Find some of the latest profiles on Enterprise Europe Network for partnersearch, new business at your doorstep published March 2012.
Enterprise Europe Network, with its 600 partner organisations in 50 countries, helps small companies find business opportunities across the European Union.
Some advantages are:
- Easy access to new technologies
- Less risk in developing new products or technologies
- Improve speed of development, time to market
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Low-cost LED driver, very high speed pulse up to 1GHz
Technology OFFER from France
A laboratory in Toulouse has invented a new electronic driver for LED based on only a few passive components and allows to drive standard LEDs at very high speed (up to 1GHz) with very good performances in terms of peak power. Advantages: low-cost, short pulses, high frequency, stability with temperature, ability to drive a large variety of LEDs. Industrial partners are sought to industrialise and commercialise the technology under license agreements. More information HERE
Technology of a heat resistant coating is offered
Technology OFFER from Poland
Scientists from North West Poland have developed a manufacturing technology of heat resistant, protective coatings based on aluminium to be used on e.g. aircraft engine turbine blades. Partner from industry sector to test and implement the technology is sought. License agreements, joint venture agreements, and commercial agreement with technical assistance are sought. More information HERE.
Application of artificial intelligence methods and models for creation of intelligence systems of operational switch control in power grids
Technology OFFER from Russian Federation
A science-intensive company from Moscow, Russia, found a new field of application of artificial intelligence technology for smart systems of operational switch control. This technology can be used in power grids. Implementation of this project will allow solving the problem of control of topology of advanced power grid, which have a lot of electrical power sources and consumers. The company seeks partners for further joint development. More information http://profielen.enterpriseeuropenetwork.nl/totrpublic/view/1240430.
Further joint development of a green bio-composite-based electric scooter
Technology REQUEST from France
French company has developed a new concept for innovative electric scooter integrating a novel bio-composite based on renewable ressources (linen). The company is now looking for technical cooperation for the development and manufacturing of a prototype, as a first step in the commercialization process. More information HERE.
Seeking innovative and functional packaging solutions and/or a variety of packaging capabilities
Technology REQUEST from Turkey
A Turkish company engaged in plastic packaging industry is looking for innovative, cost-efficient and functional packaging solutions in food industry. The company is willing to increase the portfolio of its services and product differentiation capability by launching new products to the market. The company is interested in all types of partnerships, including licensing, joint venture etc.More information HERE.
New Bainitic Steel 38MnV8, of high strength and double toughness than conventional steels, even at low temperatures
Technology OFFER from Spain
A Spanish public research organisation has developed a bainitic steel of high ultimate strength and yield strength and with a toughness approximately twice than the conventional steels (35MnV7 y 35CrMo4). This steel maintains very good mechanical properties at very low temperature. The steel can be used for the automotive components manufacturing as crankshafts, connecting-rods, steering rods… Industrial partners for licensing and exploitation of the technology are sought. More information HERE.
Ion milling technique for making truly 3D structures
Technology OFFER from United Kingdom
A university in the South-East of England has developed a novel technique for ion milling of truly 3D structures. Unlike conventional techniques, this technology offers vertical resolution of less than 1 nm, allowing faithful reproduction of rounded and complex designs at a 50 nm - 150 micron size range. The university is looking for industrial partners in the semiconducting, electronics, sensing or similar industries for joint further development of the technology or licensing opportunities. More information HERE.
Competences in LED lighting products for office buildings
Technology OFFER from France
A French SME, specialized in the field of LED lighting, has developed an innovative ceiling made of LEDs. The technology was developed for public buildings and offices. The main advantages of the technology are the low consumption and the improvement of the visual comfort. The company is seeking for commercial cooperation with technical assistance. More information HERE.
Radiation shielding composite product made from natural minerals.
Technology OFFER from Turkey
Turkish scientists developed a new specialty product that is an alternative radiation shielding composite building material replacing lead/lead based boards or plates that are currently used for radiation shielding. Product provides shielding against natural and/or artificial radiation and heat insulation features. Scientists are looking for technical cooperation, licence, joint venture or manufacturing agreements, commercial agreement with technical assistance or financial resources. More information HERE.
A technology of preparation of modified fuel and water-fuel emulsions for diesel engines, power plants.
Technology OFFER from Ukraine
A Ukrainian company has developed a technology for cavitational modification of fuel. It improves effective and environmental parameters of engines. Fuel consumption decreases by 12 – 20 %. The temperature of exhaust gases lowers, their composition changes: nitrogen oxides content reduces 1.5 to 2 times, soot particles 1.3 to 1.6 times, carbon oxides to 0%. The developers are looking for partners to finance the research and/or with ideas and for forming a consortium, and for the sale of license. More information HERE.
Single-photon counting flourimeter
Technology OFFER from United Kingdom
A Scottish Spectroscopy company with over 75 man-years experience in spectroscopy instrumentation, design and development, manufacture and customer support offers it single-photon counting flourimeter. The company is interested in technical co-operation and commercial agreements with industry + university partners covering a range of application areas (biology/life science, Physical sciences, food and beverages, Environment agencies, forensic, nanotechnology, pharmaceuticals + cosmetics). More information HERE.
New thin high performance construction material for the covering of floors, walls and various objects
Technology OFFER from Germany
A German SME developed an ultra-thin construction material with a stone look for the covering of floors, walls and all kinds of objects. It is light, durable and easy to clean. The company is looking for partners from the construction sector for licensng or commercial cooperation with technical assistance. More information HERE.
Easy recycable Green Printed Circuit Board (PCB)
Technology OFFER from Germany
An engineering consultancy located in the north of Bavaria, Germany, helps companies in finding new materials and improving their innovation processes. Their "green" Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs), made of thermoplastic polymer material, do not contain toxicological additives, are meltable and easily recycable. Application areas are mobile consumer electronics or avionics. The company is looking for partners interested in new applications and adapting the material to their specific needs. More information HERE.