid as a catalyst.
Technology OFFER from Spain
A Spanish research institution has patented a process for biodiesel production using an acid catalyst. This catalyst has the advantage of being soluble in polar media, which makes it very active in a homogeneous phase. In addition, the catalys is reusable and can be recovered. It has been tested in the biodiesel synthesis from oils with high content in free fatty acids, triglycerides trans-sterification and for the furfural production. Industrial partners for licensing are sought. MORE
Highly reliable and low carbon footprint biofuel from used vegetable oils
Technology OFFER from United Kingdom
A company in the South-East of England has developed a method to produce a biofuel from used vegetable oils. The resulting fuel has a lower carbon footprint and more reliable performance than conventional biodiesel and can be used in any vehicle after minor adaptation (which the company's partner can do). The company is looking for industrial partners or local authorities with large vehicle fleets, who are interested to jointly trial the biofuel in their fleet. MORE
New technology for conducting glycerol hydrogenolysis is offered.
Technology OFFER from Poland
Scientists from Polish University have developed an innovative method of glycerol hydrogenolysis using new type of catalyst and two solvents to produce propanediols. Glycerol hydrogenolysis and its propanediols are used in i.e. biodiesel, coolants, moisturizers, detergents, and protective coatings production. Scientists are looking for Research & Development units, and/or financial resources to conduct further tests. Technical cooperation, and financial resources are sought. MORE
PS CIP - IEE Biomass for Energy - Action Catalouge
Technology REQUEST from Denmark
Partners are sought for a project with the focus of creating an Action Catalogue on Biomass for Energy. The catalogue should focus on creating supply chain sustainability and at the same time ensuring optimal gain through job creation, reduction of GHG etc. on municipal and regional level. Proposers are seeking technical partners/multiplier organisations and local/regional/national planning authority partners, preferably from Scotland, UK, Holland and Belgium. MORE
Technology OFFER from Spain
A Spanish university research group has developed a test facility that simulates pressure and temperature conditions of altitudes near the stratosphere. The device can be used to test aircraft engines performance and is also suitable for extreme condition land transportation engines. The technology is fully developed, patented and a prototype is available for demonstration. The research group is looking for companies acquiring the technology and also open to further research and collaboration. MORE
Electro spinning equipment to make Nano Fibres
Technology OFFER from Europe
Nano fibres and NanoFibre spinning equipment, have a lot of uses especially in the development of surfaces for tissue regeneration. The process repeats itself creating a non woven material which can be collected. Almost any soluble polymer can be electrospun including natural polymers, polymer blends, nanoparticle and drug impregnated polymers. A UK research organisation is looking for partners who wish to use this technology. MORE
Photovoltaic system for small houses is requested
Technology REQUEST from Poland
A Polish company is looking for systems producing electricity from solar power. Systems are to be installed in small and medium residential buildings, easy to use, and with a possibility to combine with electricity network. Company is looking for solutions that are already on the market. License agreements, joint ventures, commercial agreement with technical assistance are acceptable. MORE
Solution of green electricity production with low head hydro turbines and no impact on environment
Technology OFFER from France
A French innovative SME develops and produces eco-friendly hydro turbines with permanent magnet generators with a high yield, as an efficient cost-effective and sustainable solution of electricity production for the residential or industrial energy needs with no impact on the ecosystem (fauna/flora). The turbines are compact, easy to assemble and can be installed at the unit, in series or in parallel increasing the power up to 200kW. The SME seeks Commercial Agreements with Technical assistance. MORE
Suitcase bike solution optimized for use in public transport
Technology OFFER from Sweden
A designer from an internationally well-known design University in Northern Sweden has invented a technological solution for a folding bicycle, optimally fitted for cooperation with public transport. He is now looking for commercial partners, bicycle manufacturers or similar, that are interested in commercial agreement with technical assistance, license or technical cooperation in order to take the bicycle concept to the market. MORE
Insulating Materials for Exhaust System Coatings
Technology REQUEST from United States
A large US company is looking for proposals for insulating materials to be used in coatings and the corresponding coating technologies for vehicle exhaust systems. They are interested in joint/contract development, technology licensing. MORE